Published 2016“…In this research, the spindle speed was varied in the range 30000 to 50000 rpm, feed rate in the range 5 to 20 mm/min and depth of cut in the range 5 to 50 µm. …”
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Monograph -
Social and HIV/AIDS risk behaviours in a fishing community
Published 2011“…Background: This study was to explore the pattern and depth of social and health risk problems that may address the social drivers of HIV/AIDS in a fishing community in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Methods: Five focus group discussions were held among selected villagers to gain their experiences and perception on social problems and HIV/AIDS risk behaviours in their community. …”
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Article -
The impact of personality and leadership styles on leading change capability of Malaysian managers
Published 2011“…This study was conducted to investigate the influence of the Big Five Dimensions of personality of the Malaysian Managers and the leadership styles these managers use on their leading change capabilities. …”
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Article -
Validating content of sentence variety checklist for ESL writing
Published 2015“…With the intervention of sentence variety checklist (SVC) to promote sentence variety, this study investigates the validity of items in the SVC adapted from Langan (1993) to be justified prior to its use in the ESL writing classroom. Five ESL teachers who are the writing experts and have been teaching writing for more than 15 years in a public university in Malaysia responded to the questionnaire of 14 items rephrased from the items in the checklist and one open-ended question for further suggestions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Management of "frozen shoulder" made easy; critical evaluation on myofascial pain syndrome and conventional orthopedic approaches
Published 2010“…Prevalence of MPS and tendinitis were equally high in "frozen shoulder" (75%). Seventy five percents (75%) of the patients were successfully managed based on this three steps clinical evaluation. …”
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Article -
Perception of young employees on communicating and sharing working relationships with older employees in higher learning institutions in Malaysia
Published 2011“…A total of 575 employees in five Malaysian universities in the Klang Valley participated in the study. …”
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Article -
Vehicle fuel consumption and emission modelling: an in-depth literature review
Published 2011“…This review categorises vehicle fuel consumption and emissions models into five classifications. The relevant main models to each of these classifications are presented. …”
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Article -
A preliminary study on antimicrobial activity of Imperata cylindrica
Published 2011“…Antimicrobial properties of the methanol, chloroform or polybutylene succinate (PBS) extracts of leaves and rhizome from Imperata cylindrica were investigated against five clinical isolates of bacteria, namely Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. …”
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Article -
Sensory evaluation and contamination test on mango fruit (Mangifera indica) puree
Published 2011“…A wide variety of mang0C5 can easily be fouod in this country, Mangoes are known for the;r vibrant flesh colour. juicy texture. sweet flavour. vitamins and minerals. …”
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Book Chapter -
The glorious contribution of Ibn al-Quff on cardiology and embryology as well as other surgical matters
Published 2011“…He was a physician with five major interests which were anatomy, embryology, clinical medicine, surgery and prevention (Athar, 2010). …”
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Book Chapter -
IRIIE2012 Poster: Islamic economics themes in the strategic planning of mergers and acquisitions in the Malaysian construction industry
Published 2012“…The results of personal interviews gave five Islamic themes, namely (1) Unity of God (tawhidic) paradigm, (2) justice (‘adl), (3) trust (amanah), (4) promoting good governance-prevention eveil (amr bil ma’aruf nahi anil mungkar), and (5) vicegerency (khalifah) that supported M&A strategy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An improved ITU-R rain attenuation prediction model over terrestrial microwave links in tropical region
Published 2012“…In order to test the applicability of the proposed extrapolation method, a validation was performed using rain rate and rain attenuation measurements from five Brazilian and seven Nigerian tropical locations. …”
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Article -
Virtualization implementation approach for data centers to maximize performance
Published 2012“…Their utilization ratio is only 5 to 10%. This study proposes a five step model using an emerging technology called virtualization to achieve energy efficient data centers. …”
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Article -
Evaluation of fungal potentiality for bioconversion of domestic wastewater sludge
Published 2004“…The strains were divided into five groups i.e. Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, Basidiomycete and Miscellaneous, respectively. …”
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Article -
ECG biometric recognition in different physiological conditions using robust normalized QRS complexes
Published 2012“…One physiological activity acts as the enrolment template while the remaining five activities represent the recognition data. Cross correlation was used to measure the similarity between activities. …”
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Article -
ECG biometric recognition in different physiological conditions using robust normalized QRS complexes
Published 2012“…One physiological activity acts as the enrolment template while the remaining five activities represent the recognition data. Cross correlation was used to measure the similarity between activities. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development and improvement of anti-gout property from aqueous-methanol extract of morinda elliptica using central composite design
Published 2013“…Optimization of process parameters such as extraction temperature (ºC), extraction time (h), agitation speed (rpm) and ratio of sample to solvent (1g/ml) at five levels was carried out using central composite design (CCD) for the improvement of activity to treat gout. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamic perspective on marketing mix
Published 2012“…The paper analyses the five Ps of marketing mix which are product, price, promotion, place and people from the perspective of Islam. …”
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Article -
Islamic perspective on marketing mix
Published 2012“…The paper analyses the five Ps of marketing mix which are product, price, promotion, place and people from the perspective of Islam. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Collaboration algorithms between intermediaries for supporting flexible supply chain management
Published 2013“…The collaboration algorithms are design to go through five main phases in order to continuously monitor and detect any deviations from the processes currently running at the vacinity of the members. …”
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