A cost and delay estimation of a suite of low-cost adaptive routers for hierarchical torus network
Published 2012“…Three deadlock-free adaptive routing algorithms called link-selection, channel-selection, and a combination of link-selection and channel-selection was proposed for the efficient use of physical links and virtual channels of an HTN to improve dynamic communication performance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Availability evaluation of scalable complex networks
Published 2012“…Two formulas are developed for the availability evaluation of the n-tuple bridge complex network, one for arbitrary link availability and a second for identical link availability.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
An introduction to swarming robotics: application development trends
Published 2013Get full text
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Modeling and control of a multi degree of freedom flexible joint manipulator
Published 2009“…Since lightweight materials are employed in the construction of manipulator, the assumption that negligible link deformation no longer applies. A nonlinear passivitybased control method for rigid flexible joint as well as flexible link is proposed here. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Antifungal activity of Andrographis paniculata extracts and active principles against skin pathogenic fungal strains in vitro
Published 2012“…(Acanthaceae) is an annual herbaceous plant widely cultivated in southern Asia, China, and Europe. It is used in the treatment of skin infections in India, China, and Malaysia by folk medicine practitioners. …”
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Water quality prediction and carbon reduction mechanisms in wastewater treatment in Northwest cities using Random Forest Regression model
Published 2024“…With the accelerated urbanization and economic development in Northwest China, the efficiency of urban wastewater treatment and the importance of water quality management have become increasingly significant. …”
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ARCASIA architectural timeline chart : Malaysia
Published 2006“…This book is a project by the ARCASIA Committee for Architectural Education (ACAE), contributed by 17 Institute of Architects in ASIA i.e. Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India,Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau,Malaysia, Mongolia,Nepal, Pakistan,Philippines, Singapore,Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam. …”
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Book -
A modified weight optimisation for higher-order neural network in time series prediction
Published 2020“…The MCS-MCMC results is further benchmarked with the standard Multilayer Perceptron, standard Pi-Sigma Neural Network (PSNN), Pi-Sigma Neural Network-Modified Cuckoo Search, Pi-Sigma Neural Network-Markov chain Monté Carlo, standard Functional Link Neural Network (FLNN), Functional Link Neural Network-Modified Cuckoo Search and Functional Link Neural Network-Markov chain Monté Carlo which emphasis in optimising the accuracy rate. …”
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Thesis -
International trade and conflict relationship
Published 2007“…The ten countries are as follows; USA, UK, Germany, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and The Russian Federation. …”
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Family takaful based fund: proposing for a new mechanism in enforcing shariah courts' maintenance orders
Published 2015Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Active vibration isolation system to improve free space optics communication
Published 2013“…A Free Space Optics (FSO) link consists of a transmitter and a receiver telescope which requires a continuous alignment for successful transmission of data. …”
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Enchancing QoS protection in MPLS networks
Published 2010“…In fact, QoS is important for interactive voice and video application and for specific clients. However, link failure always incurs delay and packet losses of the traffic passing through the failed link. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Neutral point inverter controller using H infinity techniques
Published 2014“…This can be achieved by using a neutral-point circuit that consists of a conventional neutral leg and a split dc link. In this project, a H infinity (H∞ ) current controller is proposed to force the current flowing through the split dc link to be nearly zero so that the neutral-point current is stable, and then, a current control loop is added to eliminate the imbalance of the current so that the neutral-point current is balanced with respect to the dc terminals. …”
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Thesis -
A comparative signaling cost analysis of macro mobility scheme in NEMO (MM-NEMO) with mobility management protocol
Published 2013“…This effect is particularly significant for wireless environment where a wireless link is not as steady as a wired link since bandwidth is relatively limited in wireless link. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Words and facts: children's fast mapping, retention and extension
Published 2015“…It has been researched primarily in the field of word learning and evidence suggests that a pre-school child can link a novel word with its referent and retain this link up to 1 month later (e.g. …”
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Thesis -