Frequency reconfigurable substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity F-shaped slot antenna
Published 2019“…Configurability is accomplished by embeddings PIN diode switches in the 'F' slot. The proposed antenna is equipped for exchanging between working band of 3.172 GHz to 3.606 GHz in four different narrow bands and it underpins the cognitive system for LTE2300, WiMAX and WLAN. …”
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The role of PADs in the biogenesis of prostate cancer microvesicles which play a dysfunctional role on DC biology and the therapeutic potential of skeletal muscle microvesicles on...
Published 2014“…Inhibiting the enzyme with pan-PAD inhibitor chloramidine, abrogated the deimination of cytoskeletal actins as well as reduced the release of MVs. …”
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Thesis -
Chemistry and biological activity of iron quinoneoximic complexes
Published 1990“…Hossbauer and magnetic studies indicate that Na[Fe(N-Acqo)j]-4H20 is a low spin iron(II) complex whereas the bischelates have properties indicative of the S - 1 spin state. …”
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Irrigation of acacia and eucalyptus species with waters of different salinities in a semi-arid environment in Formentera, Balearic Islands
Published 1997“…Irrigation volume and frequency were calculated by evaporation pan and tensiometer balance. No allowance other than winter rainfall (approximately 300mm) was made for leaching. …”
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Thesis -
Smart home control system design using internet of things based energy harvesting technology
Published 2024“…The objective of this research is to provide security for homeowners by facilitating fingerprints and PIN (Personal Identification Numbers) in entering the house, then in the event of a power outage, it activates the function of energy harvesting technology. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
An ontological framework for assisting people with disabilities in organisations
Published 2022“…The OntoCarer-Link-Ontology is an ontology of properties used to link the assisted actions with the assister actions, and so create an assistive social network for an organisation. …”
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Thesis -
A study on thermal conductivity of six unexplored Nigerian clays for possible refractory and insulating materials
Published 2017“…Six clay deposit locations in Nigeria were selected namely Kpata, Riyom, Gombe, Aloji, Barkin-lade and Quan’pan. The samples were obtained through a two meters depth excavation method. …”
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Thesis -
Pembelajaran teradun dalam kalangan pelajar UTHM
Published 2020“…Dasar e-Pembelajaran Negara (DePAN) adalah kesinambungan daripada kajian semula PSPTN pada tahun 2007-2020 serta penyelarasan PPPM (Prasekolah hingga Pendidikan Lepas Menengah) pada tahun 2013-2025, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan dan memartabatkan sistem pendidikan tinggi negara. …”
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Book Section -
Preliminary assessment of salvadora persica whitening effects on extracted stained teeth
Published 2017“…After brushing under standardized condition using a brushing simulator machine, it was found that the staining of teeth buccal surface was reduced at least one tone of shade according to the VitaPan® shade.…”
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Article -
Substrate integrated waveguide cavity backed frequency reconfigurable antenna for cognitive radio applies to internet of things applications
Published 2019“…Reconfiguration of frequency bands is achieved using PIN diodes. The antenna resonated at 2.624, 2.664, 2.720, 2.752, 4.304, 4.532, 4.556, 5.236, 5.304, 5.368, 5.332, and 5.392 GHz. …”
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A modified weight optimisation for higher-order neural network in time series prediction
Published 2020“…The MCS-MCMC results is further benchmarked with the standard Multilayer Perceptron, standard Pi-Sigma Neural Network (PSNN), Pi-Sigma Neural Network-Modified Cuckoo Search, Pi-Sigma Neural Network-Markov chain Monté Carlo, standard Functional Link Neural Network (FLNN), Functional Link Neural Network-Modified Cuckoo Search and Functional Link Neural Network-Markov chain Monté Carlo which emphasis in optimising the accuracy rate. …”
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Thesis -
The significance of perceptions and cultural engagement in the evolution of a European commercial and soft power diplomacy with the emerging Asian giants
Published 2017“…The focus of my submission is on external perceptions of Europe from the perspectives of the two new great powers in Asia: China and India. It spans over nine years of research. When the work started in 2006, the EU was in deep crisis just a year after the uncertainty that was unleashed by the rejection in France and the Netherlands of the then Constitutional Treaty. …”
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Thesis -
Electronically reconfigurable and conformal triband antenna for wireless communications systems and portable devices
Published 2022“…This is achieved by connecting two open-ended stubs to a modified triangular patch radiator using PIN diodes. The antenna’s performance was optimized using a 3D electromagnetic solver and its performance was verified through measurements. …”
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Article -
Neutral point inverter controller using H infinity techniques
Published 2014“…This can be achieved by using a neutral-point circuit that consists of a conventional neutral leg and a split dc link. In this project, a H infinity (H∞ ) current controller is proposed to force the current flowing through the split dc link to be nearly zero so that the neutral-point current is stable, and then, a current control loop is added to eliminate the imbalance of the current so that the neutral-point current is balanced with respect to the dc terminals. …”
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Thesis -
Words and facts: children's fast mapping, retention and extension
Published 2015“…It has been researched primarily in the field of word learning and evidence suggests that a pre-school child can link a novel word with its referent and retain this link up to 1 month later (e.g. …”
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Thesis -
The investigation of soil dielectric influence towards terrestrial background radiation
Published 2018“…The soil species identified were Kranji, Linau-Sedu, Selangor-Kangkong, Peat, Telemong-Akob, Holyrood-Lunas, Batu Anam-Melaka-Tavy, Rengam-Jerangau, Kulai–Yong Peng and Steepland soils. All the samples were dried, grinded and sieve into fine powder for the elemental compositions and dielectric properties measurement. …”
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Thesis -