Book Review : Teresa Sacchet, Silvana Mariano and Cássia Maria Carloto (editors) Women, gender and conditional cash transfers: interdisciplinary perspectives from studies of Bolsa...
Published 2021“…Since the removal of the Workers Party from power in 2016, right wing governments have been cutting the programme. …”
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Article -
Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission-Line Based Wideband Antenna for WLAN, WiMAX and WiFi Applications
Published 2016“…The antenna is constructed using two CRLH-TL unit-cells to cover the frequency span from 3.1 GHz to 5.4 GHz, which corresponds to a fractional bandwidth of 54.11%. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Using alternative dispute resolution for managing disputes in joint venture construction projects in Malaysia
Published 2009“…JV's can generally be created for a single activity or project, and can be for a long or limited time span. JV's could be useful in times of global economic downturn and many parties tend to embark on JV projects to lessen the risks involved in their undertakings. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Multiple inputs artificial neural network model for the prediction of wastewater treatment plant performance
Published 2012“…Extensive influent and effluent parameters database containing measured data spanning over two years of period was used to develop and train ANN using ANN toolbox in commercially available software, MATLAB. …”
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Article -
E-waste : problems, Islamic perspective and solutions
Published 2011“…Consumer electronics devices contain many toxic materials that can have detrimental impact on public health and the environment, if improperly disposed. The life span of computers used to be decades, then years, and now often months. millions of computers, screens, and peripherals are being rendered obsolete after little more than a year of active use. …”
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Book Chapter -
Development of artificial nueral network model for the analysis of wastewater treatment
Published 2012“…Extensive influent and effluent parameters database containing measured data spanning over two years of period was used to develop and train ANN using ANN toolbox in commercially available software, MATLAB. …”
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Monograph -
Promoting Islam through research and publication: theses and journals
Published 2013“…Therefore, concerning the first component, the chapter will cover a long time span since the first postgraduate programme was launched. …”
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Book Chapter -
Estimation of stability derivatives for a planar wedge in the newtonian limit
Published 2014“…It uses the strip theory developed by Ghosh’s where span wise strips are independent of each other, to obtain the expressions for stiffness and damping derivatives in pitch for a planar wedge in the Newtonian limit. …”
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Article -
Fracture Energy Measurement in Different Concrete Grades
Published 2023“…This study aims to determine the fracture energy of concrete specimens with combination of notch depth ao at mid-span, design concrete strength as specified in the testing series. …”
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Article -
Published 2023“…The data set was compiled by selecting five-5 days’ news coverage after elections’ span i.e. 10th to 14th May 2018 by having 1,739 words in total to assess the immediate coverage after the election at the nearest time by employing van Leeuwen’s (2005) socio-semiotic framework by selecting ‘Dr. …”
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Article -
Published 2023“…The data set was compiled by selecting five-5 days’ news coverage after elections’ span i.e. 10th to 14th May 2018 by having 1,739 words in total to assess the immediate coverage after the election at the nearest time by employing van Leeuwen’s (2005) socio-semiotic framework by selecting ‘Dr. …”
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Article -
A proposed algorithm of random vector in measuring similarity for network topology of Bursa Malaysia
Published 2018“…The behaviors and interactions among the stocks in Bursa Malaysia are then determined by using the Forest of all possible minimum spanning trees. In this thesis, MK Land Holdings Berhad was found out to be the predominant stock in Bursa Malaysia as it displays a star-like structure and is located at the central hub of the network.…”
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Thesis -
Relation mining using cross correlation of multi domain social networks
Published 2015“…Criminal organizations are well-suited to be studied using social network analysis as they consist of networks of individuals that span countries and continent using false identities over different networks to remain anonymous. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An analysis of energy use, energy intensity and emissions at the industrial sector of Malaysia
Published 2007“…Malaysia is a developing country which has transformed itself from more on producer of raw materials to an emerging multisector economy in a span of 40 years. Growth was almost exclusively driven by exports - particularly of electronics. …”
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Article -
An appraisal of the performance of two (2) Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) in Malaysia
Published 2012“…This paper aims to assess the financial performance of two (2) Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) in Malaysia namely; Bank Simpanan Nasional or National Savings Bank (BSN) and Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia or Cooperative Bank (BR) for a period of 5 years spanning from 2006 to 2010. The DFIs are specialized financial institutions established by the government to achieve the socio-economic development objectives of the country through developing and promoting the key strategic sectors of the economy. …”
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Article -
Replacing the transit passage regime with freedom of navigation in the Strait of Malacca: a case study with special reference to the Korea Strait
Published 2013“…This article hence analyse the legal and political implications should the littoral States of the Strait of Malacca, namely Malaysia and Indonesia retract their 12 nautical miles territorial sea claim in the Strait of Malacca to 3 nautical miles, leaving exclusive economic zone (EEZ) or high seas corridor spanning across the Strait, nullifying the application of transit passage regime. …”
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Article -
High selectivity UWB bandpass filter with a wide notched-band
Published 2015“…The structure generates multiple resonant modes across the UWB span between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz, however, high coupling between the feed-lines and the U-shaped structure transforms the discrete resonant modes into an UWB BPF. …”
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Article -
Faster and more accurate identification of male faces in female care home residents
Published 2020“…Because the known masculinity bias in women prevailed beyond the menopause, it is discussed whether rather than fertility hormones, women’s testosterone would be a likely candidate explaining the male advantage in sex-of-face identification throughout the life-span.…”
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Article -
Renegotiating the sexual self after an HIV-diagnosis: listening to white, European women
Published 2013“…Clinical implications are discussed in light of counselling psychology’s multidisciplinary approach, spanning areas of HIV prevention, social change and individual and group therapy with women living with HIV.…”
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Thesis -
Do the innovative technological advancements foster the green transition pathways for Industry 5.0? A perspective towards carbon neutrality
Published 2025“…Through an extensive analysis of literature spanning from 2012 to 2024, sourced from the Scopus database, the research study unravels the transformative potential of green technological innovations, artificial intelligence, green supply chain management, and the metaverse. …”
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