Amuk kanak-kanak, ibu bapa perlu adil, elak anak tunjuk perasaan
Published 2012“…Antaranya suka bergaduh dengan adiknya, tidak mahu mengalah, dia saja betul, tidak dengar nasihat dan suka mengamuk seperti menyepahkan barang jika permintaannya tidak dituruti. Malah ada masanya, permintaannya tidak masuk akal, tidak dimarah atau dipukul akan terus merajuk, menangis dan mengamuk, selain sukar bangun pagi untuk ke sekolah. …”
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Anak buat perangai, budak lelaki 8 tahun meronta-ronta enggan pisah dengan ibu bapa di sekolah
Published 2012“…Saya ada membaca rencana DR Mastura sebelum ini mengenai masalah kanak-kanak stres. …”
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Hak personal umat Islam
Published 2005“…Islam memberi kebebasan kepada penganut lain mengamalkan ajaran agama mereka walaupun terdapat ketidakadilan dalam agama tersebut. Umat Islam tidak ada hak menghalang penganut agama tersebut daripada melakukan sesuatu amalan yang bertentangan dengan fitrah manusia atau mengambil tindakan terhadap penganut agama yang melanggar ajaran mereka. …”
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Ajaran-ajaran sesat di Malaysia
Published 2013“…Definisi, asas ajaran-ajaran, kritikan-kritikan dan pengaruh kumpulan-kumpulan ajaran sesat juga dibincangkan dengan membuat kajian secara pendedahan dan analisa kritis terhadap penulisan-penulisan para pendokong, pengkaji dan pengkritik yang tersedia ada. Hasil dari analisa ini menunjukkan bahawa ajaran sesat sememangnya bertapak di Malaysia tidak kira samada mereka dari era klasik, moden dan pasca moden, atau sinkritisme dan telah menggugat keharmonian umat Islam di Malaysia.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Graduan Malaysia: matlamat dan arah tuju
Published 2010“…Menjelang suku pertama tahun 2010, dianggarkan sejumlah lebih 250 ribu graduan dapat dilahirkan sama ada dari Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA) ataupun Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam Swasta (IPTS). …”
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Hutang pendidikan wajib dibayar segera
Published 2009“…Dalam kitab Tuhfah Al Ahwazi ada menyebut Imam al Syayuti menghuraikan makna roh tergantung dengan mak sud roh itu terhalang dalam perjalanarmya menuju ke makam mulia manakala al Iraqi pula berpendapat bahawa urusan roh itu samaada dalam kategori roh yang beroleh kejayaan kesenangan atau kebinasaan kesengsaraan dibekukan sehinggalah hutangnya diselesaikan.…”
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Ethnobotany of traditional vegetables used by Sama-Bajau community in Kota Belud, Sabah, and phytochemical and anti-aging investigation of crassocephalum crepidioides
Published 2021“…Anti-aging efficacy of CCE was further evaluated in fibroblast dermalcell line (HSF1184), which was induced for photodamage using UVB radiation and hydrogen peroxide. …”
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Thesis -
Artificial neural network based autoregressive modeling technique with application in voice activity detection
Published 2012“…Results obtained show that the method can accurately resolve closely related frequencies without experiencing spectral line splitting as well as identify the voice and unvoiced segments in a recorded speech.…”
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Parking utilization pattern of park and ride facility at public transportation terminals
Published 2013“…Parking utilization survey was administered to examine the parking usage at two existing park and ride facilities along the Kelana Jaya LRT Line. This study also analyses the existing parking supply and its physical conditions through parking space inventory survey at the two selected facilities. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tool path generation of contour parallel based on ant colony optimisation
Published 2016“…Each uncut region at sharp corner is represented by uncut line which consists of two nodes in x and y directions. …”
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O flower of earth and heaven
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Ephemera -
My youth and love...
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Ephemera -
Histopathological effects of Eurycoma Longifolia jack extract (tongkat ali) on the prostate of rats
Published 2013“…These dysplastic changes were equivalent to low grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia PIN. Conclusion: E.L. root extract can cause abnormal proliferation in the prostatic epithelium and these changes are dose dependant. …”
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Effect of differential spoiler settings (DSS) on the wake vortices of a wing at high-lift-configuration (HLC)
Published 2011“…The model was investigated at a high lift configuration (called base-line configuration) and at two different DSSs believed to modify the base-line wingspan loading. …”
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Car style recognition 1990-2010
Published 2015“…The aim of this research is to identify the user recognition towards the car style in the market line up. To study the car style line up, a certain duration of the period that can show the car style changes need to be observed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
I woke and said in my joy...
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Ephemera -
The impact of corporate governance on the voluntary accounting information disclosure in Malaysian listed banks
Published 2011“…The other variables such as BLS, IOWN and BOWN in line with hypothesis while BZ is not in and the main reason for BZ not being in line with hypothesis is the sample firms already have optimal board.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The impact of corporate governance on the voluntary accounting information disclosure in Malaysian listed banks
Published 2012“…The other variables such as BLS, IOWN and BOWN are in line with hypotheses while BZ is not and the main reason for BZ not being in line with hypothesis is the sample firms already have optimal board structures. …”
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Invisible hands behind the corporate governance practices in Malaysia : a literature review
Published 2012“…However, some of the findings on corporate governance in Malaysia are not in line with the recommendations of the Code. Thus, this study examines the possible reasons that hinder current corporate governance system less effective in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Synthesis, characterisation and biological activities of 2-Methylbenzyl 2-(dipyridin-2-yl methylene)hydrazinecarbodithioate
Published 2011“…The Schiff base was found to be inactive against selected microbes and two breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 = Human breast cancer cell line with positive estrogen receptor and MDA-MB-231 = Human breast cancer cell line with negative estrogen receptor). …”
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