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Published 2014“…More than anything, “Glow” explores the possibility of bringing said imagery into the physical world and reconstructing them using the Procedural Lightpainting (PLP) technique. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Experimental animation : alucinari
Published 2015“…The project sees into production an abstract experimental film, which focuses on analysing and developing the use of various design techniques to bring into being an original animated film with a distinctive art style. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Facial Physio - The North of Scotland Parkinson’s Research Podcast Series
Published 2024“…Dr Cassie Terry, Reader in Protein Pathology and Dr Fiona French, Associate Professor of Computing and Digital Media, are developing a virtual reality application to rehabilitate facial muscles and help bring back the ability of a patient's face to reflect their feelings and personality. …”
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The Philosophy of Zen Buddhism /
Published [202“…But despite Zen Buddhism’s hostility towards theory and discourse, it is possible to reflect philosophically on Zen Buddhism and bring out its philosophical insights. In this short book, Byung-Chul Han seeks to unfold the philosophical force inherent in Zen Buddhism, delving into the foundations of Far Eastern thought to which Zen Buddhism is indebted. …”
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software, multimedia -
Published 2010“…From Germany comes Masterpiece, the tale of a priceless oil painting that has remained in the same family for over 200 years, until… To the Channel Islands, and Members Only, where a golf ball falls out of a Christmas cracker and a young man’s life will never be the same again… To Italy, where a young man trying to book a hotel room ends up in bed with the receptionist, unaware that she… To England, where, in High Heels, a woman explains to her husband why a pair of designer shoes couldn’t have gone up in flames because… Some of these stories will make you laugh. Others will bring you to tears. And once again, every one of them will keep you spellbound.…”
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Blitzkrieg followed by prolonged post war engagement : the epitome of future wars?
Published 2008“…Why did the exorbitant amount of precision guided missiles, satellite technology, space technology and secret edge technology invested in pursuing the war not solve the problem and bring about a lasting peace? The answer lies within the Remarkable Trinity. …”
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Thesis -
Manifest the unseen
Published 2018“…This project aims to question the stereotype of imperfections and hopefully bring about a change in perspective of imperfections, that by living in harmony with our imperfections then can we reach our greater potential.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Developing a lightscape application (using a raspberry PI)
Published 2014“…The project aims to develop a web application, which will be hosted within the Raspberry Pi, for controlling the brightness of constant light source from the high power LED via the Raspberry Pi’s General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins and gather optimal settings for projecting images with the Light Blaster. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Additive friction stir processing
Published 2014“…The continuous dynamic recrystalisation during FSP also gave finer grains, which was further enhanced with the addition of CNTs through Zener pinning effect. The improvement in tensile strengths due to finer grains through the Hall-Petch mechanism was insufficient to compensate for the drop in Orowan strengthening. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Causes of failure of negotiations in international conflicts.
Published 2008“…In order to suggest areas for improvement, I will bring together points that elaborate factors that may need to be collectively or individually considered during the negotiation process. …”
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Thesis -
The journey of ‘unite in laughter’
Published 2020“…The documentary is also exploring the use of archival materials, poetic imagery and soundscapes to bring to life the Singaporean identity that sometimes goes unnoticed.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Starvation, ferroptosis, and prodrug therapy synergistically enabled by a cytochrome c oxidase like nanozyme
Published 2022“…Nanozymes, which are inorganic nanomaterials mimicking natural enzyme activities, are bringing enormous opportunities to theranostics. Herein, a cytochrome c oxidase-like nanozyme (copper-silver alloy nanoparticle, Cu-Ag NP) is demonstrated for nanocatalytic cancer therapy. …”
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Journal Article -
Imprisonment, resistance and circularity in Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa
Published 2012“…This essay argues the circularity of the motif of imprisonment in Samuel Richardson's "Clarissa" where it is Clarissa's captors who ultimately suffers imprisonment rather than Clarissa herself. Bringing in Foucault, feminist thinker Beauvoir and Sartre's notion of "bad faith", this essay provides a reading of "Clarissa" in a continuing dialogue with earlier Clarissa critics like Margaret Doody, Terry Castle, Terry Eagleton and Maud Ellmann to liberate Clarissa from the much argued position of a victim rather than a triumphant resistant fighter who obtains a liberation her captors does not.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Introduction – Partition and the South Asian diaspora: exploring (inherited) memories and creative practices of remembering
Published 2024“…This issue was conceived at the juncture of intersecting commemorations of key historical events – 1947 Partition of British India, 1971 Bangladesh independence and 1972 exodus from Uganda – in South Asia and its diasporas. By bringing together articles focused on practices of commemorating these events, we propose that studying entangled memories of Partition and its associated events in the diaspora provides a distinct perspective, both in terms of creative and cultural practices of remembering and in terms of the construction of diasporic identities and belongings.…”
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Article -
Algorithmic discrimination and ethical perspective of artificial intelligence /
Published [202“…This book is the outcome of this symposium, bringing attention to the alarming issues of "bias and discrimination" prevalent in the application of artificial intelligence. …”
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Living Together Across Borders : Communicative Care in Transnational Salvadoran Families /
Published 2024“…The book demonstrates that these communicative practices bring inequities between Global North and South into family life by continually reproducing distinctions between relatives in El Salvador and those living in the United States. …”
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software, multimedia -
Published 2019“…This book helps clear the decks by shedding light on the shadow-filled, broken pieces of the reader's heart to bring them to an even stronger, healthier, more powerful place. …”
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Deconstructing the kiasu parent in Singapore
Published 2013“…This study seeks to rationalize the stereotypical images of the Singaporean kiasu parent using the structural-educational context of Singapore. I will also bring in new perspectives of childhood, such as the notion of the Athenian child, to explain their motivations to put pressure on their children at an early age despite their hesitations for doing so. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Spatial skill premium along the process of structural transformation
Published 2016“…Increasing demand for skilled workers induced by the skill-biased structural change, together with the increasing supply of skilled worker driven by educational reform exert an ambiguous impact on the skill premium, the relative price levels, and the resulting labor distribution in China. These bring up the questions: How will the changes in skilled worker demand and supply together affect the wage inequality and the social welfare over time? …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)