Islamic finance in Australia: the potential problems and prospects
Published 2010“…Through examining the above the paper seeks to argue that since the principles Islamic finance differ from its conventional counterparts a separate legal framework should be established to facilitate its growth and development in the Australian financial market. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Formulation of topical dosage form of Pangasius sutchi and their wound healing activities
Published 2011“…Fish oil is associated with many promising health benefit since it contains an essential fatty acid called ω fatty acid (1, 2). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The first Yoruba translation of the Qur’an: a study of Reverend M. S. Cole’s work
Published 2011“…It will provide an analytical study of selected Qur‘anic verses on historical narratives and theological issues as conceptual terms translated in Cole‘s work. Since Cole relied heavily on English translations, with little, if any, grounding in the Arabic language, the linguistic aspects of the translation and the context in which it was produced will be explored. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Propagation of religious doctrines to Muslims: a legal perspective
Published 2010“…Islam does not compel anyone to embrace it but it does not tolerate apostasy, 1 which is incompatible with its sacred nature as a divinely revealed religion that is based on immutable principles. 2 Since apostasy is prohibited in Islam, any move to encourage apostasy, such as the propagation of other religious doctrines and beliefs among Muslims, must be controlled and restricted. …”
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Article -
Arab navigation in the Indian Ocean before European dominance in South and Southeast Asia : a historical study
Published 2010“…The lands along the Oceania(littoral of the Indian Ocean)Arabia,India, Malaya and Indonesia enjoyed unique importance since the dawn of civilization. From the very beginning Arabs and Persians were linked through the lucrative maritime trade with the people of East Africa,the Western Indian coast,even upto Southeast Asia upto the coast of China. …”
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Linear and nonlinear models of heredity for blood groups and rhesus factor
Published 2010“…For simplicity, we will consider only positive Rhesus factors, since the portion of the population with negative Rhesus is around 1%. …”
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Article -
Accumulation of metals in the gills of tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus) from in vitro toxicology study
Published 2010“…It was also proven from this study that fishes exposed to longer period with minimal concentration tend to accumulate less heavy metal in gills since the heavy metals are transported to other parts of the body.…”
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Article -
Mechanism in the clot formation of horseshoe crab blood during bacterial endotoxin invasion
Published 2010“…Based on the above perspective review of literature was established to elucidate the compounds involved in the clot formation in horseshoe crab blood while encountering with bacterial endotoxin. Since LAL preparation is important for its application in clinical, pharmaceutical, public health and environmental areas, this paper will also discuss some molecular level details in Lysated Amebocyte interaction in clot formation…”
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Article -
Optimization of process factors for solid-state bioconversion of domestic wastewater sludge
Published 2004“…Since optimization of operational parameters is the key factor for solid-state bioconversion (SSB) by microorganisms, the growth,proliferation and establishment of two compatible mixed fungal cultures, Trichoderma harzianum with Phanerochaete chrysosporium 2094 and T. harzianum with Mucor hiemalis were evaluated under di6erent operational parameters for conducting e7ciently the SSB of domestic wastewater sludge. …”
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Article -
Corporate image of Islamic banks in Malaysia: an institutional theory approach
Published 2010“…More importantly, this study adopts the institutional theory approach since those banks offering Islamic banking products and services are considered homogenous. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The equality of religions: a preliminary response
Published 2010“…Therefore, there is no such thing to discriminate or degrade others since all are Gods creations that receive blessings or graces from Him alone. …”
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Article -
Possibility of conducting Ijma` in the contemporary world
Published 2010“…On the other hand, different types of new human problems and issues emerge everyday from the onset of modern times. Since Islam is considered to be a complete and continuing code of life, it should be able to provide solutions and rulings for these new issues. …”
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Article -
Handwritten Arabic word recognition: A review of common approaches
Published 2008“…Yet the database used was too small compared to the huge size of Arabic texts, which gives way to other approaches to be developed based on a bigger database. Since handwriting recognition is such a large subject, there is plenty of scope for the work in this field. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
New potential of biomaterials from kenaf fibre biomass
Published 2010“…Kenaf is found to be naturally resistant to breakdown to its structural sugars since it is a lignocellulosic material. Thus, it needs to undergo pre-treatment process either by mild acid hydrolysis or base hydrolysis in order to liberate glucose. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The scholarship of inter-faith engagement with others in the writings of contemporary muslim scholars
Published 2009“…The acts of pride, arrogance, superiority, selfishness, enmity and disrespect for others, have created since the very beginning of human history a very hostile environment, which has been an immense obstacle for the construction of a friendly and mutual engagement among people. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The influence of Islam on Albanian culture
Published 2011“…The Islamization process of the Albanian culture was very crucial for the Albanians themselves as it gave them a new identity, which they lacked since their settlement on the Adriatic shores. According to history, Albanians, the biggest Muslim nation dwelling in the Balkans, South-East of Europe, are believed to be the descendents of the ancient Illyrians, who settled in Europe around 2500 years ago. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
How attractive is Shariah Index Fund?
Published 2009“…This study aims to analyze and evaluate the performance aspects of the Kuala Lumpur Shariah Index (KLSI) as compared to KLCI and RHB Islamic Index (RHBII) since April 1999 until June 2005, in order to complement the promising outlook of a shari'ah index fund. …”
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Book Chapter -
Small claims court's procedure for small claims business dispute
Published 2006“…The cost involving in bringing the case to court, the involving court's papers which to a layman are difficult to draft and prepare, and further, the need to have an advocate and solicitor would accumulatively mean that it is not worth the trouble to pursue the matter since it has become 'too costly'. It is best and cheaper to simply rely on diplomacy, patient and luck in getting the money due and owing from the scrupulous guy. …”
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Article -
Chemometrics fuzzy autocatalytic set method for halal authentication of gelatin
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -