The potential of date palm kernel oil
Published 2009“…Thus, the initiation study of this project may generate a new source of special oil which could be able to support the global demands of Halal source of specialy oil as cosmetic ingredient since it had been proven that it has anti-wrinkle effect and is therefore of interest in anti aging skincare products.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modified dynamic gracilis neosphincter for fecal incontinence: an analysis of functional outcome at a single institution
Published 2010“…FIQL (mean, SD) showed significant improvement in all four domains in 14 patients who reported improvement since the year 2000. Conclusions: A modified dynamic gracilis neoanal sphincter for end-stage fecal incontinence helps restore and sustain continence with improvement in quality of life in the majority of patients. …”
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Sox-9 transient transfection enhances chondrogenic expression of osteoarthritic human articular chondrocytes in vitro: preliminary analysis
Published 2011“…It is believed that this preliminary finding has to be extended to develop its full potential since sox-9 transcription factor is essential for chondrocyte differentiation and cartilage formation. …”
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Hahnemann's principles and anthropology of transcendent philosophy: An observation in the light of Islamic sources
Published 2012“…Ever since human being lives within space and time, body and soul are inseparable twin. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Chatter suppression in end milling of Titanium alloy Ti6Al4V applying permanent magnet clamped adjacent to the workpiece
Published 2011“…The magnet is clamped together with the workpiece using the machine vise. Since titanium alloys are non-magnetic in nature this method could be employed. …”
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Book Chapter -
Application of Bay‘ al-‘Inah in Islamic Banking and Finance: From the Viewpoint of Siyasah Shar‘iyyah
Published 2012“…Islamic banking products have enhanced their popularity since the last two decades, have taken more attention in sector of banking and financing due to its characteristics and differences compared with conventional bank and have been trusted as a solution for the current crisis as well. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Protection of human rights and the environment: links and approaches
Published 2012“…This has led to a sizable number of internally displaced people who are left in vulnerable conditions in such countries since they are practically less resourceful. In view of this, international cooperation for conservation of the environment, resuscitation of its damage based on transfer of technology, transfer of financial resources and capacity building of developing and least developed countries become a sine qua non for ensuring environmental human rights and other related rights to every individual of the world. …”
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Scatter correction in Tc99m SPECT using effective attenuation coefficient and material filter technique
Published 2012“…Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) is one of the diagnostic imaging modality that has been increasingly used since last couple of decades for the diagnosis of diseases. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The state-profession relations in Bangladesh: The development of primary education and teaching occupation 1971-2001
Published 2013“…In other words, to what extent primary schoolteachers’ position in the country’s civil service system put them in an unfavourable situation to achieve qualities of members of a professionalized occupation; (b) to what extent different political regimes perceived primary teaching as a self-directing occupation i.e. extended the opportunity for greater autonomy in performing teachers’ professional tasks since country’s independence. I think these are main two questions need to be answered in order to explain the development of primary education in general and teaching occupation in particular i.e. demeanour and standards of what teachers do and material rewards as well as social prestige that have been linked to primary schoolteachers’ jobs. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The contextual integration and sustainable development of Kuala Lumpur’s City Centre waterfront: an evaluation of the policies, law and guidelines
Published 2010“…There are also attempts to reintegrate the rivers to the city since 1979. Based on a qualitative method, this paper employs content analysis and focus interview as the research tools to evaluate existing policies and guidelines available on the contextual integration between the waterfront and the urban river. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The littoral sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) of Guam re-assessed – a diversity curve that still does not asymptote
Published 2013“…Further sampling by Kerr’s lab since the workshop has added additional records. …”
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The acceptance of TV Islamic reality shows by the Malay community
Published 2012“…Reality television has become increasingly popular since the past few years among viewers and television producers alike due to their own individual reasons. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Peace psychology
Published 2013“…Since the inception of modern psychology, psychologists have distinguished between thoughts and actions. …”
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Book Chapter -
The effects of tawhidic paradigm in managing business and the natural environment sustainability
Published 2013“…The study offers an integrative framework of business, the natural environment and sustainability from Tawhidic paradigm, the relationship between human beings and the environment. Since the nature of the study is explorative, the research design fits into the constructionism research paradigm. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Exposure and impact of TV Islamic reality show among Malay community
Published 2013“…The most popular one, Imam Muda, has successfully reached its target when the program has been viewed by a large of number of audience and broadcasted for the third season since its inception in 2010. Despite its popularity, there is no effort done to examine the effects of Imam Muda on its viewers. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The obligation of companies to pay Zakat in Malaysia: a re-examination of the maelstrom of legal issues
Published 2013“…Since the emergence of the principle of separate legal entity in modern company law as established in the locus classicus of Salomon v. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Single-Step Bioconversion of Unhydrolyzed Cassava Starch in the Production of Bioethanol and its Value-Added Products
Published 2012“…The global economic recession that began in 2008 and continued into 2009 had a profound impact on world income (as measured by GDP) and energy use. Since then the price of the energy supply by conventional crude oil and natural gas production has been fluctuating for years which has resulted in the need to explore for other alternative energy sources. …”
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Book Chapter -
Assessing the antecedents of customer loyalty on healthcare insurance products: Service quality; perceived value embedded model
Published 2016“…Originality/value: This paper has tried to provide a comprehensive understanding about customers’ loyalty under the perspective of service quality and perceived values context in the Malaysian health care insurance industry. Since there was a lack of such research in Malaysian health insurance context, this research can provide theoretical contribution and managerial basis for future researches as well as implications for the managers. …”
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