A systematic assessment of multi‐dimensional risk factors for sustainable development in food grain supply chains: a business strategic prospective analysis
Published 2023“…The study finds that inability to incorporate advanced technology imposes the highest risk to sustainability followed by natural disasters. …”
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Experiences of Older Undergraduate Students in Higher Education: Constructions of Age and Gender
Published 2015“…I show that neoliberal imperatives, such as are contained in discourses of ‘Lifelong Learning’ and 'Active Ageing', become the standards by which individuals are measured and measure themselves. I find that participants’ age-associations, and identity-conceptions as an undergraduate student, have implications for relationships outside of the university and involve changed and changing identities. …”
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Thesis -
A collaborated genetic with lion optimization algorithms for improving the quality of forwarding in a vehicular ad-hoc network
Published 2023“…An enhanced genetic algorithm (EGA) is employed here to find the best possible path for data transmission which leads to meeting the QoF. …”
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A collaborated genetic with lion optimization algorithms for improving the quality of forwarding in a vehicular ad-hoc network
Published 2023“…An enhanced genetic algorithm (EGA) is employed here to find the best possible path for data transmission which leads to meeting the QoF. …”
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Development of a building information modelling (BIM) migration path model for construction professionals
Published 2018“…However, they failed to take the advantages of the BIM benefit as they are still trying to find the best way to take on board the BIM into current practices. …”
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Thesis -
Design and implement WSN/IOT smart parking management system using microcontroller
Published 2018“…With the rapid proliferation of vehicle availability and usage in recent years, finding a vacant car parking space is becoming more and more difficult, resulting in a number of practical conflicts. …”
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Thesis -
Framework of property rating practice for financing neighbourhood facilities provision in Nigeria
Published 2017“…It was recommended that the government should diversify revenue source from oil-based to harness all avenues like property rating at municipal level so as to finance neighbourhood facilities provision and maintenance. …”
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Thesis -
Heuristics method for truck disassembly process
Published 2020“…The Delmia Quest simulation software was used to validate the model between actual disassembly line and proposed heuristic rule. The model proposed apply heuristic rule to create better results compared to actual disassembly line in terms of environmental focus and productivity improvement. …”
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Thesis -
Realizing UWB antenna array with dual and wide rejection bands using metamaterial and electromagnetic bandgaps techniques
Published 2021“…This essentially transformed the antenna to a composite right/left-handed structure that behaved like series left-handed capacitance and shunt left-handed inductance. …”
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High-gain on-chip antenna design on silicon layer with aperture excitation for terahertz applications
Published 2020“…An open ended microstrip line, which is orthogonal to the metal slot-line, is implemented on the underside of the silicon substrate. …”
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Electric field emissions of FPGA chip based on gigahertz transverse electromagnetic cell modeling and measurements
Published 2016“…These results suggest a promising finding for a future EMI test of ICs with a cheaper GTEM cell.…”
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Thesis -
Deconstructing the mole: a sociological narrative study that explores the mole concept experiences of science students and lecturers, in the context of social justice
Published 2021“…The mole concept like mathematics has both an abstract and a concrete element, but unfortunately the abstract element pre-dominates the teaching and learning, which poses difficulties to both learners and instructors. …”
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Thesis -
Computationally-efficient path planning algorithms in obstacle-rich environments based on visibility graph method
Published 2018“…Path planning purpose is to find a collision-free path in a defined environment from a starting point to a target point. …”
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Thesis -
The difference in the skills employment, job training satisfaction and job engagement by training duration among NDTS Apprentices in Southern region of Malaysia
Published 2023“…In the absence of skills, employers are less likely to be able to find employment and are more likely to face skills-related unemployment, which decreases their competitiveness. …”
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My youth and love...
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Ephemera -
Internet of things security implementation using blockchain for wireless technology
Published 2019“…All the blocks are then send to the central processing unit, like a microcontroller. The block of data is then processed, identified and encrypted before send over the internet network. …”
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Thesis -
Wideband printed monopole antenna for application in wireless communication systems
Published 2018“…The antenna geometry can be approximated to a back-to-back triangular shaped patch structure that is excited through a common feed-line with a meander-line T-shape divider. The truncated ground-plane includes a central stub located underneath the feed-line. …”
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Design multilayer bandpass filter using hairpin resonator for digital broadcasting
Published 2015“…Filter is designed using Chebychev response with passband ripple of 0. 01 dB . Hairpin-line provides compact structures in the filter design . …”
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Thesis -
Novel metamaterial frequency discriminating devices for next generation wireless communication systems
Published 2013“…This was achieved using stepped impedance lines (SIL). No isolators were necessary using the proposed technique. …”
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Thesis -
In vitro bioactivities of anodised titanium in mixtrue of B-Glycerophosphate and calcium acetate for biomedical application
Published 2016“…After soaked and irradiated with UV in simulated body fluid (SBF) for 7 days, highly crystallised bone-like apatite was fully covered on the anodised surface. …”
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