Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology thesis portfolio (Edwards : 2019) : Obesity and uncontrolled eating from a health psychology perspective
Published 2019“…I can see a vast improvement in my skills and confidence between when I first undertook my training in 2014 and today. …”
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Thesis -
Modeling for surface roughness in end-milling of Titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V using uncoated WC-Co inserts
Published 2011“…In this paper, the RSM technique is used in developing a mathematical model to optimize the surface roughness values when end milling titanium alloy using both uncoated WC-Co inserts under dry conditions. …”
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Book Chapter -
Slope strain monitoring using soil-embedded distributed optical fibre sensor
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Microwave absorber based on biocomposites derived from agricultural wastes with reinforcement of poly lactic acid
Published 2021“…Then, a similar trend observed with the simulations when varies from 0o in 45o in TE and TM polarization. …”
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Thesis -
Flashover performance of lightning protected buildings using scaled models and electric field analysis
Published 2018“…Both laboratory and simulation work also confirm that the edge shapes play crucial roles as intense electric fields is found to accumulate on the edges area when the Franklin Rod intercepts the lightning leaders. …”
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Thesis -
The impact of capital market development on economic growth among MENA region countries
Published 2017“…The results of OLS regression indicate that the Egyptian capital market development had significant effects on economic growth, although there were mixed results when different proxies of capital market development indicators were used. …”
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Thesis -
New fuzzy preference relations and its application in group decision making
Published 2009“…Preference is expected to be more effective when considering both positive and negative degrees of preference to evaluate the best selection. …”
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Article -
Empirical determinants of saving in the Islamic banks: evidence from Indonesia
Published 2009“…Furthermore, the study finds the existence of displaced commercial risk between the Islamic and conventional banks, such that the Islamic banks’ depositors transfer their funds to the conventional banks when the rate of return provided by the Islamic banks is significantly lower that the interest rate of its counterpart. …”
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Article -
Prediction of burr formation in fabricating MEMS components by micro end milling
Published 2009“…The models showed that the chip load and cutting speed both have direct and interactive contribution to burr formation. When micromachining without coolant, the burr height increases about 40% compared to that of machining with coolant. …”
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Article -
Total knee replacement: 12 years retrospective review and experience
Published 2011“…Both scores showed significant improvement when comparing preoperative to post operative results (p< 0.005). …”
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Article -
BitTorrent: extra-locality P2P approach for grid content distribution networks
Published 2009“…We show that the external torrent download method, or its extension, the extra-locality torrent download method, are most optimum when it comes to handling internet traffic. These approaches are the most beneficial to the users as well as the ISPs.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Factors that influence parents' choice of pre-schools education in Malaysia: an exploratory study
Published 2011“…Parent have different educational believes and preferences which puts them in a dilemma when making decision for their children pre-school education. it is important for pre-school businesses to meet the needs of both parents and children in order to attract and retain their customer. …”
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Article -
Investigation and probable solution of low end torque dip problem of CAMPRO 1.6L Engine
Published 2008“…The CAMPRO engine experiences performance downfall when it reaches at certain rpm. The phenomenon is known as torque dip or torque loss where the output torque is not smooth, consequently formed a dip in the torque curve. …”
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Article -
Mobility investigation of a designed and developed segmented rubber track vehicle on Sepang peat terrain in Malaysia
Published 2007“…The tractive effort of the vehicle increased 14 per cent when the moisture content of the terrain increased from 59.85 per cent to 81.06 per cent. …”
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Article -
An order to transfer the matrimonial home absolutely to one party after a divorce under the Malaysian law: is it just and equitable?
Published 2007“…Thus, it is undeniable fact that typically, matrimonial home is a major asset, if not the only assets of the family. In pursuant to this, when the marriage breaks down, the parties will claim their share over the matrimonial home. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The concept of Itqan and its role in Muslim professional life
Published 2009“…Professional Ethics which concern one's conduct of behavior and practice when carrying out professional work needs Itqan. …”
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Book Chapter -
Clinical assessment of watermarked medical images
Published 2009“…Conclusion/Recommendations: Digital watermarking does not alter medical diagnosis when assessed by clinical radiologists. The quality of the watermarked images was also unchanged.…”
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Article -
On the performance of MPI-OpenMP on a 12 nodes multi-core cluster
Published 2011“…Some benchmark results are presented and some observations are mentioned when handling such processors on a benchmark test. …”
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Optimization of Newcastle disease virus production in T-flask
Published 2011“…Results show that virus infectivity titre of 6.62 x 107 TCID50/ml was achieved when serum concentration of 0.5% and MOI of 20 was used…”
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