India’s Foreign Policy: Big Shift or Pragmatic Makeover?
Published 2015“…In light of recent events, especially President Obama’s visit to India and Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj’s visit to China, India’s foreign policy appears to have undergone a transformative shift since the heyday of Non-Alignment. …”
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Commentary -
“Cyber war” in the 21st century : the emerging security challenge
Published 2011“…The recent “Google spat” between China and the United States has brought to fore the possibilities of subverting the ‘cyber commons’. …”
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Commentary -
Three-part series : a German view where lies the moral authority?
Published 2015“…Abe’s statement of apology disappointed audiences in neighbouring countries, but as China celebrates its ‘victory’ 70 years ago, the Communist Party cannot claim the moral authority of the German example.…”
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Commentary -
‘New Way’ to Manage Sino-Indian Engagement?
Published 2019“…Buoyed by four summit meetings and the formation of a new people-to-people ‘mechanism’ in quick succession, China-India engagement appears to be on a firm track. …”
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Commentary -
The 3rd ADMM-Plus: Did the Media Get it Right?
Published 2016“…The decision by the recent ADMM-Plus meeting in Kuala Lumpur to scrap a planned joint declaration has been depicted in the media as another failure by the regional grouping to end on a positive note due to the South China Sea issue. This is not necessarily an accurate portrayal.…”
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Commentary -
Taiwan Strait Relations: How Far Can It Go?
Published 2016“…Breakthroughs in political and security matters, however, may be hampered by Taiwan’s domestic politics and the uncertainties in China’s response.…”
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Commentary -
Australia’s Foreign Policy White Paper: Dealing with Uncertainty
Published 2017“…The new Australian Foreign Policy White Paper sets an agenda that seeks to balance Australia’s economic and security interests between a more powerful China, its major trading partner, and a less certain United States, its major security partner.…”
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Commentary -
After the Phnom Penh AMM failure : Asean needs to regain cohesion and solidarity
Published 2012“…The failure of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM) in Phnom Penh to issue a joining communique shows the deep divisions in ASEAN over the South China Sea (SCS) disputes. This would affect ASEAN’s ability to deal with the emerging big power rivalry in the region, which could affect ASEAN’s unity and solidarity, and its role of promoting cooperation among its members.…”
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Commentary -
Nebular dominated galaxies: insights into the stellar initial mass function at high redshift
Published 2024“…Modelling the UV turnover with a DLA requires extreme column densities (𝑁HI > 1023 cm−2 ), and simultaneously explaining the high 𝑓esc,Ly𝛼 requires a fine-tuned geometry. In contrast, modelling the spectrum as primarily nebular provides a good fit to both the continuum and emission lines, motivating scenarios in which (a) we are observing only nebular emission or (b) the ionizing source is powering extreme nebular emission that outshines the stellar emission. …”
Journal article -
High-performance and low-complexity implementation of fixed-coefficient FIR filters
Published 2016“…Moreover, though the product-accumulation line of TDF FIR filters contribute significant amount of delay, it is omitted in most of the existing works. …”
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Thesis -
Understanding customer retrials in call centers: preferences for service quality and service speed
Published 2021“…<p><strong> Managerial implications:</p></strong> First, our research highlights the importance of recognizing customers’ off-line decisions, which are impacted by online service offerings and, in turn, affect future online service operations. …”
Journal article -
Members’ participation, empowerment and sustainability of self-help groups in Kano City, Nigeria
Published 2014“…Despite the potential of SHGs, there are certain factors that restrained the sustainability of these groups. In line with this, the study examined the relationship between group member’s participation, empowerment, member’s perception towards leadership and group cohesion, and sustainability of self-help groups. …”
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Thesis -
Unveiling the chirality of the quantum anomalous Hall effect
Published 2024“…Here, for the electronic structures of intrinsic QAHE systems, we show that the local Berry curvature is linked with the angular-momentum difference lδz of the inverted bands. …”
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Journal Article -
Dual-phase microporous polymer nanofilms by interfacial polymerization for ultrafast molecular separation
Published 2024“…Fine-tuning microporosity in polymers with a scalable method has great potential for energy-efficient molecular separations. …”
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Article -
A multiplicative Nakagami speckle reduction algorithm for ultrasound images
Published 2013“…A 2D total variation regularized Nakagami speckle reduction algorithm is derived based on the maximum a posteriori estimation framework, which performs well in restoring piecewise-smooth reflectivity and preserving fine details of the image. The proposed algorithm is verified by a series of computer-simulated and real ultrasound image data. …”
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Journal Article -
A communal furniture informed by the deprivation of Mauritian beach
Published 2020Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
A 9-bit, 1.08ps resolution two-step time-to-digital converter in 65 nm CMOS for time-mode ADC
Published 2021“…The proposed TDC uses body-biasing in the fine TDC to obtain the resolution of the entire TDC, which is simulated to be 1.08 ps. …”
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Conference Paper -
Of dreams and reality : chance on graphic design.
Published 2009Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP)