2011 International Design Exchange Project, Hidden Space Project. Volume 2, Urban rooftops
Published 2011“…Novalis wrote ‘Everything seen from a distance becomes poetry :distant mountains, distant people, distant events. …”
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Book -
Using psychological type for developmental coaching: the inclusion of intrapersonal type dynamics, effectiveness related to aspects of ego development, and the individual's capacit...
Published 2011“…From the definitions obtained, it appears that many of the characteristics seen in individuals who are effective in their use of type can be related to aspects of Ego Development theory (e.g., Loevinger, 1976). …”
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Thesis -
Bone health in urban midlife Malaysian women: risk factors and prevention
Published 2005“…Two-fifths were postmenopausal, and the prevalence of osteoporosis was 24.1%, seen predominantly at the hip. Postmenopausal women had significantly lower mean BMD and a higher incidence of osteoporosis compared with the premenopausal women, 42.1% vs. 11.1% (p<0.0005). …”
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Article -
الإمام الزركشي: حياته ومؤلفاته ومناهجه فيها (Al-Imam Al-Zarkashi: his life and legacy)
Published 2011“…The findings of the research can be summarized as follows: The contribution of al-ZarkashÊ is seen in the early interest he showed in studying ÍadÊth known as “famous” or “mushtahara”. …”
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Book Chapter -
جهود الزركشي في فقه الحديث من خلال كتب الشروح (The efforts of Al-Imam al-ZarkashÊ in Fiqh Al-Hadith)
Published 2011“…The findings of the research can be summarized as follows: The contribution of al-ZarkashÊ is seen in the early interest he showed in studying ÍadÊth known as “famous” or “mushtahara”. …”
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Book Chapter -
نحو حوكمة شرعية في تطبيقات التورق بورصة سوق السلع الماليزية الإسلامية أنموذجًا = Towards a Shariah compliance governance in the application of tawarruq: the case of Malaysian Islam...
Published 2018“…The Malaysian Commodity Market is chosen as a case study as it is seen as initiating a pioneering effort in applying contemporary tawarruq according to certain systems, regulations, instructions and procedures that must be adhered to ensure its compliance with the Shariah – as intended by its regulators. …”
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Article -
Glycemic profile of three different insulin regimes during the month of Ramadan
Published 2016“…The significant hyperglycaemia seen post iftar and post sahur were likely contributed by higher baselineA1c and FBS.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Graphene antenna design and characterisation for fifth generation applications
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Evaluating the rediscovery process as a treatment programme for a range of substance use disorders
Published 2019“…No effect on outcomes was seen in the different referral routes for all analysed measures, at all time points, with the exception of impulsivity at 1month and QOL at 3-month. …”
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Thesis -
Dispute over the legality of codification of Islamic law: a critical analysis = Perselisihan tentang kesahihan kodifikasi undang-undang Islam: analisa kritikal
Published 2018“…The study finds out that the merits and motives of codification are far higher than its perils as seen by some scholars. It posits that codification of Islamic law would be the timely solution to get back the unity and solidarity among the Muslim world. …”
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كتب النكت على ابن الصلاح نكت الزركشي نموذجاً
Published 2015“…The findings of the research can be summarized as follows: The contribution of al-ZarkashÊ is seen in the interest he showed in studying sciences ÍadÊth. …”
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Article -
Development of novel isolation methodologies for microvesicles and exosomes, as potential biomarkers for health (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes), and use of microvesicle-delivered β...
Published 2016“…Finally, β-Gly increased the percentage of cells in G0/G1 whilst decreasing the cells in G2/M and appears to induce erythroid differentiation as seen by the increase in the percentage of benzidine-stained cells.…”
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Thesis -
A gamification approach to enhance “third space mobility”: building a digital community and fostering engagement amongst culturally diverse students
Published 2022“…This paper explores further the relationship of these activities, building on Burns et al. (2019) work of including partnerships with students as falling under the umbrella of the ‘third space’. We have seen through past research, (Bamford and Pollard, 2018; Pollard and Bamford, 2021) that students from underrepresented groups can struggle to make the social transition to university, with busy lives and local community links outside of university. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
أهمية ألفية ابن مالك وميزاتها في التراث الإسلامي = The importance of Alfiyyah Ibn Mālik and its previllages in Islamic classical literature...
Published 2019“…Ibn Mālik has clearly influenced the educational movement with a great influence in the diverse composition of the work, which was a fruit of many explanations of “Al-Alfiyyah” and multiple references on the annotations, and because Ibn Mālik built his grammatical choices on issues he sees and believes in, such as quoting the Quranic verses, Prophets Traditions, and rely on the narration of modernity in the proof of grammatical rules. we have seen it alone in the choices and views that have not been made; Linguists have made after the beginning of the discussion between supporters and opponents, and all of this was to be studied features of ‘Al- Alfiyyah”. …”
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Article -
Physical performance and durability evaluation of rubberized concrete
Published 2014“…From test results, it was clearly seen that 10% crumb rubber addition as sand replacement provide good resistance against abrasion. …”
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Thesis -
Proceedings of 9th Windsor Conference Making Comfort Relevant
Published 2016“…The provision of comfort can no longer be seen in isolation – as an activity detached from cost or impact. …”
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Book -