Strategic leadership style of school principals in selected Islamic private secondary school in Pattani, Thailand
Published 2013“…The results of the study supported that the nine-factor model were generated by he data collected form the Islamic private secondary school teachers in Pattani. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
49 collected poems
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Ephemera -
"Loved and not judged": how African/Caribbeans with a diagnosis of schizophrenia experience the therapeutic relationship in psychological therapy: an interpretative phenomenologica...
Published 2020“…A description of these superordinate themes and the nine related subordinate themes are discussed. The finding indicate that the therapeutic environment enabled the establishment of a strong therapeutic relationship. …”
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Thesis -
The big menopause: the word just seems wrong! An interpretative phenomenological analysis of Christian women’s experience of the menopause
Published 2023“…Findings: Three superordinate themes and nine sub-themes emerged, reflecting a sequence where the impact of menopause on identity and sense of self led to efforts to adjust and respond, which for most involved finding perspective through their faith, but this was not without struggle for some. …”
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Thesis -
Availability analysis of terrestrial free space optical (FSO) link using visibility data measured in tropical region
Published 2018“…Carrier class availability “five nine” can be achieved for 20 dBm transmission power using 1550 nm wavelength.…”
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Article -
Nano-structural analysis of fish collagen extracts for new process development
Published 2011“…Cross-linked rods observed in SBA denote adequate removal of non-collagen content of the fish skin and increase its surface area. SBA is suggested as the best pretreatment for perch fish gelatin. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Intra-aural tick infestation, the presentation and complications
Published 2003“…It grips firmly into the skin of the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane. …”
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Article -
Therapeutic potential of the haruan (Channa striatus) : from food to medicinal uses
Published 2012“…Extracts of the fish are produced from whole fish, roe, mucus and skin of the fish. This review updates research findings on potential uses of Channa striatus, beyond the traditional prescription as a wound healer, pain reliever and energy booster to include its properties as a ACE-inhibitor, anti-depressant and neuroregenerative agent. …”
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Article -
A framework of remote diabetic monitoring system for developing countries
Published 2013“…Failure to monitor the level of glucose in diabetes patients can increase the risk of complications like hypertension, stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, skin, foot, and eye complications, etc. However, healthcare delivery cost can be reduced by using telemedicine applications that focus on monitoring patients from outside the clinics or hospitals. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Early detection of breast tumors using UWB microstrip antenna imaging
Published 2016“…The hemispherical breast model used comprised breast skin, fat and the tumor tissue. Investigation was done with the tumor located at several positions inside the heterogeneous breast model. …”
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Article -
The experience of psoriatic arthritis patients receiving biological treatment : an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2016“…It is argued that this research extends the current knowledge base in counselling psychology on the psychological aspects of skin conditions such as psoriasis to what it is like to have both psoriasis and arthritis, whilst also being relevant to counselling psychologists working with psychological aspects of medical conditions, which is proposed to hold a promising future for the field.…”
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Thesis -
Analysis of a Squeezing Flow of a Casson Nanofluid between Two Parallel Disks in the Presence of a Variable Magnetic Field
Published 2023“…The nature of the velocity profiles for the different values of the suction injection parameter, the squeeze number, the Casson fluid parameter, and the volume fraction parameter of the nanofluid are pictorially discussed in this paper. The coefficient of skin friction was tabulated for the novelty of the research. …”
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Article -
Analysis of a Squeezing Flow of a Casson Nanofluid between Two Parallel Disks in the Presence of a Variable Magnetic Field
Published 2023“…The nature of the velocity profiles for the different values of the suction injection parameter, the squeeze number, the Casson fluid parameter, and the volume fraction parameter of the nanofluid are pictorially discussed in this paper. The coefficient of skin friction was tabulated for the novelty of the research. …”
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Article -
Analysis of a Squeezing Flow of a Casson Nanofluid between Two Parallel Disks in the Presence of a Variable Magnetic Field
Published 2023“…The nature of the velocity profiles for the different values of the suction injection parameter, the squeeze number, the Casson fluid parameter, and the volume fraction parameter of the nanofluid are pictorially discussed in this paper. The coefficient of skin friction was tabulated for the novelty of the research. …”
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Article -
Evaluating the accessibility and visibility of Quranic websites
Published 2010“…In this paper Alexa is applied to study the visibility of Quranic websites. Nine quranic websites were investigated. It was found that the website, almushaf.com is the most visible website. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A Meta analysis of research on private finance initiative (PFI) or public private partnership (PPP)
Published 2011“…Methodology: A qualitative meta-analysis method is used to analyse 134 PFI/PPP published papers from twenty nine selected public sector journals from 1992 to 2009. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A framework for heuristic evaluation on Islamic websites
Published 2011“…This study has evaluated fifty (50) selected Islamic websites. Nine (9) design features have been identified which are: navigation, interactivity, and attractiveness) and content features (i.e. legitimacy, objectivity, authority, relevance, credibility, and reliability). …”
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Book Chapter -
A study on problems, roles and factors affecting perceived effectiveness of course leader performance
Published 2008“…The present study examined problems faced by course leaders at three different stages (planning, during semester and post semester), their perceptions on their course leader roles and investigated their perceived role effectiveness in leading and managing courses as part and parcel of their role as lecturers. Fifty nine course leaders were involved and results show that common problems faced are in finding the right assignments, time constraint, getting feedback from tutors and monitoring course evaluation in all the regional centers. …”
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Book Chapter -
Investigation of Malaysian higher education quality culture and workforce performance
Published 2012“…Findings – The analysis yielded a nine-factor-indexed quality culture construct, while the workforce construct constituted two factors. …”
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