Tradition and modernity in Malay society (1830s-1930s)
Published 2011“…As in other societies, there were also conservative elements within that placed obstacles in the way of those who tirelessly pursued change from tradition to modernity.…”
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Turkish democracy: a model for the Arab World
Published 2011“…In stark contrast to the Arab uprisings, the changes and transformation that have taken place in the political landscape in Turkey were more peaceful and less damaging to the society. …”
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Mechanical properties of sintered aluminum alloy compacts
Published 2011“…Pistons are made from materials having properties such as high compressive strength and high hardness in order to handle the high temperature and pressure produced in the cylinder while combustion strokes take place. Pistons also need to have high corrosive resistance because they are exposed to highly combustible air and fuel mixtures. …”
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Book Chapter -
The influence of information technology towards better Muslims community.
Published 2011“…A few decades ago, most of the Islamic literature(s) were only accessible in the limited location and place. For example, in the mosques, Islamic schools and libraries. …”
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Climate responsive strategies versus the cultural and religious dimensions in the architecture of Malay traditional house
Published 2011“…It is common knmvledge that the vernacular architecture of a place is a result of considerations on climatic, cultural and religious factors of the people; however, thorough analyses on the mentioned considerations have rarely been discussed. …”
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Information Technology (IT): Benefits, barriers and concerns of Muslim scholars in Islamic Studies
Published 2010“…Despite it’s many champions and advocates, IT has left many people feeling confused about its proper place and use. In the Muslim world, attitudes towards IT are quite diverse. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Construction and demolition wastes and its management: a case study in Klang Valley, Malaysia
Published 2010“…Major construction activities were taken place in Klang Valley and its surrounding areas include Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Internationalizing peace psychology
Published 2012“…We suggest that such an accommodation would require Western models of peace psychology to place greater emphasis on structural violence and the pursuit of social justice. …”
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NFC secured online transaction in mobile computing business
Published 2012“…The growth and expansion of the Internet come in a rapid speed and took important place in many aspects of lives, including online payment for transaction information. …”
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Censorship and the Law: Balancing Public Interest and Free Speech
Published 2012“…However, absolute freedom has no place in any country since absolute freedom will lead to anarchy. …”
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The role of the Shari‛ah in contemporary moral and social development
Published 2012“…In doing this, it analyses how the Shari‛ah puts in place mechanisms to ensure moral and social developments in the society. …”
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Cultural landscape: a new paradigm for landscape architecture
Published 2011“…It is crucial to understand the concept of cultural landscape as it offers main contribution in sustaining the heritage value and protecting local identity and original culture of a group of people or place. From Islamic point of view, cultural landscape present the notion of revealing and sustaining the great diversity of the interactions between humans and their environment, to protect living traditional cultures and preserve the traces of those which have disappeared. …”
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The Usage of ICT in Shariah: online marriage
Published 2013“…This new means of technology provides a system for its users to communicate with each other regardless of time, place and distance. This development has also affected the way Muslim practices Islam, such as the aqd of marriage which is now being conducted through the internet via video conferencing. …”
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The Qur'an and its role in the transformation of Arabian society
Published 2013“…Since its revelation great transformations have taken place including the transformation of Arabia from jahiliyyah (ignorance) to enlightenment, from polytheism (the worship of multitude of deities besides Allah which is termed as shirk or kufr) to monotheism (tawhid or the worship of one God, Allah), from unjust to a well-organized society (socially, economically and politically), from a fragmented into a unified community and from Godless into God-conscious. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effects of Lean Six Sigma application in healthcare services: a literature review
Published 2013“…The healthcare organization is the place where defects and mistakes cannot be tolerated. …”
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Controlling shareholders: issues and challenges for shareholders’ empowerment in directors’ remuneration in corporate Malaysian
Published 2013“…Some of the reforms taking place in developed countries are suited for dispersed shareholding structure and thus transplanting them to emerging economies with concentrated share-holders may be ineffective. …”
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Feminist jurisprudence in Islam: an overview
Published 2010“…In the West, women are still struggling for eradication of discriminatory laws and honourable treatments at the place of work and in the society. On the contrary, women’s rights and duties in Islam, which are mostly based on divine wisdom, treat women at par with men. …”
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Cultural landscape: a new paradigm for landscape architecture
Published 2011“…It is crucial to understand the concept of cultural landscape as it offers main contribution in sustaining the heritage value and protecting local identity and original culture of a group of people or place. From Islamic point of view, cultural landscape present the notion of revealing and sustaining the great diversity of the interactions between humans and their environment, to protect living traditional cultures and preserve the traces of those which have disappeared. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A desalination system utilizing solar ambient and waste energy
Published 2011“…Desalination is considered one of the most suitable areas for the utilization of solar energy, as there are many places in the world where abundant supply of solar energy is available and also there is a great demand for fresh water. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Knowledge management initiative and solution: a case study in International Islamic University of Malaysia(IIUM)
Published 2011“…Universities are the important place for learning and sharing information internally or externally where the knowledge management (KM) implementation will give sustainable competitive advantage, achieving substantial savings, improve significant performance and establish the long-term existence among the others. …”
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