Published 2010“…It would be instructive, therefore, to reflect on Martin Lings' explanation of the concepts of "development" (tatawwur), "progress" (taqaddum), "renewal" (tajdid) and "renaissance" (nahdah).....…”
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Article -
The Elbow
Published 2012“…The elbow joint has a key role in the functions of the upper limb like feeding, washing and toilet care. Its hinge action and strong static collateral stability, combined with dexterity and versatility of the shoulder, hand and forearm enables the hand to be put in almost any position on the body. …”
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Book Chapter -
Effect of Knowledge Management Practices on Business Performance in Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry
Published 2012“…This is due to the fact that firms’ performances are increasingly hinge upon managing knowledge of their employees rather than managing only physical facilities and resources. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of knowledge management practices on business performance in Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry
Published 2012“…This is due to the fact that firms’ performances are increasingly hinge upon managing knowledge of their employees rather than managing only physical facilities and resources. …”
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Article -
Perennial philosophy in re-understanding Malay mythology and science of symbol
Published 2010“…This paper will evaluate Malay mythology and the science of symbols from the perennialists point of view by taking into of consideration the various explanations made by scholars like Rene Guenon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Frithjof Schuon, Martin Lings, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr regarding myths, symbols and imageries in traditional thought and literature. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The ideational approach
Published 2024“…At all three levels, we argue that populism has a distinct impact that hinges on the intensity of populist beliefs of actors, particularly when these are in power. …”
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Book Section -
A new viscoelastic damper for seismic protection of steel building frame
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
In-Utero effects of the crude ethanolic extract of the leaves of mitragyna speciosa on neural tube formation in rats
Published 2010“…This study indicates that the crude extract of the leaves of MS is capable of selective neurotoxicity and producing spina bifida like NTD as characterized by altered brain size and neural tube formation, a finding that may have an important implication in the dependence liability associated with its use. …”
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Article -
Material properties and design aspects of folding bicycle frame
Published 2011“…The relationship between materials properties and design is not straight forward because the behavior of the material in the finished product could be different from that of the raw material. The swing hinge technique could be a better technique in the design for the folding bicycle frame.…”
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Article -
A study on customer satisfaction towards digital advertisement of consumer goods
Published 2019“…Excessive stress on employees will create health issues like depression, diabetes, ulcers, high blood pressure, anxiety, dissatisfaction, loss of concentration, etc. Butts, Pines (2009), NIOSH (1999). Many organizations wanted to reduce and prevent occupational stress. …”
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Article -
The way forward: Malaysia-CLMV common higher education and research space - strategic linkages and exchanges
Published 2012“…The basic principle of collaboration and partnership between Malaysia and the CLMV countries is hinged on mutual respect. Malaysia’s gesture in providing assistance to the CLMV countries “rest[s] on equitable, conscientious and reciprocal engagement to enable the sharing of educational experience so that learning is a two-way process” (Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia [MoHE], 2011: 23). …”
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Book Chapter -
Influence of midblock median opening on quality of multilane highway service
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
A modified savonius turbine with moveable blades for higher efficiency
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Aligning internal market orientation (IMO) with market orientation (MO) to impact performance in the banking sector in Ghana
Published 2017“…The pioneering studies of Lings and Greenley on internal market orientation (IMO) in the 2000s and that of Kohli and Jaworski experience enormous investigation empirically. …”
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Thesis -
Taking the implementation of ECtHR judgments seriously : right assessment, wrong approaches?
Published 2010“…The entry into force of Protocol 14 will be of no help, as infringement proceedings are not coupled with daily fines, unlike the practice of the European Court of Justice. …”
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Article -
Cyclic performance and strengthening of built-up battened columns
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Effect of nano black rice husk ash on the chemical and physical properties of porous concrete pavement
Published 2018“…The chemical and physical properties of the Nano BRHA mixtures were evaluated using fineness test, X-ray Fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). …”
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Article -
Design and implementation of an optimal fuzzy logic controller using egentic algorithm
Published 2011“…Works so far reponed techniques which are on how to oveTCQme or reduce the effects of these issues for ensuring smoother and finely tuned eolltrolling proceM. The devised solution is softwllrebased which employs an algorithmic approach for programming II PICI6F877A microcontroller, thus eliminating allogether the parametric dependence issues while adding the benefits of easier modification to suit a given control system for varying operational conditions_ The approach is first simulated using MATLAB/and the simulated results are verified by programming {he PICI6I'g77A mierocontrolter with {he algorithm and using it on a temperature control system where a fan is regulated in response to variations in the ambient system temperature. …”
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Book Chapter -
Gender and the translation of audiovisual non-profit advertising
Published 2016Get full text