Faith and Finance: Multicultural Banks Versus Islamic Banks
Published 2010“…UM Financial in our over 5 year of retail Islamic financial products in Canada have come across many other faith groups where usury free products are requested. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fabrication of aluminium doped zinc oxide piezoelectric thin film on a silicon substrate for piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters
Published 2012“…The fabricated energy harvester generated 1.61 V open circuit output voltage at 7.77 MHz resonance frequency.The experimental results agreed with the simulation results. …”
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An appraisal of the performance of two (2) Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) in Malaysia
Published 2012“…This paper aims to assess the financial performance of two (2) Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) in Malaysia namely; Bank Simpanan Nasional or National Savings Bank (BSN) and Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia or Cooperative Bank (BR) for a period of 5 years spanning from 2006 to 2010. The DFIs are specialized financial institutions established by the government to achieve the socio-economic development objectives of the country through developing and promoting the key strategic sectors of the economy. …”
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Performance of the trim and fill method in adjusting for the publication bias in meta-analysis of continuous data
Published 2012“…A sensitivity analysis suggests that the trim and fill method will incorrectly adjust the data for publication bias between 10-45% of the time (for the 5% nominal level). Although the data was incorrectly adjusted, it was found that the Percentage Relative Bias (PRB) introduced into the estimates due to this adjustment is minimal (min: 0.007%, max: 0.109%) and coverage probability for estimates based on this incorrectly adjusted data is not significantly different from those of which is correctly not adjusted. …”
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Integration of environmental performance in a virtual reality framework: case study of Putrajaya
Published 2008“…In this climate, the shading issues, heat gain and radiation are a critical issue that has to be assessed through simulation and field work. However V. R can be useful to analyse such open areas or areas between buildings whose microclimate are considerably affected by the insertion of the building mass in the urban fabric. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Problem based learning in leaching mathematics to foreign students
Published 2012“…The researcher divided the students into small groups of 5 and presented 3 tasks in duration of 6 weeks. …”
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Chronic diseases and association with abnormal body mass index (BMI)among adults in Kg. Bukit sekilau, Kuantan
Published 2011“…The overall prevalence of hypertension (known and newly diagnosed) was 36.1%. In addition, 37.5% of the respondents were found to be obese and 31.7% were overweight. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Metabolomics profiling of extracellular metabolites in CHO-K1 cells cultured in different types of growth media
Published 2013“…CHO-KI cells producing IGF-1 were obtained from ATCC and grown in T-flask (37 °C, 5 % CO2) until 70–80 % confluent in RPMI 1640 and Ham’s F12, respectively. …”
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Neuroregenerative property of haruan (Channa striatus spp.) traditional extract
Published 2011“…PC12 cells were first cultured at 1x103 cells/cm2 density in 12 well plate in an incubator (5% CO2, 37°C), each containing 1ml of complete growth medium (Eagle’s Minimum Essential Medium with 10% foetal bovine serum), for 48 hours, to reach a 70% confluency. …”
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Extraction and evaluation of antibacterial activity from selected flowering plants
Published 2012“…The crude extracts of each plant (5 mg/disc) were tested against Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli using agar disc diffusion assay method. …”
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Daya anti bakteri ekstrak daun sisik naga dibandingkan dengan ekstrak daun saga, daun sirih dan kayu manis terhadap isolat bakteri dari penderita periodontitis kronis (Antibacteria...
Published 2009“…Result: Antibacterial effect test using disc diffusion methods on concentration of extracts were 5%, 10 %, 15% and 20% were shown bacterial development. …”
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Mechanical loading response in trabecular bone is abrogated by sclerostin - A direct demonstration
Published 2012“…The aim of this study was to examine the direct effects of sclerostin on loading-induced bone growth ex vivo. For this, 10x5mm bovine sternum trabecular bone cores were perfused with osteogenic media at 37°C for up to 3 weeks in individual bone culture chambers. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Sustainable river water quality management in Malaysia
Published 2013“…Surprisingly, the new regulation for sewage and industrial effluent limits set allowable NH3-N concentration quite high (5 mg/L), which may result in low Water Quality Index (WQI) values for the river water. …”
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Effects of food type on diel behaviours of common carp Cyprinus carpio in simulated aquaculture pond conditions
Published 2009“…Resting behaviour was only seen in tanks with artificial feed and even then was rare (2–5% of total time). Results suggest that C. carpio growth and feed utilization efficiency in semi-intensive aquaculture systems could be optimized by using a combination of plankton, benthic macroinvertebrates and artificial feed, and feeding fish twice per day (at c. 0730 and c. 1630 hours).…”
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Hukuman bagi kesalahan seksual di bawah Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Negeri Sembilan 1992: keperluan kepada hukuman yang lebih berat = Punishment for Sexual Offences under Negeri Sembla...
Published 2012“…Denda itu pula hanyalah sebanyak RM 5 ribu jika pesalah dikenakan denda maksimum, jika tidak, denda yang dikenakan adalah kurang dari jumlah tersebut. …”
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Aspects of trees and their influence in reducing solar radiation penetration to the ground
Published 2013“…Solar radiation readings were taken at human level of about 1.5m from the ground underneath the canopies of the investigated trees, between 11am to 3pm. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Protective effect of black seed nigella sativa (l.) Against cyclophosphamide-induced toxicity on reproductive and acrosomal function in mice
Published 2013“…Male Balb/c mice, aged between 5 to 7 weeks were divided into four groups, each of six animals. …”
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Undang-undang pekerjaan
Published 2007“…Pentadbiran Keadilan: Artikel Terpilih. 4. Trend Semasa 5. Undang-Undang Syarikat 6. Undang-Undang Komersial dan Pengguna 7. …”
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Undang-undang Islam : jenayah, keterangan dan prosedur
Published 2007“…Pentadbiran Keadilan: Artikel Terpilih. 4. Trend Semasa 5. Undang-Undang Syarikat 6. Undang-Undang Komersial dan Pengguna 7. …”
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Observation on void formed in oxide scale of Fe-Cr-Ni alloy at 1073K in dry and humid environments
Published 2011“…Fe-Cr-Ni alloy samples were exposed isothermally at 1073 K in air ((POO2=0.21atm = 2.1 × 10 5 Pa) and humid (air + steam) environments. …”
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Proceeding Paper