Vibration behaviour of pre-stressed precast hollow core floor with concrete topping thickness and boundary condition
Published 2020“…In the current design, the usage of lightweight and long-span precast, which is renowned in construction, is prone to the floor serviceability issue, especially in floor vibration. …”
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Thesis -
Optimization of Flanged Diffuser for Small-Scale Wind Power Applications
Published 2024“…The results showed that the diffuser dimensions are the main parameters to increase velocity inside the shroud throat, where a long diffuser with a low converging angle drags more air inside the shroud, reaching in some cases more than double the upwind velocity. …”
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Article -
Development and fabricatin of production mechanism for small and medium animal feed production plant
Published 2019“…With this method the livestock feed will be long lasting.…”
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Thesis -
Signature recognition using artificial neural network
Published 2011“…It might be done by asking a secret question that the user will answer to get into that application, and it might be a password or a pin code, face, eye, fingerprint or signature. Automatic signature verification is an active field of research with many practical applications. …”
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Book Chapter -
Tribological (wear) properties of aluminum–silicon eutectic base alloy under dry sliding condition
Published 2004“…Wear experiments on both samples were conducted with a pin-on-disk type wear testing apparatus. The test variables were the rotational speed, input weight, and time/sliding distance. …”
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Influence of single and multiple particle size variation on mechanical and wear behaviour of aluminium silicon carbide composites
Published 2015“…Standard impact and hardness test was conducted to ascertain the energy absorbed before fracture failure and resistance to plastic deformation of the composite. Pin-on-disc test was also investigated at room temperature under dry sliding wear condition. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
3rd order coupled-resonator bandpass filter assisted by Groove Gap-Waveguide technology for 26-GHz radio link diplexer
Published 2025“…Its unit-cells consist of a rectangular metal-pin which is connected to a bottom metal plate and its other side is electromagnetically coupled to a top plate with an air-gap of approximately λ/4 that creates a bandgap, preventing unwanted electromagnetic-wave propagation. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Frequency reconfigurable substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity F-shaped slot antenna
Published 2019“…Configurability is accomplished by embeddings PIN diode switches in the 'F' slot. The proposed antenna is equipped for exchanging between working band of 3.172 GHz to 3.606 GHz in four different narrow bands and it underpins the cognitive system for LTE2300, WiMAX and WLAN. …”
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Best interest of children in the division of family business as matrimonial property: the civil and shariah courts’ perspectives in Malaysia
Published 2011“…This approach would ensure that the continuity of the business achieved the initial/main purpose of its establishment and would bestow long term benefits to the children. …”
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Article -
A decision support system for sustainable supplier selection problem: evidence from a radiator manufacturing industry
Published 2024“…Results of the fuzzy BWM showed that the customer satisfaction was the criterion of highest priority, followed by long-term relationship, and then pollution control, among the total of 13 criteria considered in this work. …”
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The moderating effect of firm size on corporate governance practices with firm’s capital structure
Published 2016“…A total number of companies that are delisted from the last 25 years suggest that the delisting of companies is very high. The main reason for delisting of such companies was poor credit performance and lack of control. …”
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Thesis -
Filial piety in confucianism and Islam: a comparative literary analysis of Quran, Hadith and four Chinese classics
Published 2011“…The Four Books are the most quoted sources of Confucius’ thought, namely The Great Learning (Da Xue 大学), The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhong Yong 中庸), The Confucian Analects (Lun Yu 论) and The Works of Mencius (Mengzi 孟子). …”
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Fuzzy logic approach for prediction the lift coefficient on an aircraft model with and without winglet
Published 2009“…This paper describes the unique structure of an aircraft model with and without winglet tested at Aerodynamics Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering (University Putra Malaysia) using subsonic wind tunnel of 1000 mm × 1000 mm rectangular test section and 2500 mm long. Focusing on predicting the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft model, three main issues are studied in this paper. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modeling and characterization of all possible triple pass EDFA configurations
Published 2012“…The main purpose of designing multi-stage erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) is to achieve higher gain and lower noise figure for long haul optical communication. …”
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Article -
The process of redeveloping waterfront as a public place: efforts towards a more sustainable city
Published 2012“…The process of making Kuala Lumpur waterfront as a public place has taken a long toil. Since the year 1984, the waterfront has been acknowledged to be developed as a public space. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Let's bind a friendly co-existence with nature
Published 2016“…Major religions of the world preach that the universe/nature has been created long before the arrival of man on this planet. Ever since man came to exist on this planet, it has gone through a dramatic change, particularly with the coming age of modernization, industrialization, colonization and now globalization. …”
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Article -
The standard of care for alternative medicine practitioners: legal problems and challenges
Published 2010“…Although some laws may have an indirect effect on these practices but they are not adequate to ensure comprehensive protection to relevant parties. The main problem is defining the appropriate standard of care for these practices in order to be at par with the standard of care of conventional medicine practitioners. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Inflation and inflation uncertainty in the Euro area
Published 2009“…This paper estimates a time-varying AR-GARCH model of inflation producing measures of inflation uncertainty for the euro area, and investigates the linkages between them in a VAR framework, also allowing for the possible impact of the policy regime change associated with the start of EMU in 1999. The main findings are as follows. Steady-state inflation and inflation uncertainty have declined steadily since the inception of EMU, whilst short-run uncertainty has increased, mainly owing to exogenous shocks. …”
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“Virtual encounters: the making and manifestations of Deleuze’s Bergsonism”
Published 2024“…The publication date of Deleuze’s book on Bergson is therefore somewhat misleading, for the main features of Deleuze’s encounter with Bergson were in fact formulated much earlier.…”
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Book Section -
Remote operation of CNC milling through virtual simulation and remote dekstop interface
Published 2009“…Capability of remote operation is supported by an auto setup attachment with a reconfigurable pin type setup free technology installed on the table of CNC milling machine to perform unattended machining process. …”
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