Virtual simulation and remote desktop interface for CNC milling operation
Published 2011“…Capability of remote operation is supported by an auto setup attachment with a reconfigurable pin type setup free technology installed on the table of CNC milling machine to perform unattended machining process. …”
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Substrate integrated waveguide cavity backed frequency reconfigurable antenna for cognitive radio applies to internet of things applications
Published 2019“…Reconfiguration of frequency bands is achieved using PIN diodes. The antenna resonated at 2.624, 2.664, 2.720, 2.752, 4.304, 4.532, 4.556, 5.236, 5.304, 5.368, 5.332, and 5.392 GHz. …”
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Salafism in Malaysia: historical account on its emergence and motivations
Published 2015“…The early brand of Salafism in pre-Malaysia Tanah Melayu, or Malaya, was the emergence of the early 20th century reformist Salafi movement, known as Kaum Muda, inspired by the Middle Eastern Abduh-Afghani Pan Islamism. Despite the differences between that and the current global Salafism they share the same roots. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Coumarins and chromanones from two Calophyllum species and their bioactivities
Published 2016“…Calophyllum is a pan-tropical genus belongs to the Guttiferae family and locally known by Malay local folks as'bintangor'. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Business in the Qur’an and Sunnah: its importance and guidelines
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
A study on thermal conductivity of six unexplored Nigerian clays for possible refractory and insulating materials
Published 2017“…Six clay deposit locations in Nigeria were selected namely Kpata, Riyom, Gombe, Aloji, Barkin-lade and Quan’pan. The samples were obtained through a two meters depth excavation method. …”
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Thesis -
Pembelajaran teradun dalam kalangan pelajar UTHM
Published 2020“…Dasar e-Pembelajaran Negara (DePAN) adalah kesinambungan daripada kajian semula PSPTN pada tahun 2007-2020 serta penyelarasan PPPM (Prasekolah hingga Pendidikan Lepas Menengah) pada tahun 2013-2025, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan dan memartabatkan sistem pendidikan tinggi negara. …”
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Book Section -
Preliminary assessment of salvadora persica whitening effects on extracted stained teeth
Published 2017“…After brushing under standardized condition using a brushing simulator machine, it was found that the staining of teeth buccal surface was reduced at least one tone of shade according to the VitaPan® shade.…”
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Comparison of microwave path lengths between temperate and tropical region based on effects of rain
Published 2012“…However, important parameter need to consider in the path reduction factor is the maximum e®ective path length for a particular link at speci¯c operating frequency. This paper presents the summary of allowable path length for designing terrestrial microwave link at particular operating frequency at temperate and tropical region. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An ontological framework for assisting people with disabilities in organisations
Published 2022“…The OntoCarer-Link-Ontology is an ontology of properties used to link the assisted actions with the assister actions, and so create an assistive social network for an organisation. …”
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Thesis -
Analysis of the Rain Effects on Terrestrial Free Space Optics Based on Data Measured in Tropical Climate.
Published 2011“…However, the feasibility of using FSO system as communication link very much depends on local weather. Since tropical region experiences heavy rainfall, rain with high intensity is expected to affect the FSO link severely. …”
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Ethyl 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-[2-(methylsulfanyl)ethyl]-1H-benzimidazole-5-carboxylate
Published 2012“…Weak C-HO hydrogen bonds further link these dimers into chains propagating along the a axis. …”
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An exploratory study on the special education and early intervention programme for autistic children
Published 2011“…Findings showed that both centres used a naturalistic curriculum model where activities carried out are mostly dealing with real life activities, while topics and skills are focused on sensory skills and children are taught to use their senses and attention span. Teaching methods used are a mixture of several latest teaching techniques currently being applied worldwide for autistic children. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Composite brake rotor: energy savings and wear performance
Published 2015“…Moreover, the wear performance AMC exhibited better lubrication contact which in turn improves the life span of the product …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of mach number on stiffness and damping derivatives for oscillating hyersonic non-planar wedge
Published 2014“…A strip theory in which flow at a span wise location is two dimensional and independent of each other is being used. …”
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A nation-state without the nation? The trajectories of nation-formation in Montenegro
Published 2007“…How can one explain a staggering change in public opinion on questions of national self-determination over such a short time-span? And, finally, what are the dominant discourses of “Montenegrin-ness”? …”
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Foreign exchange, fractional cointegration and the implied-realized volatility relation
Published 2007“…We begin with the empirical observation that the fractional order of volatility is often found to have confidence intervals that span the stationary/non-stationary boundary. However, no existing fractional cointegration test has been shown to be robust to both regions. …”
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Fiscal deficit and inflation: an empirical measure in view of Pakistan
Published 2023“…For this purpose, an Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) is applied to time series data time span from 1971 to 2021, collected from various national and international reports and economic issues. …”
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Exploration to find green building materials from recycled solid wastes
Published 2018“…Since the quantity of oil palm leaves and textile are abundantly available and have longer life span as compared to the rest, the oil palm leaves and textile are selected to be the based materials for the building insulation.…”
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