On the Cauchy-Goursat theorem
Published 2010“…Avoiding topological and rigor mathematical requirements, we have sub-divided the region bounded by the simple closed curve by a large number of different simple closed curves between two fixed points on the boundary and have introduced: where path of integration is from p to q along ci and for I = 0, 1, 2, ..., n. Line integral along the boundary of the domain was evaluated via ( ∂f/ ∂z). …”
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Experimental investigation on system performance using palm oil as hydraulic fluid
Published 2007“…The instantaneous data were recorded in a computer using an analog-to-digital data acquisition system with respect to time and the parameters stored were reservoir temperature, return line temperature, suction and delivery pressures, instantaneous flow rate, total flow, total running time and torque. …”
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False positive detection rate of R2-CAD in evaluation of breast lesions at Full-Field-Digital Mammogram (FFDM)
Published 2009“…As such, it should be used as an aid not the first line mammographic interpretation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
UWB pulse generation,shaping and analysis
Published 2011“…In TDR systemS the shon pulse generators are used 10 characterize long distant:e transmission lines and 10 detect open (or short) circuit faults cxisting over thc lines. …”
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Book Chapter -
An appraisal of the performance of two (2) Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Thus realizing from the scarcity of studies on this component of financial system particularly in the case of Malaysia, we consider the present effort to be worthy addition to the existing literature in this line. To achieve our objectives, we used data and other relevant information collected from the annual reports of individual Development Financial Institutions under consideration. …”
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Integration of environmental performance in a virtual reality framework: case study of Putrajaya
Published 2008“…As the 'user' walks through the spaces in the VR, the line graphs on the gauges will change to indicate the variations in the environmental parameters such as light, air speed and temperature experienced in urban microclimates.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Corporate governance and strategic information disclosure in Malaysian listed banks : panel data analysis
Published 2011“…INE_BZ (at 1% Sig. level, BOWN (at 5% Sig. level) and BLS and DOWN are in line with hypothesis while BZ (at 1% Sig. level) and IOWN are not. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Women's property rights in Bangladesh: what is practically happening in South Asian rural communities
Published 2012“…Among the rural communities in Bangladesh, land and any other properties, can be inherited legally and conventionally, by both boys and girls; but usually, this line of inheritance does only prevail among those who live there permanently with their parents, even after marriage. …”
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"Identity Formation or Knowledge Shopping"? Quality Reform in Malaysian Higher Education Governance
Published 2012“…Higher educational institutions in Malaysia have been implementing almost a blueprint of the national standard of education in line with “Vision 2020”. In trying to understand what role standards will have in the globalization process an interesting questions is; whether the use of standards bring the higher education system in Malaysia in the direction towards a knowledge society i.e. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Right to self-determination, democracy and the Shari'ah: an expository study
Published 2012“…The Shari‘ah principles pertaining to establishment and governance of states based on a constitution made in line with it, i.e. the sovereignty has to be with Allah (s.w.t.), citizens, including non-Muslim citizens, will command various rights and duties, as determined in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah and commanded from time to time by the Khalifa in conformity with them, and there has to be a participatory democracy based on the concept of a Khalifa and a Majlis al-Mushawarah. …”
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Prediction of the tropospheric scintillation for earth to satellite link in tropical climate
Published 2011“…Many prediction models have been proposed to predict the tropospheric scintillation which is the fast fluctuations on line of site links on earth-space paths at different frequencies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Employers’ experience in managing high potential employees in Malaysia
Published 2013“…The respondents of the study were in the positions of company CEOs, HR managers and line managers from various industries. All data were collected using survey forms. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Conceptualizing issues relating to the bills of quantities
Published 2012“…As an approach to understand the significant issue further, the paper has proposed the conceptual framework which contains what supposed to be the ideal situation as opposed to the current situation and further called for the establishment of the line of information equilibrium as the basis for assessing the issue. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
أثر القرآن الكريم في نشر اللغة العربية في الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل
Published 2011“…Since then, Arabic Language is no longer confined to a particular place, ethnics or genders. In line with the above, this paper aims to investigate the impact of the Holy Qur’an in teaching/learning of Arabic language in the past, present and future, for Arabic speakers and non Arabic speakers. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Second trimester uterine rupture: lesson learned
Published 2011“…We experienced three cases of ruptured uterus in the second trimester that first line doctors and obstetrician could learn lessons from. …”
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War for the peace in Pakistan
Published 2013“…Pakistan because of its geographical location became a front line state in the war against terror since the attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of weather on free space optics communication (FSO) under tropical weather conditions and a proposed setup for measurement
Published 2010“…However, weather attenuation has a big impact on the transmission line of FSO. There are a lot of studies and experiments have been done on FSO in the temperate climate region where the attenuation due to snow and fog are the two major problems in the deployment of FSO. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ranking of the nine challenges of malaysian vision 2020
Published 2012“…Mahathir bin Mohamad, who unveiled it in 1991, 30 years in advance of the time line of demarcation. The gist of the Malaysian Vision 2020 is that “By the year 2020, Malaysia will become a developed nation.” …”
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Monograph -
The Importance of Self-Realization and Its Relation to the Progress of Man and Society in Islam: Some Reflections on Muhammad Iqbal's Concept of Selfhood
Published 2008“…Self, according to Iqbal, is an active and creative force in which a person should strive towards the achievement of a rich personality as well as participate in the affairs of the universe to suit his highest position as the vicegerent of God on earth. This is in line with the Qur’anic perception of man as an ascending spirit who is capable of changing the entire course of history. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparing BRIN-BD11 culture producing insulin using different type of microcarriers
Published 2010“…Comparisons were made on modified polystyrene (Hillex� II) and crosslinked polystyrene Plastic Plus (PP) from Solohill Engineering. The cell line producing insulin was cultured in a 25 cm2 T-flask as control while MCs based culture was implemented in a stirred tank bioreactor with 1 L working volume. …”
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