Immigration, politics and violence in urban France: between fiction and facts
Published 2008“…Semi-fictional accounts of immigrants’ life in the banlieues are a privileged source of information about the social distress that nurtured the explosion of urban violence. Reading between the lines of these representations helps grasping what happens underneath the surface of an overexposed situation of inequality that periodically morphs into violence. …”
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"Entrer par effraction": reading and writing subjects in Annie Ernaux's recent work
Published 2011“…I further construct discursive categories that reflect the various ways in which 'Ernaux' is constructed not only by devoted fans and detractors (as previous Ernaux scholarship has shown) but also more casual readers, whose voices are, in a contemporary setting, increasingly merged with those of the critics and, indeed, with that of Ernaux herself.…”
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Thesis -
Exploring narratives of exclusion from school: how adolescent boys and educationalists negotiate schooling, family and gendered discourses
Published 2015“…It shows how some boys through drawing on discourses of hegemonic masculinity and gender binary asymmetries construct themselves in ways that contribute towards school confrontation. The voices of practitioners show how they contribute towards tensions and how education policy is considered as prohibiting staff from working effectively with some boys. …”
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Thesis -
Lombok, Indonesia Earthquake: What Happened and Why?
Published 2020“…Earthquakes occur most often along geologic faults, narrow zones where rock masses move in relation to one another. The vital fault lines of the world are located at the fringes of the huge tectonic plates that make up Earth’s crust [1]. …”
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Book Section -
The immigrants
Published 2017“…In the first four films, through a series of small actions undertaken by costumed performers in different locations across the UK, an installation of filmed vignettes posits the futility of the border as a means of demarcating boundaries of identity, power and resources in an age of global capital flows, migrant labour forces, and environmental destruction that does not stop at abstract lines on a map. Masks drawn from sources as diverse as Romanian folklore and riot police spit masks, combined with props suggesting checkpoints and rafts, invert the hierarchies of border guards and asylum seekers, refugees in boats and Brexit flotillas. …”
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Show/Exhibition -
Green approach to treat institutional wastewater by using cassava peels starch (CPS) as coagulant aid
Published 2018“…Removal efficiency of dual coagulant (alum+CPS) were achieved at optimum dosage of 40:60 mg/L at pH 8 with 60 mins settling time with removal efficiency of COD (41%), TSS (86%) and Turbidity (91%). …”
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Thesis -
The role of translation in shaping media and political discourses in times of conflict : the Syrian "Spring" in context
Published 2015“…The selected texts represent newspaper opinion articles and indiscriminately reflect both voices of the conflicting rivals: pro- and anti-government. …”
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Thesis -
Array antenna for synthetic aperture radar operating in X and Ku-Bands: a study to enhance isolation between radiation elements
Published 2018“…The isolation wall comprises three intercoupled U-shaped microstrip transmission-lines. With this technique the antenna’s bandwidth for VSWR<1.5 is greater than 2 GHz inside the X- and Ku-bands.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Circularly polarised array antenna with cascade feed network for broadband application in C-band
Published 2014“…The array consists of 2 × 2 CPSSA elements and is fed by a novel feeding network consisting of the circuit stripline couplers and delay lines. The proposed feeding technique is applied to the 2 × 2 antenna array to increase the axial ratio (AR) bandwidth. …”
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Article -
Selective and non-selective excitation/ionization processes in analytical glow discharges: excitation of the ionic spectra in argon/helium mixed plasmas
Published 2014“…The presence of added gases in the plasma gas can cause major changes in the number density of plasma gas ions and metastable atoms and so affects the intensities of spectral lines involving selective and non-selective excitation & ionization processes. …”
Article -
The mediatization of celebrity politics through the social media
Published 2014“…As there has been a commodification of digital media services, the lines between politics and entertainment have been blurred. …”
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Space and place as constraints and resources in women’s strategies to escape domestic violence
Published 2011“…This paper will particularly explore three examples of such thinking about women’s spatial strategies: Foucault’s concepts of the spatiality of surveillance are used in understanding space as a constraint and appreciating what women are overcoming when they leave abusive relationships; Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of rhizomic networks and lines of flight are used in understanding space as a resource on the journeys themselves; and Augé’s concepts of nonplaces are used in understanding space as place, and recognising what needs to be counteracted to create new homes and a sense of belonging.…”
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Article -
Architecture, sinon repression: a journey through the narrow layer where the State meets the land
Published 2011“…Striation is the result of the intervention of man who, while colonising a territory, drew lines on it like on a wax tablet. This intervention progressively created homogeneity and facilitated movement through the territory. …”
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Book Section -
Deconstructing institutional racism and the social construction of whiteness: a strategy for professional competence training in culture and migration mental health
Published 2022“…As institutional theory perspectives continue to develop, solutions to complex social problems such as racism require embodied knowledge if the lines of authority and basic occupational routines are to be meaningfully renegotiated. …”
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Article -
Wideband microstrip quasi-elliptic function bandpass filter with high out-of-band rejection
Published 2019“…The design comprises stub-loaded halfwavelength resonators that are electromagnetically coupled to resonant structures that are interdigitally coupled to the input and output feed-lines. Perturbation introduced by the presence of the stub causes the resonators to act as a multimode device. …”
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Article -
Telling the story: what can be learned from parents' experience of the professional response following the sudden, unexpected death of a child?
Published 2013“…This study aims to restore the voices of parents to the field of sudden unexpected child death, by engaging directly with the emotional complexity and trauma of the experience and thereby improving practice. …”
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Thesis -
Becoming 'NEET': an exploration of marginalised young people’s trajectories and experiences
Published 2019“…This qualitative study examines the issue of becoming NEET from the perspectives of an immensely diverse group of young NEET people (including new arrivals to the UK), thereby prioritising the voices and experiences of those within this NEET group. …”
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