The human intellect, divine revelation and knowledge based on Al-Qaradowi's work: al-'Aql wa al-'Ilm fi al-Qur'an al-Karim
Published 2011“…Al-anbiyÉ’ 21: 10); for not understanding the powers of AllÉh (S.W.T) in giving life and causing death (Q. Al-Mu’minËn 23: 80); for not realizing that the false gods worshipped by human beings could not bring benefit nor harm them (Q. …”
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µ-Patterning of Carbon Nanotube patterning of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) forest for MEMS applications
Published 2013“…In XY plane the tool moves continuously at 1mm/min speed. The movement of the tool on the CNT forest causes the CNTs to be bent and flattened in the direction of the tool motion hence the patterns are formed on bare CNT forest. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Characterization and multi-step transketolase-ω- transaminase bioconversions in an immobilized enzyme microreactor (IEMR) with packed tube
Published 2013“…With initial 60 mM (HPA and GA each) and 6 mM (MBA) substrate concentration mixture, the coupled reaction reached approximately 83% conversion in 20 min at the lowest flow rate. The ability to synthesize a chiral pharmaceutical intermediate, ABT in relatively short time proves this IEMR system as a powerful tool for construction and evaluation of de novo pathways as well as for determination of enzyme kinetics.…”
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Seeing patient longer at each consultation will improve their knowledge on diabetes but may not necessarily improve their diabetic control and metabolic parameters
Published 2014“…Twenty percent had longer consultationtime (15 -30 min). Only 2% spent more than 30 minutes with the doctor during a consultation.Those who had longer consultation had higher knowledge and overall KAP score.However, there was no significant difference between both groups in terms of attitude and practice score. …”
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Effect of chilled air on tool wear and workpiece quality during milling of carbon fibre-reinforced plastic
Published 2013“…Cutting speed of 160–200 m/min and a feed rate of 0.025–0.05 mm/rev on solid uncoated carbide during the milling process were discussed. …”
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Effective sludge dewatering using Moringa Oleiferaseed extract combined with aluminium sulfate
Published 2016“…Results showed that the optimum SRF value obtained from the first optimization was 1.1E+11 m/kg at dosageof 235.58 mg/L, pH of 6.5, and mixing time of 21.2 min at R 2 = 95.8%. For the second optimization, the optimum SRF value was 0.8E+11 m/kg for the ratio of 50:50 for alum and M. oleiferaseed extract. …”
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Biodiesel production from crude jatropha oil using a highly active heterogeneous nanocatalyst by optimizing transesterification reaction parameters
Published 2016“…The adequacy of the predicted model was verified, and a 98.54% JB yield was reported at optimal parametric conditions, i.e., 0.02:1 (w/w) catalyst ratio, 133.1 min reaction time, and 5.15:1 mol/mol of methanol to the pretreated oil. …”
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Extraction and purification of cytotoxic compounds from Premna serratifolia L. (Bebuas) for human breast cancer treatment
Published 2016“…Based on the generated equation, the best sonication processing condition to extract the cytotoxic compound is at 30°C and 67 min. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that duration of time has great influence (p<0.05) on the yield of crude extract, while both parameters, time and temperature significantly (p<0.05) affected the IC50 value of the plant extract. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparative study between hard bovine gelatin capsule and vegetarian capsule
Published 2011“…RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results showed that regardless of the ratio between disintegrant and filler, and regardless of pH of disintegrant media, the disintegration of the vegetarian capsules were consistent (4-5 min) throughout the study period (1 month) with stable physical appearance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Biosynthesized silver nanoparticles by aqueous stem extract of Entada spiralis and screening of their biomedical activity
Published 2020“…The best physicochemical parameters on Ag-NPs biosynthesis using E. spiralis extract occurred at a moderate temperature (∼52.0◦ C), 0.100 M of silver nitrate, 2.50 g of E. spiralis dosage and 600 min of stirring reaction time. The antibacterial activity was tested against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, and Proteus vulgaris using an antibacterial disk diffusion assay. …”
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Increasing the frequency of physical activity very brief advice for cancer patients. Development of an intervention using the behaviour change wheel
Published 2016“…This was not defined a priori but emerged during the development process. RESULTS: A 60 min training intervention, delivered in either a face-to-face or online setting, with follow-up at eight weeks, was designed to improve the capability, opportunity and motivation of nurses to deliver VBA on physical activity to people living with cancer. …”
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Non-functionalized oil palm waste-derived reduced graphene oxide for methylene blue removal: Isotherm, kinetics, thermodynamics, and mass transfer mechanism
Published 2023“…In this study, OPEFB biochar was mixed with ferrocene with a ratio of 5:1 (m/m) and oxidized under nitrogen flow at a temperature of 300 �C for 20 min, which resulted in 75.8 wt% of yield. The potential of the synthesized rGO as an effective adsorbent for dye removal from water and wastewater was explored using methylene blue (MB) as a model. …”
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Degradation of cephalexin toxicity in non-clinical environment using zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized in Momordica charantia extract; Numerical prediction models and deep learn...
Published 2023“…The ANN results indicated that 88.87% of CFX was degraded using 50 mg/L of MCZnO NP, 40 mg/L of CFX, at pH 9, and after 180 min. Simulation analysis revealed that MCZnO NPs were efficient in degrading CFX concentrations (up to 60 mg/L) with 100% removed depending on pH and time. …”
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