Doing and talking : the value of video interviewing for researching and theorizing craft
Published 2013“…Since the 1970s, we have seen the emergence of a legitimizing infrastructure for 'the crafts' as a category, separate from but relating to art and design. …”
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Orienting students to higher education : a business example
Published 2003“…Business Skills (BX101) is a core module for all undergraduate students studying Business at the North campus of London Metropolitan University. It is seen as a key element in assisting new students to settle into, and prepare for, academic life. …”
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Role of China in Africa : three case studies of Angola, Ethiopia and Zambia
Published 2019“…This paper concludes Chinese engagement in Africa to be multifaceted in light of her varied ‘development partnerships’, seen through the Angolan, Ethiopian and Zambian case studies. …”
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Constructing Europe and the European Union via education contrasts and congruence within and between Germany and England
Published 2019“…Finally, we argue that the textbooks may be seen as contributing to a process of socialization rather than one of education when it comes to characterizations of Europe.…”
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Effects of online brand communities on millennials' brand loyalty in the fashion industry
Published 2021“…Grounded in understanding that loyalty is seen and understood differently by people who participate in online brand communities, this study is based on a constructivist perspective combined with hermeneutic methodology and embedded case study research strategy to examine how online brand communities activate multidimensional customer loyalty intentions. …”
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Finding common ground on the threshold: an experiment in critical urban learning
Published 2024“…Practices of Urban Inclusion is thus seen as a threshold space that attempted to bring different subjectivities and forms of knowledge into connection by foregrounding experiential knowledge, fostering collaborative learning, and connecting temporalities. …”
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Towards a broader approach to the community interpreter’s role: on correspondence between role perceptions and interactional goals
Published 2016“…Increasingly, conceptions of role are seen not as static and absolute, but as related to the differing (and subjective) viewpoints of the various participants involved. …”
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Review on frequency reconfigurable antenna using substrate-integrated waveguide for cognitive radio application
Published 2021“…Frequency-reconfigurable SIW (FRSIW) is seen as promising for the development of microwave and millimeter waveband antennas. …”
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Awareness on 3R practice: a case study at UTHM Pagoh residential college
Published 2020“…The same trend can be seen in Malaysia. The waste generation rate in this country has been steadily increasing from 12.3 million tonnes in year 2013 to 13.9 million tonnes in year 2018 [3]. …”
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Construction waste management practices in Malaysia: an overview
Published 2020“…The construction industry is one of the major wealth-generating industries and is seen as an elevated sector in the Malaysia economy. …”
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How do counselling psychologists working with children and adolescents describe and give meaning to their experiences? An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2016“…However, challenges and difficulties during training and post-qualification appeared to raise the question as to whether working with children was seen as being outside the boundaries of the role of a counselling psychologist.…”
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The role of attachment styles in team functioning
Published 2016“…Attachment styles are seen to reflect internal working models of self, others, and relationships, and influence individuals’ motivations, abilities, and perceptions as regards relationships. …”
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An optimised competency framework for improving students’ self skills during work-related learning
Published 2017“…A study conducted to test the intervention reveals that significant improvements can be seen in students’ understanding and perception of their competencies, but that this improvement is only apparent when both Work-related learning and developmental feedback based on self-evaluation are implemented. …”
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Identifying antecedents of marketing orientation of microfinance institutions in Ghana : the case study of microfinance companies
Published 2017“…Poverty has been acknowledged globally as a challenge afflicting billions of people. Microfinance is seen as a means of alleviating extreme poverty through supporting low income customers, micro enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using microfinance products to ameliorate risks associated with the poor. …”
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Developing empathic resonance in interprofessional education and practice
Published 2019“…The World Health Organisation (2010) offered a Framework for action in inter-professional education (IPE) and inter-professional practice (IPP) which promoted ongoing collaborative practice as a key strategy to enhance patient outcomes in order to develop a practice-ready health workforce. This initiative has seen significant developments in practitioner training since this call for action. …”
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The end of tolerance: new discourses of racism, migration and the state in Britain, 1997-2008
Published 2010“…Alongside this redefinition of integration was a shift in the central axis of 'race relations' from white-black to western-Muslim, and from a view of minority cultural identity as a stabilising force to one in which it was seen as threatening and needing clear limits placed on it. …”
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Management of logistics service providers: a situational approach
Published 2007“…Over the past decade, companies have seen a dramatic increase in the number of options available to them for structuring their supply chain. …”
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Green Technology: a must or a need in TVET Education in Malaysia?
Published 2021“…Green Technology is seen as the optimal solution in addressing most of the environmental issues affecting our society today. …”
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Abandoned project restoration model (APRM) for residential construction projects
Published 2017“…A complete restoration process based on the significant factors identified were also obtained. This model is seen as useful in contributing and as well as assisting the restoration of the abandoned projects in Malaysia and could be used as a guideline for that purpose.…”
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