Analysis of multiexponential transient signals using interpolation-based deconvolution and parametric modeling techniques
Published 2003“…However, the real-time implementation of this algorithm poses some diflculties since nonlinear transformation is involved in such analysis. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Vibration Faults Simulation System(VFSS): a lab equipment to aid teaching of Mechatronics Courses
Published 2004“…VFSS has been successfully used to demonstrate some vital concepts in the teaching of DSP, sensor and actuators and mechanical vibration since data are acquired from the physical system and are analyzed to derive information on the system under investigation. …”
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Article -
The relevancy and admissibility of evidence obtained through unlawful means: a comparative legal appraisal
Published 2004“…In support of the admissibility of such evidence it is argued that since its reliability is normally not affected by the manner in which it was obtained, it ought not to be rejected since the consequence would often be that a guilty person would be acquitted. …”
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Rights of an arrested person to counsel: is it not a case of too little too late?
Published 2005“…It becomes necessary then to discuss as to how long might an arrested person be detained in police custody since the computation of time for the first 24 hours does not include weekly holiday and public holiday. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A FEER model for the equilibrium Chinese yuan/US dollar real exchange rate
Published 2009“…The empirical results show that both the sustainable and trend current account surpluses have been steadily rising since the early 1990s. Chinese exports appear to be more price elastic, while imports are more income elastic. …”
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Legacy, sustainability and Olympism: crafting urban outcomes at London 2012
Published 2014“…Seen against that background, this paper opens with an historical overview that spans the period since the re-establishment of the Olympics in 1896. …”
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Effectiveness of industrialised building system (IBS) implementation for Malaysian Construction Industry
Published 2009“…Therefore, Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) has been actively promoting the use of Industrialised Building System (IBS) in Malaysian Construction Industry since 1998. Unfortunately, the used of IBS for building project in Malaysia is still limited if compared to CIDB's target. …”
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Thesis -
Thousands are sailing
Published 2000“…Programme for a one-day event 'remembering the journey of hundreds of thousands of Irish people that since 1945 made their lives in Britain' organised by the Wolfe Tone Society and held in London on 9 September 2000.…”
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Pamphlet -
Modified anfis architecture with less computational complexities for classification problems
Published 2018“…Furthermore, researchers have mainly used metaheuristic algorithms to avoid the problem of local minima in standard learning method. …”
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Thesis -
Warm mix asphalt incorporated with cup lump rubber and palm oil fuel ash
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Ultrasonic and electroplating approach for washcoat of γ-alumina and nickel oxide (nio) catalyst on fecral substrate for catalytic converter
Published 2018“…Therefore, the main objective of this study are to embed γ-Al2O3 into substrate, to improve thermal stability as well as to improve conversion efficiency of exhaust gas emission. …”
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Thesis -
Transfer of Islamic banking knowledge from GCC Islamic bank headquarter to its subsidiary in Malaysia
Published 2017“…This is followed by interviews that were conducted with the respondents to investigate the model’s constructs and then to analyse the generated propositions in order to address the main research questions. This study tested the research propositions and found that, the integration between HQ bank and its subsidiary bank, the strategic role and the ability of the subsidiary bank to engage in Islamic banking knowledge transfer are related to the development of Islamic banking knowledge transfer capabilities. …”
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Thesis -
Assessment of residential satisfaction in high-rise condominium and terrace housing: case studies from Kuala Lumpur
Published 2012“…The research objectives and the questions were formulated based on a dynamic interaction approach which includes three main processes- cognitive, affective and behavioral. …”
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Monograph -
Religion, environmental ethics and global climate change
Published 2009“…Records show that surface temperatures have risen about lAO F (0.7 0c) since the early twentieth centuty, and that about 0.9 OF (0.5 0c) of this increase has occurred since 1978. …”
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Book Chapter -
High speed end milling of silicon using diamond coated tools with air blowing
Published 2011“…Chemical etching can also be avoided since cutting is conducted in full ductile mode resulting in further reduction of processing time and cost. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A Comparative study between Muhammad Iqbal’s and Robert Browning’s Concerns with free-will versus determinism within the contexts of aestheticism and ethics
Published 2012“…The uncertainty of human knowledge, teaches the poet, is a necessary condition of moral growth; since complete knowledge will destroy the liberty of human choice.” …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A model for ensuring data confidentiality: In healthcare and medical emergency
Published 2011“…Multilevel security is needed in Healthcare and Medical Emergency since its database contains information of various confidentiality levels. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Reduction of energy consumption by AC due to air tightness and ventilation strategy in residences in hot and humid climates
Published 2012“…This paper proposes strategies for reducing energy consumption for cooling in residences in hot and humid climates.Based on the results of fieldwork measurements and questionnaire surveys, a simulation of indoor thermal environments in consideration of AC operation was carried out, in order to evaluate energy consumption by AC.This simulation program takes into account both heat and moisture conductivity in building materials.The combined effects of building air-tightness and the opening time of doors and windows for ventilation were examined.Making the entire building airtight results in a small reduction in energy consumption, since the air-conditioned area increases.Irrespective of this, night-time ventilation of non-air-conditioned spaces is quite effective in reducing sensible cooling load.Since energy consumption for cooling is expected to increase rapidly in hot and humid areas along with economic growth and improvement of indoor environment quality, introduction of not only a high degree of insulation but also air-tightness along with well controlled ventilation is required to achieve energy savings. …”
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Article -
The genesis of Persian and Urdu languages and literatures in India
Published 2015“…The Indian subcontinent has contained a vast array of ethnicities, cultures, traditions and languages since the beginning of civilisation. While classical Indian civilisation was based on Sanskrit, the sacerdotal language of the Brahmins, this sacred language did not affect the general mass of people, nor literature beyond a privileged elite. …”
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Article -
Quantity surveyors in green construction: threats and challenges
Published 2014“…It is a cooperative responsibility of all stakeholders within the industries since most of the challenges are interrelated with various factors and forces.…”
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Proceeding Paper