Understanding the factors that inhibit the success of indigenous entrepreneurs in Malaysia
Published 2020“…The results show that there are nine (9) main factors that inhibit the success of indigenous entrepreneurs in Malaysia. …”
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The use of palm oil-basedwaste cooking oil to enhance the production of polyhydroxybutyrate [P(3HB)] by cupriavidus necator H16 strain
Published 2018“…In the present study, palm oil-basedWCO(PO-WCO) was obtained from nine different locations. Palm oil-based fresh cooking oil (PO-FCO) and PO-WCO were characterised via proximate and physicochemical analysis, prior to being used as carbon sources for the biosynthesis of P(3HB) using Cupriavidus necator H16. …”
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Linerboard made from Soda-Anthraquinone (Soda-AQ) treated coconut coir fiber and effect of pulp beating
Published 2015“…Based on chemical analysis, the composition of coir fiber is suitable for the pulping process. Out of nine pulping conditions characterized, a pulping condition of 18% active alkali for 90 min cooking time was chosen. …”
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Exploring and Changing Cognitive Representations, Coping and Quality Of Life Outcomes in Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria
Published 2016“…Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CU) is a pruritic skin disorder that affects 0.8% of the population. …”
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Thesis -
The quest for identity of African American women from 1939 to 2000 in postmodern American Drama
Published 2020“…It is concluded that African American women have been doubled marginalized and discriminated because of their skin colour as well as their gender. And later on, through the timeline of the current study, this issue had not been overcome completely. …”
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Boundary layer flow and heat transfer of dusty nanofluid over horizontal sheet with various conditions
Published 2023“…The numerical solutions for skin friction coefficients, local Nusselt number, velocity and temperature profiles are presented graphically. …”
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An assessment of potable water quality at Kolej Kediaman Kampus Pagoh, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Published 2024“…This study was carried out based on the responses from students that the water quality of the hostel is affecting them which can lead to some health issues such as hair loss, and skin becoming dry and itchy when consuming the hostel’s water. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Driver’s fatigue detection system based on facial features
Published 2014“…First step is face detection for which combination of Viola Jones and skin color pixels detection is used. Second is accurate detection of eyes and mouth in detected face area. …”
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A grounded theory study on the development of a professional identity in trainee counselling psychologists
Published 2014“…Semi-structured interviews were used to explore how nine trainee Counselling Psychologists from a selection of universities and training stages experienced the development of their professional identity. …”
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Thesis -
The well from which we drink is poisoned: clergy sexual exploitation of adult women
Published 2009“…The thesis includes in appendix nine an overview of Christian Church guidelines and procedures for dealing with 'sexual misconduct. …”
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The persistence of the oral: on the enduring importance of the human voice
Published 2016“…The submission, comprising nine outputs, ranges from journal articles and a book to a podcast and a radio programme. …”
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Voice and visibility: tackling the ‘invisibility’ of the sexual orientation strand in UK organisation equality and diversity research
Published 2015“…This covering statement introduces the nine published outputs in this submission, and explains their genesis. …”
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State of the nation: class, Labour politics and the contemporary relevance of Our Friends in the North (1996)
Published 2023“…In January 1996 the BBC began broadcasting Our Friends in the North, a ‘state of the nation’ drama (Eaton 2005), over nine episodes. The series followed four working-class friends from Tyneside, and explored how their lives unfolded during the social and political upheavals of the 1960s through to the 1990s. …”
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An overview of public transport reliability studies using a bibliometric analysis
Published 2023“…However, there are an absence of comprehensive and quantitative studies. Furthermore, only nine reviews related to public transport reliability have been published on the Web of Science (WOS) database. …”
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Analytic hierarchy process on criteria selection on the ideal partner among university students
Published 2021“…A questionnaire survey has been distributed to respondents in nine faculties in UTHM with the total of 11 criteria of an ideal woman and 11 criteria of an ideal man have been listed for respondents to rank based on their priorities. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Optimization of double boiling condition for kelulut honey processing using response surface methodology
Published 2018“…Three-level factorial design employed nine runs with duplicates under different combination of temperature (30 – 60 °C) and time (10 – 60 min) was developed. …”
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Evaluation of different techniques for generating landslide susceptibility map
Published 2023Get full text