Development of remote operability CNC milling
Published 2010“…Attachment consists of three main equipments; material indexing device, Sub clamp with pin and vise index…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The system architecture of E-braille by using the microcontroller and external controller unit
Published 2016“…This refreshable braille cell can refresh the character. The pin for each braille cell is controlled by using piezoelectric bimorph. …”
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Article -
Methodology to develop bottleneck-based heuristic for permutation flow shop scheduling
Published 2020“…This paper proposes a new heuristic that introduces the method of bottleneck-based (BNB) at the beginning of an initial sequence determination with the objective of make span minimization for large size problem. Earlier studies found that the scheduling activity become complicated when dealing with machine, m greater than 2, known as non-deterministic polynomial-time hardness (NP-hard). …”
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Book Section -
Evaluation of classifiers in a pressure and latency-based typing biometric system
Published 2011“…System authentication in present time relies on validation by some sort of a password or Personal Identification Number (PIN). However, if an intruder discovers this password or PIN, the user’s account can be easily compromised. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Multi-Mode Yagi Uda Patch Array Antenna With Non-Linear Inter-Parasitic Element Spacing
Published 2023“…Applying the inter-parasitic element spacing’s optimization and minimizing the switching circuitry using four RF PIN diodes on the parasitic elements have contributed to the gain achievement of more than 7 dBi.…”
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Article -
Pricing efficiency of the 3-month KLIBOR futures contracts: An empirical analysis
Published 2009“…This article also examines several issues related to pricing efficiency. The study spans the contract's entire 10-year history, June 1996 to June 2006. …”
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Legacy, sustainability and Olympism: crafting urban outcomes at London 2012
Published 2014“…Seen against that background, this paper opens with an historical overview that spans the period since the re-establishment of the Olympics in 1896. …”
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Security in an Unstable World
Published 2008“…The intention of this paper is to place the current security issues in the Middle East in a global context and to do so in terms of the next three decades. Over that time span there are likely to be four main determinants of global peace and conflict.…”
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Article -
A security enhanced timestamp-based password authentication scheme using smart cards
Published 2007“…We show various types of forgery attacks against Shen et al.’s timestamp-based password authentication scheme and improve their scheme to ensure robust security for the remote authentication process, keeping all the advantages of their scheme. …”
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Wear characteristics of Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al cast irons
Published 2011“…In the present study, wear behavior of the Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al cast irons were investigated using a pin-on-disk type apparatus at room temperature. …”
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Biomechanical evaluation and new improvement on ankle external fixator
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
The tribological behaviour of Fe-C-Al cast iron – effect of temperature
Published 2013“…The wear and friction tests were conducted using universal pin-on-disk machine at 25 0C, 100 0C, 200 0C and 300 0C temperature. …”
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Low-loss paper-substrate triple-band-frequency reconfigurable microstrip antenna for sub-7 GHz applications
Published 2023“…In this paper, a low-cost resin-coated commercial-photo-paper substrate is used to design a printed reconfigurable multiband antenna. The two PIN diodes are used mainly to redistribute the surface current that provides reconfigurable properties to the proposed antenna. …”
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Vibration behaviour of pre-stressed precast hollow core floor with concrete topping thickness and boundary condition
Published 2020“…In the current design, the usage of lightweight and long-span precast, which is renowned in construction, is prone to the floor serviceability issue, especially in floor vibration. …”
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Thesis -
Fine recycled concrete aggregate as a material replacement in concrete production
Published 2020“…Construction and demolition waste is becoming a vital issue especially to the environmental aspect in many large cities in the world (Chen et al., 2002). Shen [1] describe C&D waste as the waste which generated from renovation, site clearing, demolition, construction, roadwork, land excavation and civil and building construction. …”
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Book Section -
High incidence supersonic similitude for planar wedge
Published 2012“…A strip theory in which flow at a span wise location is two dimensional developed by Ghosh is been used. …”
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Development of educational software for stress analysis of an aircraft wing
Published 2012“…The developed software can be used to estimate load on a wing and to compute the stresses at any point along the span of the wing of a given aircraft. The generalized formulation allows performing stress analysis even for a multispar (multicell) wing. …”
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