Production of autologous platelet-rich plasma from an animal model
Published 2010“…PRP concentration of three to five-fold the baseline level or the count above 1,000,000/ml was shown the ability to promote tissue healing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Dementia, Islamic indication and scientific evidence
Published 2011“…Results: The overall prevalence of dementia for males and females doubled for every five years increase in age after the age of 65. It is largely a disease of older people. …”
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Social problems and HIV/AIDS risk behaviours in a fishing community
Published 2011“…Background: This study was to explore the pattern and depth of social and health risk problems that may address the social drivers of HIV/AIDS in a fishing community in the East Coast of Peninsular, Malaysia. Methods: Five focus group discussions were held among selected villagers to gain their experiences and perception on social problems and HIV/AIDS risk behaviours in their community. …”
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Optimization of process parameters for the production of citric acid using sewage sludge as major fermentation media
Published 2011“…Another parameter was aeration where 1, 1.5 and 2 vvm were introduced. The fermentation was carried out for five days. …”
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IIUM Fertility Centre: the outcome of a year in-progress
Published 2010“…Outcome measures include clinical pregnancy rate, ongoing pregnancy rate, take home baby rate and complications rate. Result : Fifty-five first cycles of IVF/ICSI were studied. Mean embryos per transfer was 2.1±0.8 4 patients were pregnant (23.5%) from a single embryo transfer (SET). …”
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Dementia : prevalence and risk factors
Published 2012“…The overall prevalence for males and females doubled for every five years increase in age after the age of 65. …”
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Scheme of obtaining ß-carotene standard from pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) flesh
Published 2012“…The standard curves with five different concentrations of β-carotene extract from pumpkins in triplicate were constructed by plotting the peak area against the concentration. …”
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Development of process conditions to optimize the extraction of bio-disinfectant from Neem Leaf (Azadirachta Indica)
Published 2012“…The range of the independent variables, namely solid-solvents ratio (0.05-0.1 w/v), extraction time (1-5 hrs), agitation speed (50-250 rpm) and extraction temperature (35-60 °C) were identified by a first set of four factors and five levels experiments. …”
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Effectiveness of talent management strategies in developing employee potential and reducing turnover intention
Published 2012“…Three hundred and thirty two employees participated in the study. Five dimensions of talent management were studied - open climate, communication, managing performance, employee development and rewards. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Outcome of surgical treatment of pelvic osteosarcoma : Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia experience
Published 2013“…Four patients had ileal lesions, five had acetabulum lesions, one had a ischiopubis lesion, and three had involvement of the whole hemipelvis. …”
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The effects of maternal body mass index (BMI) on the pregnancy outcome among primigravida who delivered at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang
Published 2012“…Upon delivery women had their antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum events reviewed and then categorized into five BMI groups; underweight (≤ 19.9 kg/m2), normal (20-24.9kg/m2), overweight (25-29.9kg/m2), obese (30-34.9 kg/m2) and morbidly obese (>35kg/m2). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The assessment of serum lipid level among a sample of Kuantan patients with periodontal diseases
Published 2013“…All subjects underwent oral examination and their clinical periodontal parameters were recorded. Five milliliters of fasting venous blood sample was drawn and tested for the systemic levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Land for food cultivation: is price a barrier to expansion?
Published 2011“…A hedonic price function is estimated using land sales data (n=2222) of five types of farmland namely paddy, rubber, vacant and oil palm covering four states in the Central West coast of Peninsular Malaysia in a period of 7 years. …”
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Development of a myoelectric interface for indirect hand grip force and wrist angle measurement/analysis
Published 2017“…Experimental training and testing datasets from five subjects were collected to investigate the relationship between forearm EMG, hand grip force and wrist angle simultaneously.…”
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Design and simulation of a lumped element metal finger capacitor for RF-CMOS power splitters
Published 2010“…Two RF-CMOS capacitors are designed specifically for applications in a 2.45GHz power splitter circuit. Five metal RF-CMOS layers are used to design two capacitors of 1.39pF and 2.2pF, consisting of 101 and 105 metal fingers respectively. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Antibacterial efficacy of Bacopa monnieri leaf extracts against pathogenic bacteria
Published 2010“…Materials and methods: Five different concentrations (500 μg, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 15 mg/mL) of crude leaf extracts of Bacopa monnieri (L.) …”
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The role of Baitulmal towards the education of poor muslims in Sarawak
Published 2012“…Specifically, the study investigates the relationship between total expenditure growth rate of Baitulmal as dependent variable and five independent variables, which include the growth rates of total zakat collection, total expenditure on university student, total expenditure on secondary and primary student, total expenditure growth rate on university student and total expenditure growth rate on secondary and primary students. …”
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Using wordlists to teach and learn Arabic vocabulary
Published 2015“…A master wordlist of all textbooks used in form one up to form five were generated. Apart from that, a wordlist of textbooks for each form was also produced. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
In-vitro compatibility evaluation of fungal mixed culture for bioconversion of domestic wastewater sludge
Published 2001“…Fifteen different in-vitro interactions were studied and summarized according to five possible outcomes, i.e., mutual intermingling, partial mutual intermingling, inhibition at contact point, inhibition at a distance and replacement. …”
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A conceptual framework of transformational and transactional leadership on nurse educators job satisfaction
Published 2016“…The conceptual framework is based on the Full Range Leadership by Avolio and Bass (2004) that theorized that transformational leadership can be clustered in five sub-constructs whilst the transactional leadership into two sub-constructs. …”
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