Pembangunan modul pembelajaran kendiri pendidikan alam sekitar bagi pelajar sekolah menengah
Published 2003“…sf;ca/ Packages For socz'a/ & f e / : c e j (SP-S^ i^er^zoH 77.0 yang melibatkan skor min, peratus dan ujian t. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kesesuaian isi kandungan modul (skor min= 3.19), kesesuaian aktiviti (skor min = 3.18), tahap keboiehiaksanaan (skor min = 3.17) dan ciri-ciri mesra pengguna (skor min = 3.20) adaiah pada tahap yang tinggi. …”
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Thesis -
Extraction and characterisation of pectin from dragon fruit (hylocereus polyrhizus) peels
Published 2017“…Pectin from dragon fruit peels was determined as low methoxyl pectin and has high percentage of antioxidant activity with low value of inhibition concentration (IC50) (0.0063 to 0.0080 mg/mL). 60 min extraction sample exhibits the highest antioxidant activity (81.91 % at 40 μg/mL), followed by 80 min extraction (81.68 % at 40 μg/mL), 40 min extraction (81.38 % at 40 μg/mL) and 20 min extraction (81.31 % at 40 μg/mL).…”
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Article -
Experimental evaluation of new pipe sleeve with weep holes for concrete leakage prevention
Published 2018“…As a result, the weep-holes angle of 60° with 10% weep-holes surface area has recorded the highest water infiltration rate and water flow rate out of the mortar with 20.898 ml/min and 3.764 ml/min, respectively, obtaining the highest reduction of the moisture content by 3.1%. …”
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Thesis -
Kesediaan tenaga pengajar UTHM dalam melaksanakan Program 2u2i (2 tahun universiti, 2 tahun industri)
Published 2019“…Secara keseluruhannya, hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahawa tahap kesediaan tenaga pengajar dalam aspek pengetahuan (min=2.83), kemahiran (min=3.43), sikap (min=3.53) dan sumber (min=3.13) adalah pada tahap yang sederhana. …”
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Thesis -
Freshwater fish larval rearing system
Published 2010“…At least a pump is provided in the system for circulating the water from the first water tank to the second water tank and vice versa. It is an object of the present invention to provide a system and method for rearing freshwater fish such as sutchi catfish and African catfish or the like, which is capable of reducing cannibalistic activities among the fish. …”
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Patent -
Balance of payments constrained growth model: an examination of Thirlwall's Hypothesis using McCombie's Individual Country Method
Published 2006“…Furthermore, for some countries where its estimated and implied import elasticity are not statistically different, its estimated and implied export elasticity are statistically different and vice-versa.…”
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Article -
The impact of corporate social responsibility on human resource management practices in manufacturing firms in the southern part of Malaysia
Published 2018“…The study on how CSR would affect HRM or the vice versa has been of interest by many scholars. …”
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A study on removal characteristics of (Mn2+) from aqueous solution by CNT
Published 2009“…Different pHs are pH 6.0, pH 6.5, pH 7.0, pH 7.5 and pH 8.0, CNT dosages are 5mg, 6.25mg, 7.5mg, 8.75mg or 10mg, contact time are 10 min, 32.5 min, 55 min, 87.5 min and 120 min while the agitation speeds are 100rpm, 150rpm, 200rpm, 250rpm and 300rpm. …”
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Fabrication and characterisation of Cobalt Chromium Molybdenum (CoCrMo) foams using slurry method
Published 2018“…This was followed by the appropriate sintering temperature results which were 1000°C, 1100°C and 1200°C with heating rate of 1.5°C/min, 1.0°C/min and 0.5°C/min. Moreover, for the soaking time factor, the relevant durations were 60, 90 and 120 minutes. …”
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Thesis -
Physical, mechanical and environmental properties of fired clay bricks incorporated with palm oil mill waste
Published 2019“…However, lower heating rate (1°C/min) should be considered to attain excellent properties of brick. …”
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Thesis -
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of bioactive flavonoid from strobilanthes crispus (Pecah kaca)
Published 2010“…The studied parameters were pressure (100, 150 and 200 bar), temperature (40, 50 and 60 ◦C) and dynamic extraction time (40, 60 and 80 min). The optimum extraction condition occurred at 200 bar, 50 ◦C and 60 min. …”
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Kepemimpinan autentik dalam pendidikan teknik dan vokasional di politeknik
Published 2010“…Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Ketua Jabatan di Politeknik mengamalkan keempat-empat domain kepimpinan autentik iaitu kesedaran diri (self awareness) (min = 3.95, sp = 0.491), proses keadilan (unbiased processing) (min = 4.01, sp = 0.520), tingkah laku autentik (authentic behavior/ action) (min = 4.03, sp = 0.511) dan perhubungan keaslian (relational authenticity) (min = 4.06, sp = 0.525) dalam mentadbir jabatan di Politeknik. …”
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Kepimpinan autentik dalam pendidikan teknik dan vokasional di politeknik.
Published 2010“…Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Ketua Jabatan di Politeknik mengamalkan keempat-empat domain kepimpinan autentik iaitu kesedaran diri (self awareness) (min = 3.95, sp = 0.491), proses keadilan (unbiased processing) (min = 4.01, sp = 0.520), tingkah laku autentik (authentic behavior/ action) (min = 4.03, sp = 0.511) dan perhubungan keaslian (relational authenticity) (min = 4.06, sp = 0.525) dalam mentadbir jabatan di Politeknik. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Pembangunan dan penilaian bahan pembelajaran berbantukan komputer (PBK) berasaskan CD interaktif bagi mata pelajaran pemasaran 1 di politeknik
Published 2003“…Kesemua data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis 7MgHggM7MAaH AafMrfca/ PacAagay For ^ocM/J A r e a s ' ( S P ^ Per-sw/: 77.0 yang melibatkan skor min dan peratus (kekerapan). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan penerimaan peiajar terhadap CD Interaktif Pemasaran 1 (skor min=3.14), isi kandungan (skor min = 3.48) dan antara muka mesra pengguna (skor min =3.19). …”
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Thesis -
Keberkesanan pembelajaran koperatif model student teams-achievement divisions (STAD) dalam fizik terhadap pencapaian pelajar
Published 2016“…Setelah intervensi dijalankan, tahap pencapaian pelajar dari kedua-dua kumpulan meningkat di mana kumpulan kawalan meningkat ke tahap sederhana dengan min skor 56.77 manakala kumpulan rawatan meningkat ke tahap baik dengan min skor 60.62. …”
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Thesis -
Heterologous expression of Bromelain in Escherichia coli
Published 2011“…The enzyme fractions were purified using Nickel-NTA spin column. Purification fold and % yield of the purified lysate were found to be 35 and 75% respectively. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tuning of fuzzy logic controllers by parameter estimation method
Published 1993“…Fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) require fine tuning to match the rules to the membership functions or vice-versa. For the class of FLCs that mimic human process operators, the rule-membership function mismatch arises from the lack of information on the specifications of the membership functions. …”
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Book Chapter -
Filial piety in confucianism and Islam: a comparative literary analysis of Quran, Hadith and four Chinese classics
Published 2011“…Young members of the family must respect and obey the elders and vice versa. To Confucius, these virtues are the heavenly way and must be cultivated and developed accordingly as li (礼) or good manners from an early age. …”
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