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Moral decisions in video games and players’ intergroup attitudes
Published 2022“…This study examined how players’ in-game decisions on the six moral foundation domains when interacting with NPCs influenced attitudes toward immigrants. …”
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Conference Paper -
Opportunities and challenges for international environmental engineering firms in the China market
Published 2009“…Due to the limited transparency of policy, corruption of local government, difference in culture and other reasons, the international firms may face some challenges when they enter the China market.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Investigation on the use of desiccant in dedicated outdoor air systems
Published 2009“…With the conclusion of the in-depth system analysis, results show that the desiccant systems are truly feasible when operating in the context of Singapore, especially the solid desiccant based air conditioning system utilizing the electric chiller which can economizes the operating costs by as much as twenty five percent while providing high quality cooling.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Heritagised spaces of Singapore: memories grounded in playgrounds
Published 2023“…This space is closely attached to state-building narratives, where the development of a national identity was especially crucial to maintain the state’s hegemony. Such is the case when it comes to mosaic playgrounds that are structured to symbolise and reflect Singapore’s culture and history; to embody the Singaporean identity. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Pruning in face forgery detection
Published 2023“…To combat this increasingly relevant issue, multiple state-of-the-art Face Forgery detection algorithms have been developed, and many have achieved impressive results when put to the test. However, these algorithms often utilise deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and the high complexity and computational resources required makes it difficult for one to implement them in a production environment. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Toxicity prediction via algebraic graph-assisted bidirectional transformers
Published 2023“…However, toxicity is a major concern that can hinder the development process of drugs, especially when it is harmful to human bodies. In this paper, we present Algebraic Graph-assisted Bidirectional Transformers (AGBT), a novel approach to improve drug lead optimization by enhancing toxicity predictions and identifying its adverse effects on humans. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Transmission and display of sensor data from single board computer
Published 2023“…There are some disadvantages when it comes to doing it in a closed environment and the data and system cannot be monitored remotely. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Investigation of blood pressure regulation schemes
Published 2009“…Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP) is one of the commonly used antihypertension agents for treatment during the postoperative care. Nevertheless, when not carefully handed, the side effect of SNP might cause harm to the patient’s health. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Dairy and diaspora: postponed reform on the guangming overseas Chinese farm of Shenzhen
Published 2023“…In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Guangming was a state-directed productive space with prominent features of the planned economy, ironically installed when the rest of Shenzhen and China was embarking on market reform. …”
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Journal Article -
Strange mythologies: cultural and linguistic opacity in Argonauts of the Western Pacific
Published 2023“…As I argue, however, this totalizing impulse is frustrated on more than one occasion in Argonauts, when Malinowski encounters various “opacities” that cannot be so easily assimilated into ethnographic discourse, thus revealing the limits of the very omniscience that he claims to be pursuing.…”
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Journal Article -
The augmented human — seeing sounds
Published 2024“…The user is then able to monitor the processing of the video, and download the annotated video and a transcript with captions divided by speaker identity when processing is complete. Design choices made in the implementation of the final application are evaluated.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Simulation studies on normalized decoupling control system design for MIMO processes
Published 2009“…By employing the concept of integrated error, gain and phase changes of a transfer function when other loops are closed can be uniquely determined. …”
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Thesis -
Ir and Rh complexes of under-explored n-heterocyclic carbenes : synthesis, mechanism, dynamics and catalysis
Published 2009“…In Chapter 2 shows that phosphine-tethered imidazolium ions can undergo C-H oxidative addition when treated with [Ir(COD)Cl]2 to give abnormal iridium(III) NHC hydrides. …”
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Thesis -
Multiplexed model predictive control
Published 2009“…This results in demanding on-line optimization, hence computing resource can become an issue when applying MPC to complex systems with many inputs or with fast response times. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of different scan factors in genome analyser (illumina) platform on gene expression profiling
Published 2009“…Illumina microarray, which uses advanced BeadArray Technology, is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to produce more reliable results when compared to conventional microarray. Thus, Illumina microarray data is used for this study. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Modelling and optimization of photonic crystal fibres
Published 2008“…Generally speaking, FEM is accurate, flexible and quite efficient, how- ever, it is still very time-consuming when used for optimal design where hundreds or thousands of individual solutions are needed. …”
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Thesis -
Attitude determination and control of LEO microsatellites
Published 2008“…The simulation results show good convergence in attitude to about 5° pointing accuracy when using magnetometer measurements and 0.2° for Sun and Earth Horizon measurements. …”
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Thesis -
Acculturation index for stress and subjective well-being : study of mainland chinese in Singapore.
Published 2010“…Results revealed that the sample population was faring the same as, if not better than, when in country of origin, in terms of accStress and accSWB. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Why do the outward FDI patterns of China's state-owned enterprises differ from those of private companies?
Published 2010“…The key reason accounting for the differences of outward FDI patterns is that the state-owned companies, controlled or backed by the central government directly or indirectly, are influenced by political interests and policies enforced by Beijing government to achieve the long-term national goal, while the private-owned companies are primarily profit-oriented when they invest abroad.…”
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