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Intelligent Solutions for Sustainable Power Grids /
Published [202“…Academic scholars engaged in power system research find themselves at the forefront of addressing issues such as energy source estimation, coordination in dynamic environments, and the effective utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. …”
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software, multimedia -
Dynamics in blue emitting metal halide perovskites for light emitting diodes
Published 2023“…We continue by investigating the role of Br/Cl-alloying on device efficiency and stability in green to blue emitting perovskite LEDs. We find that chloride incorporation, while having only a minor impact on efficiency at moderate levels, detrimentally affects device stability even in small amounts. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Meta-cognitive learning algorithm for neuro-fuzzy inference systems
Published 2014“…Neuro-fuzzy systems are learning machines that employ algorithms derived from artificial neural networks to find the parameters of a fuzzy inference system. …”
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Thesis -
《虬髯客传》的古今诠释 : 以《虬髯客传》、《虬髯翁》和《风尘三侠之红拂女》为例 = Retelling “The legend of curled beard” : examples from Tang, Ming and Contemporary...
Published 2015“…This research will attempt to find out the various factors that cause the change in plot and the way the story is retold, such as the objectives of the writers and the need of the audiences.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Road damage detection for autonomous driving vehicles using YOLOv8 and salp swarm algorithm
Published 2025“…Therefore, improving the road damage detection model in autonomous vehicles is crucial for enhancing their decision-making capabilities and reducing road accidents. Finding suitable sets of hyperparameters for this task is time-consuming. …”
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Article -
How Physical Proximity Shapes Complex Social Networks
Published 2021“…Here we focus on a different dimension: rather than the strength of links, we study physical distance between individuals when a link is activated. The findings presented here are based on a dataset of proximity events in a population of approximately 500 individuals. …”
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Article -
Judging facts, judging norms: Training machine learning models to judge humans requires a modified approach to labeling data
Published 2024“…We identify a core potential failure, finding that annotators label objects differently depending on whether they are being asked a factual question or a normative question. …”
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Article -
Probing transverse momentum dependent structures with azimuthal dependence of energy correlators
Published 2024“…Furthermore, we extend our formalism to explore the two-point energy correlation between hadrons with different quantum numbers $${\mathbb{S}}_{i}$$ in the back-to-back limit $$\langle {\mathcal{E}}_{{\mathbb{S}}_{1}}\left({\widehat{n}}_{1}\right){\mathcal{E}}_{{\mathbb{S}}_{2}}\left({\widehat{n}}_{2}\right)\rangle $$ . We find that in the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) region the nonperturbative information is entirely encapsulated by a single number. …”
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Article -
Long-term equilibrium in electricity markets with renewables and energy storage only
Published 2024“…We solve this problem analytically and find least-cost and market equilibrium conditions that lead to the optimal capacities of VRE and EES. …”
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Article -
Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with a hidden Markov model in O3 LIGO data
Published 2024“…In the frequency range searched, from 60 to 500 Hz, we find no evidence of gravitational radiation. This is the most sensitive search for Scorpius X-1 using a HMM to date. …”
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Article -
Intercity connectivity and urban innovation
Published 2024“…In China, models with social media and mobility networks explain more heterogeneity in the scaling of innovation, whereas in the United States, scientific collaboration plays a more significant role. These findings support the significance of a city's position within the intercity network in shaping its success in innovative activities.…”
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Article -
Compositional dependence of spintronic properties in Pt/GdCo films
Published 2024“…We conduct two types of domain wall motion experiments on patterned racetracks to determine the effective spin Hall angle and current-driven domain wall mobility. We find a 5× increase in effective spin Hall angle with increasing Gd concentration, suggesting an improvement in spin transfer efficiency in rare earth materials. …”
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Article -
Low-cost machine learning prediction of excited state properties of iridium-centered phosphors
Published 2024“…We instead leverage low-cost machine learning (ML) models and experimental data for 1380 iridium complexes to perform these prediction tasks. We find the best-performing and most transferable models to be those trained on electronic structure features from low-cost density functional tight binding calculations. …”
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Article -
Lineage-level within-species dynamics in the human facial skin microbiome
Published 2024“…In Chapter 3, I use these data to observe natural transmission events and assembly dynamics of the facial skin microbiome. I find that the gain and loss of individual C. acnes and S. epidermidis lineages underlies their apparent stability at the species level, and that these dynamics also change throughout the human lifespan. …”
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Thesis -
Rapid Simulation of Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Deformation of Li-ion Batteries Based On Porous Electrode Theory
Published 2024“…The computational model is parameterized using values gathered from literature, tested under varying conditions, briefly compared to real-world observations, and qualitatively analyzed to find parameter-output relations.…”
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Article -
Proton-coupled electron transfer at SOFC electrodes
Published 2024“…This theory was used to study the current–voltage characteristics of the Ni/gadolinium-doped ceria electrode in H2/H2O(g), where we find excellent validation of this novel model. These results yield the first reported quantification of the solvent reorganization energy for an SOFC material and suggest that the three-phase boundary mechanism is the dominant pathway for charge transfer at cermet electrodes.…”
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Article -
Thermal proteome profiling of breast cancer cells reveals proteasomal activation by CDK4/6 inhibitor palbociclib
Published 2024“…Loss of ECM29 activates the proteasome, blocks cell proliferation, and induces a senescence‐like phenotype. Finally, we find that ECM29 mRNA levels are predictive of relapse‐free survival in breast cancer patients treated with endocrine therapy. …”
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Article -
Computational discovery of microstructured composites with optimal stiffness-toughness trade-offs
Published 2024“…Without any prescribed expert knowledge of material design, our approach implements a nested-loop proposal-validation workflow to bridge the simulation-to-reality gap and find microstructured composites that are stiff and tough with high sample efficiency. …”
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Article -
Mechanisms that promote the evolution of cross-reactive antibodies upon vaccination with designed influenza immunogens
Published 2024“…Here, we develop a computational model to interrogate antibody evolution by affinity maturation after immunization with two types of immunogens: a heterotrimeric "chimera" hemagglutinin that is enriched for the RBS epitope relative to other B cell epitopes and a cocktail composed of three non-epitope-enriched homotrimers of the monomers that comprise the chimera. Experiments in mice find that the chimera outperforms the cocktail for eliciting RBS-directed antibodies. …”
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Article -