The relationship between the domestic implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the ongoing reforms of the European Court of Human Rights
Published 2009“…The five recommendations aim at improving the quality of national laws, the effectiveness of remedies, including the reopening of domestic procedures to give effect to the ECtHR judgments, and the awareness of the requirements of the ECHR, including those ensuing from the judgments of the ECtHR, by measures in the fields of publication, dissemination, education and training. …”
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Thesis -
Celebration of London Irish Centre's 1000 mile cycle
Published 1983“…Black and white group portrait photograph of five people holding a large framed photograph of Fr Jim Butler's 1000 mile cycle ride for the London Irish Centre's fundraiser in 1983. …”
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The presentation to Canon Ambrose Woods
Published 1988“…Black and white portrait photograph of five men, three of them in clerical dress. The clergyman in the centre holds two glasses in a presentation box. …”
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Synthetic and NMR studies of polyorganophosphorus compounds.
Published 1989“…A new five-membered cyclic tertiary diphosphine has been synthesised, PhPCH(=CH2)PPhCH2CH2 (X). …”
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Donegal quiz team
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Public lecture series 2003
Published 2003“…Yeats, Blake and Van Morrison'; a panel debate with Richard English, Fionnuala O'Connor and Martin O'Brien 'The Good Friday Agreement five years on'; and the Irish ambassador Dáithí O'Ceallaigh on 'Ireland: a changing society'. …”
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Ephemera -
Group portrait of eleven people
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Apprentice certificate printing plate
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Ephemera -
7th Annual Irish in Britain Seminar Series [poster]
Published 2015“…The 2015 seminar series focussed on five key public figures and how migration to Britain became a formative and enduring influence on the shape of their careers and sense of Irish identity.…”
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Pamphlet -
Sustainability concerns on consumers’ attitude towards short food supply chains: an empirical Investigation
Published 2022“…Based on the 532 valid responses from Chinese consumers, our study shows that all five pillars of sustainability, moral economy and Chinese relationship have a positive influence on consumers’ participation in SFSCs. …”
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Non-performing bank loans and banking crisis in the Pakistani banking system
Published 2004“…The aim of this thesis has been to investigate the causes of the banking crisis in Pakistan, with particular emphasis on the causes of non-performing bank loans in the five major public owned commercial banks. Although a lot of recent literature has been written on banking crises especially in third world countries, little has been written about the Pakistani banking crisis. …”
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Postural stability in cyclists
Published 2025“…Methods: 42 adults (53 ± 7 y), RC N = 14, MTB N = 14, and CN N = 14, balanced with eyes closed in five stances as instructed by the SWAY app on a mobile phone held to the chest, which gave the mean of five stances as a total balance score. …”
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Public lecture series 2003
Published 2003“…Yeats, Blake and Van Morrison'; a panel debate with Richard English, Fionnuala O'Connor and Martin O'Brien 'The Good Friday Agreement five years on'; and the Irish ambassador Dáithí O'Ceallaigh on 'Ireland: a changing society'. …”
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Pamphlet -
Human values, personality and religiosity on green products purchase behavior
Published 2024Get full text
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