Improving skilled workers' performance in construction projects in Nigeria
Published 2016“…Mean ranking and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used as tools to analyse the data. The findings shows that; low wages of skilled, lack of sufficient skill acquisition centres and lack of incentive schemes for skilled workers were the most significant causes of low skilled workers’ performance in the Nigerian construction industry. …”
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Thesis -
The self-assessment of hospitality employment skills among vocational students in Malaysia
Published 2018“…The results showed that the level of hospitality employability skills among vocational students in Malaysia were at high level of competent and importance (93.2%). Findings also revealed that male students are more competent in hospitality employability skills compared to female students in vocational colleges. …”
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Thesis -
The effect of peer firms determining firm capital structure: evidence from manufacturing in Malaysia
Published 2019“…Thus, this provides evidence that managers of the firms in manufacturing industry of Malaysia do not rationally weigh their peer financial policies; on the other hand, using higher debt in firm capital structure is associated with higher agency cost of debt. Moreover, the findings of the present study contribute into the literature of peer effects by validating, and extending the theoretical understanding for academic researchers’ as well as for managers and policy makers.…”
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Thesis -
Data redundancy reduction using sensitivity analysis method for machine-learning-based battery management system
Published 2021“…The newly discovered finding is applied to the ML-based BMS. In the development of the training dataset, a reduced-sized dataset is formed by excluding current, discharge time, and power from the training dataset for the real-time battery-parameter monitoring in BMS. …”
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Thesis -
The multistage homotopy-perturbation method: A powerful scheme for handling the Chaotic Lorenz system
Published 2010“…The HPM is treated, as an algorithm in a sequence of intervals (ie time step) for finding accurate approximate solutions to the famous Lorenz system. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Thalassaemia: a study on the perception of patients and family members
Published 2011“…Very few studies have been carried out in Malaysia thus far in relation to psychosocial aspects of thalassaemia patients and their immediate family members. Findings of studies conducted elsewhere may not reflect the true picture in Malaysia.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
MSCT assessment of blunt abdominal trauma in paediatric and adolescent patients: our experience in Hospital Tengku AMpuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang
Published 2009“…Although operative intervention in these cases were based on clinical criteria rather than imaging findings. CT information frequently increases diagnostic confidence of the surgeons and influence the success of nonoperative management in most children with solid viscus injury.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Identifying and overcoming the risk of fraud in the Malaysian electronic land administration
Published 2011“…Analyses of potential threats are provided based on evidences from various past researches and working papers, documentations, and field visits. Based on the findings, the researchers classified and described fraud existence, and suggested means of which such threats can be reduced through appropriate use of technology, policies, and strategies.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The role of values in determining graduates' employability and satisfaction of academic programmes
Published 2008“…It was also found that the satisfactory level on the effort to promote the learning of positive values accounts for the level of satisfaction towards academic programmes. The two findings show the significant role of learnt values in predicting graduates' employability and their satisfactory level with the academic programme. …”
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Book Chapter -
Cystic meningioma masquerading as a metastatic tumor: A case report
Published 2016“…The diagnosis of cystic meningioma is clinically challenging as the finding of multiple intra-axial tumors, including metastatic tumors, is relatively common. …”
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Article -
The multistage homotopy-perturbation method: a powerful scheme for handling the Lorenz system
Published 2009“…The HPM is treated as an algorithm in a sequence of intervals (i.e. time step) for finding accurate approximate solutions to the famous Lorenz system. …”
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Skills needs for regeneration professionals
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Other -
Management of large mandibular ameloblastoma - a case report and literature reviews
Published 2008“…Diagnosis mainly from tissue biopsy and characteristic findings on plain X-rays does assist in differentiating between types of ameloblastoma. …”
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Study of quality management in construction projects
Published 2011“…The research applies semi-structured interview approach with twelve project management practitioners. The findings of the study indicate that the state of quality management in construction projects in Malaysia needs to be strengthened and there are problems in relation to quality management implementation that require attention and further research. …”
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A case of an Aberrant branch from the posterior brachial cutaneous nerve to the latissimus dorsi: a vestigeal part of the dorsoepitrochlearis?
Published 2000“…Summary: During dissection, an aberrant muscular nerve to the small part of the latissimus dorsi arising from the posterior brachial cutaneous nerve was found. Based on the findings of the form and the innervations, the small part is considered to be a vestige of the dorsoepitrochlearis in mammals. …”
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Article -
Exploring audience response system: impacts in learning institutions
Published 2010“…This paper explores audience response system (ARS), benefits, disadvantages and challenges in learning institution environment. The findings shows that majority of the literature encourage the use of audience response system in learning institutions.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Single Polygon Counting on Cayley Tree of Order 3
Published 2010“…We showed that one form of generalized Catalan numbers is the solution to the problem of finding different connected component with finite vertices containing a fixed root for the semi-infinite Cayley tree of order 3. …”
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