Awareness on 3R practice: a case study at UTHM Pagoh residential college
Published 2020“…The same trend can be seen in Malaysia. The waste generation rate in this country has been steadily increasing from 12.3 million tonnes in year 2013 to 13.9 million tonnes in year 2018 [3]. …”
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Book Section -
Construction waste management practices in Malaysia: an overview
Published 2020“…The construction industry is one of the major wealth-generating industries and is seen as an elevated sector in the Malaysia economy. …”
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Book Section -
Teaching similarities and differences between non directive teaching and enhancing self esteem of special education students
Published 2021“…This review article discusses two selected teaching strategies, namely non directive teaching (NDT) and enhancing self esteem (ESE) which are seen to be suitable for special education. The discussion in this article is hoped to provide a brief overview to subsequent researchers in conducting further studies.…”
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Applied of image processing technique on semi-auto count of skin spot
Published 2019“…It is a small dark spots on the skin that sometimes hard to be seen under a naked eye. If the clogged pores infect the glands, the accumulated sebum may form a sac and slowly increase in size. …”
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Book Section -
A foresight study on nanotechnology in cosmetics industries in Malaysia
Published 2018“…Recent years, there are an increasing emphasis on nanotechnology because nanotechnology is becoming popular and it is seen as a potential technology to replace the existing limitations with current conventional computer hardware lithography capabilities and it would be a new generation of technology that is more environmental friendly, reliable and precise to society. …”
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2 in 1 (gender identity disorder)
Published 2011“…An example which classically illustrates GENDER IDENTITY DISORDER is the case of a young man from Brunei Darussalam, who was seen and treated. This presentation will highlight the cultural and religious perspective of this Disorder. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Taking community-based system to Malaysian communities for disaster management
Published 2011“…The community through the institution of the mosque was brought on board into such system as they are seen to be the closest to the populace. These steps will no doubt make the perpetual efforts of government agencies to yield the required results. …”
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Architecture as a reflection of social structure : a reminiscience of the Sulaymaniye Complex of Istanbul
Published 2010“…Throughout the book, architecture and urban planning is seen as a mirror to the social structure and the social institutions of the Ottoman society at the time. …”
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Conservation of urban environmental corridor in Kuala Lumpur as a method to safeguard the environment
Published 2008“…Today, natural resources in Malaysia has been exploited, networks of roads and railways are laid out, former tin mines are tumed into elite housing, river corridors are getting thinner or turned into monsoon drains and natural swamps are no where to be seen within the city and remnant greiln corridors are decreasing at an alarming rate. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Prediction of surface roughness of Ti-6Al-4V in electrical discharge machining: A regression model
Published 2011“…Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) has been performed for the validity test of fit and adequacy of the proposed models. It can be seen that increasing pulse on time causes the fine surface until a certain value and afterward deteriorates in the surface finish. …”
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Metal matrix composite brake rotor: Historical development and product life cycle analysis
Published 2011“…Metal matrix composites (MMCs) have become attractive for engineering structural applications due to their excellent specific strength property and are increasingly seen as alternative to the conventional materials particularly in the automotive industry. …”
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Consumers' acceptance on Islamic home financing : empirical evidence on Bai Bithaman Ajil(BBA) in Malaysia.
Published 2011“…The concept is similar to debt financing which is often resulted in high cost.The BBA as practiced in Malaysia is seen not to be in compliant with the Shariah principle as the bank does not take the risk of ownership and liability of the property. …”
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Book Chapter -
Comparative analysis of IEEE 802.11g multimedia multicast performance using RTP with an implemented test-bed
Published 2012“…Multicast is a profound concept that has been around for some time and has seen through its implementation in various aspects of today’s network access technology. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The status of prisoners-of-war under international law: an analysis of the Afghan scenario
Published 2002“…This is the requirement of the said Convention and the detaining powers must ensure that all their actions in relation to the detainees comply with the intetnational law standards for it is crucial is justice is to be done and seen to be done, and if respect for the rule of law and human rights is not to be undermined.…”
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The effects of in vitro treatment of melastoma malabathricum on fibroblast proliferation
Published 2012“…The results showed a marked proliferation of cells where 39.3 % and 20.7 % were seen at concentrations A3 and A4 respectively. Concentrations A3 and A4 showed a decrease to 13.2 % and 16.4 % at 48 hours to a negligible proliferation at 72 hours, which may indicate probable impairment in the wound treatment. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Teachers in Malaysia - Are they evolving or dissolving?
Published 2012“…Malaysia has seen many changes to the education system over the last fifty years and the rapidity and frequency of those changes in the last twelve years have lead parents, employers and even the teachers themselves to ask where are we going, what is being taught, how is it being taught and most importantly who are the people that now teach. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The socio-technical factors in the use of GIS at the Planning Departments of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall
Published 2010“…The argument is that creating a successful GIS within planning organisation must be seen from a socio-technical rather than just a technical perspective. …”
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Modeling of readout circuit for acquisition of sensory signal through non-contact means
Published 2012“…The input impedance of the simplified model of the coupled coils as seen from the external readout circuit is derived. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of water absorption on mechanical properties of sugar palm fibre reinforced sugar palm starch (spf/sps) biocomposites
Published 2012“…From this investigation, it can be seen that tensile and impact strengths of biocomposites increase with the increase of fibre content. …”
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Measuring the vocabulary size of Muslim pre-university students
Published 2013“…The last decade has seen an increased interest in the field of second language vocabulary acquisition (SLVA). …”
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