Classical classification of divine rule (Hukum Shari'i): the denial off declaratory rule (Hukum Wada'i)
Published 2013“…This dissenting opinion in Islamic jurisprudence has been unsuccessful to the effect that it is hardly mentioned, and even when it is mentioned, it is mentioned in passing. …”
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Dry machining of brass using titanium carbonitride (TiCN) coated tool
Published 2013“…The machining for the dry machining reduced to about 25-76% per piece when compared with wet machining. …”
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Enhancement of low sampling frequency recordings for ECG biometric matching using interpolation
Published 2013“…These results are compared with the existing method when using ECG recordings with lower sampling frequency. …”
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Obama’s Afghanistan strategy: a policy of balancing the reality with the practice
Published 2012“…The Obama administration should have shared Secretary Gates’s fear that the Afghans will view the US as an occupying power similar to the Soviet Union when deliberating on sending additional troops requested by the US Commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Physicochemical and antioxidant characteristics of Baccaurea angulata fruit juice extract
Published 2013“…Physicochemical and antioxidant characteristics of B. angulata may indicate that this fruit may impart health benefits when consumed and can be suggested as a good source for nutraceutical beverages. …”
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Visual plumes coastal dispersion modeling in south-west Sabah
Published 2011“…The modeling results indicated that there would not be a significant change in ambient concentration for all constituents modeled when the effluent discharge is increased from 1,500 m3/hr to 2,400 m3/hr, as long as the current quality is maintained. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study on legal issues related to blogs businesses in Malaysia: a proposal for a regulatory framework
Published 2013“…From the business perspectives, it is good for the country 19s economy when more people are involved in businesses be it in micro or small scale. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effects of stimulus rate and electrode montage on the auditory brainstem response in infants
Published 2013“…No significant changes (P > 0.05) were noted in the wave V amplitudes in all electrode montages when the stimulus repetition rate was changed from 19.1 to 61.1 Hz. …”
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Extraction optimization and properties of collagen from chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) feet
Published 2016“…However, the enzymatic hydrolysis is more effective when the high nutritional value product will be produces based on the extracted material. …”
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The ideal graduate: fostering citizen participation through project-oriented problem-based learning
Published 2018“…Students find relevance and are more connected to what they learn when they are exposed to real-life situation. Thus is it important to provide students with the ability to participate and engage in various civic initiatives to allow them the opportunity to develop themselves. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Introducing takaful in India: An exploratory study on acceptability, possibility and takaful model
Published 2013“…It is not deniable that insurance has become part of parcel of our daily lives and it provides the benefits and protection to us when we are unfortunate. However, the concepts of riba (interest), gharar (uncertainty) and mysir (gambling) inherited in insurance principles and practices are prohibited from the Islamic perspective. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Architectural framework for mobile multicast support in wireless mesh networks
Published 2013“…Furthermore, the disruption in internet connectivity and loss of information when a mobile mesh client changes its point of attachment may lead to disruption in an ongoing session. …”
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Pilot study on the effect of Yasiin recitation on the haemodynamics of ventilated patients
Published 2013“…Two patients were still on ventilators when the study had been completed. Limitations in the study were observed and highlighted in explaining the equivocal results. …”
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Cellulolytic fruits wastes: a potential support for enzyme assisted protein production
Published 2013“…White rot fungus are valuable class of filamentous and spore forming strains capable of use as animal feed supplements when cultivated under submerged state bioconversion. …”
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Student satisfaction and learning needs in distant education: Towards lecturers’ pedagogical strategies and attitude
Published 2013“…However, the system can only be accepted by students when there are effective teaching strategies. Further, learning structure must be well-structured to enable students to persist and maintain their engagement in the e-learning environment. …”
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Mudarabah capital from multiple investors in investment accounts: scope and consequences in Islamic law
Published 2013“…This could indicate permission for mixing funds invested at different stages when overall permission had been obtained. Similarly, mixing mudārabah funds with funds of the mudārib could be valid according to the majority of schools with express permission of investors. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Torbangun (Coleus amboinicus Lour) extracts affect microbial and fungus activities
Published 2013“…The result indicates that the extracts are rich sources of phytochemicals and antioxidants from the listed plants. When the effect of the extracts was assessed on microbial and fungal activities it was observed that the effect was more pronounced on the gram-positive bacteria compared to gram-negative bacteria. …”
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The effect of khat on sperm count and motility in parental mice and their offspring
Published 2011“…Male parent mice were killed at the 4th and 8th weeks of treatment, and their male offspring were killed when they reached maturity age (6-8weeks). Physiologicalexamination of the sperm solution showed that there was a significant increase in sperm count and motility after 4 and 8 weeks of khat treatment, and in their adult offspring.Furthermore, histological changes were found in testicular sections of the adult male mice. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of road hump in reducing speed of motorcars in a residential area in Kuala Lumpur
Published 2013“…As local streets are intended to provide primarily land-access services, hence, when traffic begins to use local streets for through movements, traffic volume and speed levels become incompatible with this primary function. …”
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Common management of investment capital from different investors in Mudarabah: scope of validity and consequences in Islamic law
Published 2013“…This could possibly indicate permissibility of mixing funds invested at different stages when overall permission had been obtained. The procedure adopted in this regard in the investment accounts run by Islamic banks requires further research and scrutiny. …”
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