Development of reading skills: adopting mobile technology to support learning
Published 2010“…The study also highlighted possible problems when using this technology. Among them are telecommunication networks incompatibility and limitation on the number of characters per message.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Optimizing of PID controller for flexible link system using a Pareto-based Multi-objective differential (PMODE) evolution
Published 2011“…PID controller is noted with historical simplicity in terms of design and implementation when compares to other linear time invariant (LTI) control techniques. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Business assets as matrimonial property from the civil law and shariah perspectives; implication for national family policy
Published 2011“…Reference to personal property normally did not raise contentious issue as the court would apply the general rule/ method in dividing or concluding the matrimonial property. However, when it comes to distribution of business assets or interest in business, particularly those which are under the business's name, many legal issue may arise, such as rights or entitlement of the ex-spouse to claim, proportion and division of the assets as a matrimonial property, locus standi of the ex-spouse to take legal action and rights to future interest/benefits of the business assets/profits. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Online Quantitative feedback theory (QFT)-based self-tuning controller for grain drying process
Published 2011“…Improved results are obtained by using the proposed method as compared to standard QFT procedure in terms of smaller percentage overshoot and shorter settling time when dealing with larger uncertainty range. In addition, the design methodology of the proposed controller design (loop shaping) was improved such that the dependency on human skills was removed and the controller design was done online.…”
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Article -
Role of pulse radiofrequency in entrapment nerve causing neuralgia in pain management : case series
Published 2011“…Oral analgesics are considered as first-line treatment along with physiotherapy and psychological therapy. When pharmacology treatment or conventional surgery fails to control the chronic pain, minimally invasive interventional procedures become an option as to control the pain and to prevent the potential side effects due to high dose of analgesics. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of pretreatment of empty fruit bunches for enhanced enzymatic saccharification
Published 2011“…A maximum of 41.82% yield of reducing sugar was achieved with 5% (w/v) of EFB and 7% (v/v) of enzyme after 120 h of saccharification when eight important parameters, namely saccharification duration, EFB size, EFB dose, enzyme dose, Tween 80, triton 100, agitation and incubation temperature, were examined in an OFAT (one factor at-a-time) design.…”
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Article -
Semi-active suspension system for off-road vehicles
Published 2008“…Results show an improvement in ride comfort and vehicle handling using 4-axle over 3-axle and 2-axle when emphasis is placed on the response of the vehicle body acceleration, suspension and tyre deflection.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Issues on essential elements of formation of e-contract in Malaysia: e-consumers' perspective
Published 2011“…This includes the discussion on the creation of legally enforceable agreement, the appropriateness of the postal rule and its application to e-mail, the need of written contract as well as digital signature and the uncertainty of where and when the e-contract is formed. The paper also examines relevant Malaysian legislation on formation of e-contract including the Contracts Act 1950, Sale of Goods Act 195, Electronic Commerce Act 2006 and the Digital Signature Act 1997 and the adequacy of the existing law in protecting e-consumers. …”
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Article -
Investigations of formation of chatter in a non-wavy surface during thread cutting and turning operations
Published 2010“…The analysis of amplitude of chatter during machining indicates that noticeable chatter appears in the system when the chip serration frequency is equal to or integer multiple of the prominent natural frequency of the system components. …”
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Article -
Obama'S Afghanistan strategy: a policy of balancing the reality with the practice
Published 2010“…The Policy’s assertion that the US is not an occupier and respects Afghanistan’s rights as a sovereign state when it remains engaged in its politics is praiseworthy.…”
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Article -
A hybrid technique for dinar coin price prediction using artificial neural network based autogressive modeling technique
Published 2011“…Performance analysis of the proposed approach shows that this proposed hybrid technique can accurately predict the price of Dinar coin and the use of this approach shows better performance when compared to the use of linear prediction technique. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Watermarking technique based on ISB (Intermediate Significant Bit)
Published 2010“…The energy of the embedded data should be low enough when projected onto the human perception domain but it should be strong enough for robust machine detection. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design procedure of robust QFT-based controller for continuous-flow grain dryer plant
Published 2011“…Improved results are obtained by using the proposed method as compared to standard QFT procedure in terms of smaller percentage overshoot and shorter settling time when dealing with larger uncertainty range. In addition, the design methodology of the proposed controller design (loop shaping) was improved such that the dependency on human skills was removed and the controller design was done online.…”
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Article -
Comparing the sensitivity and specificity of otoacoustic emission screeners in diagnosing noise-induced hearing loss from air conduction pure tone audiogram in a hearing conservati...
Published 2010“…We will then report on the sensitivity and specificity of different types of OAE as stated above when compared to PTA as gold-standard.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Parameter estimation of multicomponent transient signals using deconvolution and ARMA modelling techniques
Published 2003“…Simulation results show that high resolution estimates of decay constants can be obtained when the above signal processing techniques are used to analyse multi exponential signals with varied signal-to-nose ratio (SNR) . …”
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Article -
SMS-Aided teaching of reading in Malaysia: factors to consider
Published 2012“…The study also highlighted possible problems when using this technology. Among them were telecommunication networks incompatibility and limitation on the number of characters per message. …”
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Book Chapter -
The effect of chronic khat consumption on sperm count and motility in parent mice and their offspring
Published 2012“…Male parent mice were killed at the 4th and 8th weeks of treatment, and their male offspring were killed when they reached maturity age (6-8weeks). Physiological examination of the sperm solution showed that there was a significant increase in sperm count and motility after 4 and 8 weeks of khat treatment, and in their adult offspring. …”
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Article -
The quadrupole microelectrode design on a multilayer biochip for dielectrophoretic trapping of single cells
Published 2011“…Singlecelltrapping becomes evident when both quadrupolemicroelectrode and back contact are biased using AC potentials of different phases. …”
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The study of the Tualang honey viscosity
Published 2012“…It also did not show any significant difference in the viscosity when increasing the temperature implying that the loss of water content was not significant and the protein did not denature. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Classroom participation patterns: a case study of Malaysian undergraduate students
Published 2011“…Educators need to strive towards providing a more supportive, non-threatening, and open learning environment where students would feel comfortable in letting their voice be heard while knowing when to be quiet so they reap benefits from both behaviours. …”
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