Environmental design consideration for courtyards in residential buildings in hot-humid climates: A review
Published 2014“…However, most of the urban houses in Southeast Asian regions are becoming heavy-weight brick-walled buildings nowadays. It could be seen that the required environmental effects of a courtyard and its design considerations in the case of high thermal mass buildings in hot-humid climates are still uncertain and need to be investigated further.…”
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Article -
Histological findings of ascending urinary tract infections in experimental rats caused by Proteus mirabilis
Published 2011“…The earliest histologic changes seen on the 2nd and 4th days, consisted of mild cellular sloughing and edema associated with mononuclear infiltration in the me-dulla and to a lesser extent in the cortex. …”
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Article -
Odontogenic cysts, tumors and fibro-osseous lesions in children: a radiological pictorial case report
Published 2009“…The aim of these pictorial illustrations is to highlight various radiological appearances of such lesions as in some centers the radiographs are usually seen only by the oral surgeons.…”
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Article -
A study on ferns as carving motives in the Polynesian community involving the New Zealanders Maori, Indonesian Minangkabau & Malaysian Malay
Published 2011“…Though differs in religion the Polynesian have similarities. This is seen in the use of ferns as the carving motives as demonstrate in this study. …”
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Monograph -
Superselective embolisation in acute lower gastrointestinal haemorrhage: a single institution experience
Published 2009“…The objective of this case series was to describe the lower gastrointestinal haemorrhage cases seen in our centre, its diagnosis and the role of superselective embolisation in patient management. …”
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Article -
Optimization of an integrated solar heat-pump system
Published 2011“…The load pattern is determined based on a typical small hotel with the air-con room area of 500m2, daily hot water demand of 18m3 and daily drying demand of 90 kg. It was seen that the life cycle saving method lead to the prediction of the optimum collector area of 55 m2. …”
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Book Chapter -
Sustainability in air transportation from Islamic perspective
Published 2012“…The growing pervasiveness of air travel can be seen by airport infrastructure upgrading and the increasing numbers of airports today. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Conceptual basics for unity in multi ethnic diversity : the Qur'anic and prophetic paradigm
Published 2012“…This worldview of unity in diversity or cosmopolitanism is widely seen in the Qur’an and the Prophetic practices of multi-cultural unification which overwhelmingly focus on freedom of religion, inter-religious symbiosis and reciprocal obligations, religious tolerance, just and equal treatment to the non-Muslim subjects and social security towards them, conflict resolution, developing mutual understanding through dialogue and mutual cooperation in common interest. …”
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Role of governance, ethics and integrity in managing information technology resources: Muslim practitioner’s view
Published 2013“…It was observed that while these frameworks have nothing alien to Islam, the Muslims who are supposed to be the harbingers of its ideals are rarely seen as been up and doing. The Ummah needs to look inward to internalise the best practices enabled in IT by putting it to work. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamizing the "feminine, feminist and female" voices in three Malaysian short stories by Anglophone women writers
Published 2000“…There also are concerns among Muslim scholars about the position of Western literary criticisms among which is feminism, which is seen as a Western import, out to corrupt the Muslim world. …”
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Analysing factors influencing stated preference of the administrative and academic employees towards telecommuting in IIUM Campus, Gombak
Published 2013“…Telecommuting is seen as a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) tool that can reduce congestion by eliminating a trip or shifting it out of the peak travel period by allowing employees to work from home. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Gender identity disorder is not simply two in one
Published 2013“…An example which classically illustrates Gender Identity Disorder is the case of a young man from Brunei Darussalam, who was seen and treated. This contribution will highlight the cultural and religious perspective of this Disorder.…”
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Evaluating the effects of exclusive bus lanes on passenger ridership and travel time in Kuala Lumpur city roads
Published 2011“…Bus priority treatment in urban areas is seen as an effective measure to improve bus transit services. …”
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Article -
The concept of unity in the multi-ethnic diversity: a presentation of the prophetic model
Published 2010“…This worldview of unity in diversity or cosmopolitanism is widely seen in the Quran and the Prophetic practices of multi-cultural unification which overwhelmingly focus on freedom of religion, inter-religious symbiosis and reciprocal obligations, religious tolerance, just and equal treatment to the non-Muslim subjects and social security towards them, conflict resolution, developing mutual understanding through dialogue and mutual cooperation in common interest. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Experimental study of cutting parameter for drilling on fabric carbon/epoxy composite laminates
Published 2011“…The damage of the composites was seen under digital microscope. The aim of this study is to find the minimum force and the minimum damage mechanism i.e.: entry and exit delamination. …”
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Article -
Crime and the planning of residential areas- a comparative analysis of two Taman Melati terrace housing units
Published 2010“…Increasingly, two school of thoughts namely Defensible Space and New Urbanism are seen as guiding the CPTED agenda for the coming decades. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The histopathological profile of breast tumours at HTAA
Published 2015“…An overall perspective of the frequency of various breast problems can be gained from analyzing a large series of patients with breast symptoms who are seen at a health maintenance organization and women undergoing diagnostic breast biopsies. …”
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Monograph -
ISIS in Malaysia: a Case Study
Published 2016“…The same report also revealed that Malaysia’s score 3.579 is on the lower scale of the index, in which zero denotes no impact of terrorism.1 Malaysia was also noted as among the top 17 source countries in the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that have seen its people ght for ISIS in Iraq and Syria. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Extraction and isolation of xanthine oxidase inhibitors from carica papaya leave extract using chromatographic techniques
Published 2016“…In addition, some diseases are frequently seen with elevated uric acid concentration such as cardiovascular disease and renal insufficiency (Nakagawa et al., 2006), although no direct role has yet been confirmed. …”
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Book Chapter -
Design and modeling of energy generated magneto rheological damper
Published 2016“…The complete magnetic isolation between these two fields is accomplished here, which can be seen in the finite element analysis. The induced magnetic flux densities, magnetic field intensities of this damper are analyzed for characterizing the damper’s power generation ability. …”
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