On the puncture strength of rubber
Published 1987“…It has been observed that a ring crack forms on the rubber surface before puncture occurs. …”
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Thesis -
A technique to suppress mutual coupling in densely packed antenna arrays using metamaterial supersubstrate
Published 2018“…The proposed technique is easily realizable and can be used effectively in beam scanning applications.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Populism, religion and family values policies in Israel, Italy and Turkey
Published 2023“…There is a growing focus in political science on right-wing populist parties. But few comparative studies address their discourses and politics relating to family values, especially when involved with policy-making. …”
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Book review : Religion, populism, and modernity: confronting white Christian nationalism and racism
Published 2024“…The book under review examines ‘the recent rise of White Christian nationalism in Europe and the United States, focusing on how right-wing populist leaders and groups have mobilized racist and xenophobic rhetoric in their bids for political power’ (back cover blurb). …”
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Planar antennas with enhanced bandwidth and radiation characteristics
Published 2017“…In this chapter, novel wideband and ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas that are based on loading the background plane of a monopole radiator with concentric split-ring resonators are presented. It is shown that this modification improves the fractional bandwidth of the antenna from 41 to 87%; in particular, the operational bandwidth of the proposed antennas is double that of a conventional monopole antenna of the same size.…”
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Book Section -
Frequency Beam Steering Antenna for Millimeter Wave Checkpoint Scanners
Published 2017“…The antenna is compact in size and capable of frequency scanning over an angle of -50 o to 15o. It operates across FCC’s frequency range of 24.25 GHz to 30 GHz for full-body airport scanners. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Crystal Structure of gamma-Oxapentamidine complexed with d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2. the effects of drug structural change on DNA minor-groove recognition
Published 1994“…The amidinium groups of the ligand do not hydrogen bond to bases, but are in close contact with 04' sugar ring atoms. This in part explains the reduced DNA binding affinity of this ligand compared to pentamidine.…”
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Book Review : Teresa Sacchet, Silvana Mariano and Cássia Maria Carloto (editors) Women, gender and conditional cash transfers: interdisciplinary perspectives from studies of Bolsa...
Published 2021“…Since the removal of the Workers Party from power in 2016, right wing governments have been cutting the programme. …”
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The inter-comparison of AATSR aerosol optical depth retrievals from various algorithms
Published 2015“…The project aerosol-CCI as part of European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) has provided three aerosol retrieval algorithms for the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) aboard on ENVISAT. For the purpose of estimating different performance of these three algorithms in Asia, in this paper we compared the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) of L2 data (10km×10km) including FMI AATSR Dual-view ADV algorithm, the Oxford RAL Aerosol and Cloud retrieval (ORAC) algorithm and the Swansea University AATSR retrieval (SU) algorithm with the AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) and the China Aerosol Remote Sensing Network (CARSNET) data separately. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Mutual coupling reduction in dielectric resonator antennas using metasurface shield for 60 GHz MIMO systems
Published 2016“…The metasurface comprises an array of unique split-ring resonator (SRR) cells that are integrated along the E-plane. …”
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High selectivity microwave bandpass filter with a wide upper stopband
Published 2020“…The filter initially proposed consists of electromagnetically coupled C-shaped open-ring resonators whose feedlines are loaded with inductive spiral shaped open-circuited stubs that are strategically located along the feedlines in order to introduce transmission zeros in the filter’s stopband response. …”
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An activity-based integrated land-use transport model for urban spatial distribution simulation
Published 2019“…However, there is also significant population density increase along the 6th ring road, indicating the relocation trend of the residents and businesses to the outskirts. …”
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De Novo nucleic acids: a review of synthetic alternatives to DNA and RNA that could act as bio-information storage molecules
Published 2020“…But just what is it about their structures; an aromatic heterocyclic base appended to a (five-atom ring) sugar-phosphate backbone that enables them to carry out these functions with such high fidelity? …”
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A microstrip quasi-elliptic bandpass filter implemented using stub loaded resonators
Published 2021“…A highly selective microstrip bandpass filter consists of electromagnetically coupled U-shaped open ring resonators is presented in this paper. The resonators are directly loaded with open-circuited inductive stubs and the feed-lines are interdigital coupled to the resonators. …”
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The spectra of manganese and zirconium in the wavelength region 0.8 μm [microns] - 2.6 μm [microns or micrometres]
Published 1980“…In this investigation, Zeeman patterns were scanned using Fabry-Perot interferometer as a pressure-scanning spectrometer, and infrared Ebert mounting grating spectrometer as a monochromator. …”
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Thesis -
Solar power capture using polymeric optical fibres
Published 2017“…A major advantage of this technique is the elimination of one of the two axes (orbital) of solar tracking and the considerable decrease in importance of the second axis (seasonal), currently a necessity in solar scanning systems.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Investigation and development of a novel metrology standard for the measurement of relative intensity noise and frequency chirp of DFB lasers in optical networks
Published 2007“…This is enforced further by the nonplanar ring oscillator (NPRO) technology providing superior line width stability. …”
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