Islamic finance in Hong Kong
Published 2012“…This article explains Islamic finance and its current position in Hong Kong, together with the legal and regulatory challenges it faces. …”
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Sains untuk manusia
Published 2020“…‘Sains untuk Manusia’ menumpukan kepada kesan terhadap penyelidikan dan pendidikan sains andainya kita tidak berhemah dalam menghadapi cetusan Revolusi Industri ke-Empat (RI4.0) di Malaysia. …”
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Book -
Diplomacy: theory and practice in Islam / Wang Yong Bao @ Ahmed Musa
Published 2009Get full text
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Primary ewing's sarcoma of the lumbosacral spine : a case report
Published 2012Get full text
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Memahami asal usul bidang sains sosial dan perbezaannya dengan sains tabi'i
Published 2012“…Pada zaman moden ini, penekanan manusia kepada usaha pencarian dan penambahan ilmu pengetahuan telah menyebabkan pengetahuan manusia dibahagikan kepada dua bidang yang utama, iaitu bidang ilmu Sains Sosial dan ilmu Sains Tabi’i. Secara amnya, bidang Sains Sosial adalah bidang pengetahuan manusia yang menyentuh setiap aspek kehidupan kelompok-kelompok manusia di atas muka bumi ini (the field of human knowledge that deals with all aspects of the group life of human beings). …”
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Optimum length for pin fins used in electronic cooling
Published 2012“…The present work deals with the heat transfer analysis of pin fins of various geometries namely ─ circular, triangular and rectangular and thus arrive at the optimum design. …”
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Politicizing power between the imperial female and the Malay other in Emily Innes’s The Chersonese With The Gilding Of
Published 2016“…The autobiographical writing by Emily Innes’s The Chersonese with the Gliding offer corded experiences and turbulence underwent by a White officer’s wife to Malaya with an underlying western perspectives and impression on the country during pre-Independence period and its people. …”
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Pinning for judges in harmonising Civil Law and Shariah: Challenges and prospects
Published 2009Get full text
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Proceeding Paper -
Implementation of land title registration system in Malaysia: lessons for Hong Kong
Published 2011“…Hong Kong is one of few common law jurisdictions that still adopt deeds registration system, rather than the system of registration of title. …”
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Ethnoichthyology of the First Record of Spine Bahaba (Bahaba polykladiskos) from Muar, Johor, Malaysia
Published 2024“…The Spine Bahaba (Bahaba polykladiskos), locally known as 'Gelama Tirusan,' is a member of the Sciaenidae fish family that is distributed across Southeast Asia, reaching as far as North Australia. …”
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Pin type reconfigurable clamping ability evaluation for setup-free technology
Published 2011Get full text
Book Chapter -
An experimental study on precision grinding of silicon using diamond grinding pins
Published 2011Get full text
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Strengthening the independence criteria: a comparison of the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore
Published 2010“…Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong have recently revised their applicable corporate governance codes or principles.This discussion provides a comparative study of the differences and similarities in these Codes in relation to: (1) the role of the independent non-executive directors; (2) the independence criteria; and (3) disclosure and verification of the independence criteria. …”
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Malaysian communication and multimedia commission: A model of united communications regultor for Hong Kong
Published 2010“…In the second part of this paper, they examine the policy goals of Hong Kong government for establishing a unified regulator, and argue that Hong Kong can learn many lessons from the Malaysian experience if it proceeds to establish the Communications Authority. …”
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Penciptaan hawa menurut kitab tafsir dan fakta sains
Published 2016“…Adalah diharapkan menerusi kertas kerja yang berasaskan kepada kajian perpustakaan di dalam dua bidang iaitu ilmu wahyu dan sains ini dapat menyumbang ilmu yang bermanfaat kepada masyarakat secara umumnya dan dunia Islam secara khususnya.…”
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Proceeding Paper