Oscillating supersonic delta wing with straight leading edges
Published 2012“…A Supersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing with straight leading edge for the attached shock case. …”
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Effect of angle of incidence on stability derivatives of a wing
Published 2014“…In the Present paper effect of angle of incidence on pitching derivatives of a delta wing with curved leading edges of a attached shock case is been studied. …”
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Development of educational software for stress analysis of an aircraft wing
Published 2012“…The developed software can be used to estimate load on a wing and to compute the stresses at any point along the span of the wing of a given aircraft. …”
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Experimental investigation of free wing IIUM-UAV configuration
Published 2010“…In this work, the IIUM first free wing unmanned aerial vehicle model (IIUM-FWUAV) was investigated experimentally. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Experimental investigation of plain- and flapped-wing tip vortices
Published 2009“…Particle image velocimetry was used in a low-speed wind tunnel to investigate and characterize wing tip vortex structures. A rectangular wing of a subsonic wall interference model was used as a vortex generator in two different configurations: 1) plain wing and 2) flapped wing with the trailing-edge flap extended at 20 degrees. …”
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Flow visualization over a circular planform wing
Published 2013“…circular plan form wing at high Reynolds numbers has been carried out numerically. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of aircraft wing-tip vortex using PIV
Published 2009“…The formation and development of a wing-tip vortex in a near and extended near filed were studied experimentally. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
iKool ointment - 10% eucalyptus oil, 5% peppermint oil, 5% menthol, 5% camphor
Published 2020“…Label displaying the brand name iKool and main ingredients i.e 10% eucalyptus oil, 5% peppermint oil, 5% menthol, 5% camphor in ointment bases, with other instruction and labeling as required by regulatory.…”
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Pembangunan kerangka strategi dalam penyelesaian harta tanah Al-Mafqud di Malaysia
Published 2017Subjects: “…HD50-50.5 Delegation of authority. Decentralization. Span of control…”
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Thesis -
How to cope with dengue in the developing countries like Pakistan?
Published 2011“…A viral disease like dengue lacking a specific form of treatment is a high menace to human health. …”
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Untitled (Group of five men)
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Group portrait of five men
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Firearm recognition based on whole firing pin impression image via backpropagation neural network
Published 2011“…In this study, a set of data which focused on selected 6 features of firing pin impression images before an entirety of five different pistols of South African made; the Parabellum Vector SPI 9mm model, were used. …”
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Book Chapter -
Firearm recognition based on whole firing pin impression image via backpropagation neural network
Published 2011“…In this study, a set of data which focused on selected 6 features of firing pin impression images before an entirety of five different pistols of South African made; the Parabellum Vector SPI 9mm model, were used. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Right-wing nationalism, populism, and religion: what are the connections and why?
Published 2021“…This collection focuses on right-wing nationalism, populism, and religion, both theoretically and empirically, with an emphasis on the following countries: Australia, India, Italy, Turkey, and the USA. …”
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Frequency reconfiguration mechanism of a PIN diode on a reconfigurable antenna for LTE and WLAN Applications
Published 2018“…In this work, a frequency reconfigurable antenna with a BAR63-02V Positive-Intrinsic-Negative (PIN) diode is designed, simulated and fabricated. …”
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Estimation of stability derivatives of an oscillating hypersonic delta wings with curved leading edges
Published 2012“…In the present study hypersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing with curved leading edges for the attached shock case. …”
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Estimation of stability derivatives of a delta wing in hypersonic flow
Published 2012“…In the present study supersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing for attached shock case. A strip theory is used in which strips at different span wise locations are independent. …”
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