Autecology and phylogeny of Coolia tropicalis and Coolia malayensis (Dinophyceae), with emphasis on taxonomy of C. tropicalis based on light microscopy, scanning electron microscop...
Published 2013“…The morphological analysis showed that C. tropicalis differs from the original description in that it has a slightly larger size (35–47 lm long by 30–45 lm wide versus 23–40 lm long by 25–39 lm wide), and the shape of fourth apical plate, and the length of Po plate (7.4–12 lm versus 7 lm). …”
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Ant 4,4, a polyamine-anthracene conjugate, induces cell death and recovery in human promyelogenous leukemia cells (HL-60)
Published 2013“…These data suggest that, despite being an effective way of delivering anthracene, these polyamine conjugates do not exert long-lasting effects on HL-60 cells.…”
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Vulnerability to substance dependence
Published 2005“…The dopamine reward pathway is where D4 receptors are most densely populated and having the long variant at the DRD4 gene was found to predispose individuals to a high lmpSS personality type. …”
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Thesis -
A theory and praxis of a city poetic: Jakobson, poetic function and city space: women, deixis and the narrator: a city poem: 'Shades of light: a triumph of city'
Published 2011“…This thesis is practice-led and half is comprised of the long poem: Shades of Light: A Triumph of City. This poem is based on the Petrarchan sequence of Triumphs and interprets the woman poet, and poetry, within a city environment. …”
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Thesis -
Sustainable supply chain management in construction: an exploratory review for future research
Published 2022“…Although the importance of supply chain management in the construction sector has been recognized in recent years, its implementation still faces significant challenges. For the long-term evaluation of this creative sector, numerous intricate sustainability components, such as environmental, social, and financial, are necessary. …”
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Vibration behaviour of pre-stressed precast hollow core floor with concrete topping thickness and boundary condition
Published 2020“…In the current design, the usage of lightweight and long-span precast, which is renowned in construction, is prone to the floor serviceability issue, especially in floor vibration. …”
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Thesis -
Performance evaluation of semi-automated filling machine for “Otak-Otak” Production
Published 2020“…Numbers of production issues associated with manual production were determined including the inconsistent utilisation of operator, long value-added time, long product waiting as well as the quality issue of weight inconsistency. …”
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Thesis -
Crosstalk suppression techniques for multi-channel regeneration based on fiber optic parametic amplifier
Published 2015“…All optical signal regeneration has been recognized as a potential enabler of future transparent long haul high bit rate systems. All optical regeneration is easily applicable to various modulations formats signals and can work ultrafast. …”
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Thesis -
Development and fabricatin of production mechanism for small and medium animal feed production plant
Published 2019“…With this method the livestock feed will be long lasting.…”
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Thesis -
My say : Gold still glitters
Published 2010“…In recent week,arguments have raged about the fact that gold was ideal money in the past and thatit can no longer be an attractive investment for the long term.Nonetheless,i believe gold is still ideal money althought its role as money was stripped after the collapse of Bretton Woods in 1971…”
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Pretreatment of sludge palm oil by ultrasonic energy for biodiesel production
Published 2010“…It is reasonable to indicate that the pretreatment of SPO by applying ultrasonic energy is related to long sonication time. The results showed that the FFA content of SPO reduced from 24.5% to less than 3 % using molar ratio 10:1, reaction temperature 50o C and 2% wt /wt sulfuric acid to SPO in 300 minutes sonication time.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study on the application of discrete curvature feature extraction and optimization algorithms to battery health estimation
Published 2024“…Therefore, to account for the unpredictable and random character of the application circumstances, we employ the U-chord long curvature feature extraction approach to minimise errors resulting from rotation and noise. …”
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Effects of a protein-rich, low-glycaemic meal replacement on changes in dietary intake and body weight following a weight-management intervention—the ACOORH trial
Published 2021“…After sex stratification, particularly INT-women increased their total protein intake after 12 (INT: +12.7 g vs. CON: −5.1 g, p = 0.021) and 52 weeks (INT: +5.7 g vs. …”
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Crime scene prevention: a study of effective security management at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Published 2011“…It is a short study conducted in IIUM that was trying to investigate what were the factors affected the crime scenes in IIUM mahallahs. There were five research questions to be focused on. Implications and recommendation for future research were also presented.…”
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Book Chapter -
Psychology in Malaysia : current research and future directions
Published 2012“…The second part of the book comprises of five non-empirical papers and the final part is dedicated to two papers examining challenges of the profession that psychologists need to confront to remain relevant and effective. …”
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Book -
The twelfth general elections in Malaysia
Published 2008“…Additionally, they won five state assemblies. The electorate voted on the basis of “bread and butter” issues which were highlighted by the ruling coalition as well as the opposition parties.…”
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Awareness of Halal foods among universities students
Published 2011“…Halalan toyyiban merely means allowed and permissible for consumption with relation to Syariah law as long as they are safe and not harmful…”
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Book Chapter -
Throw Away the Spoon! Making Life Difficult for Students
Published 2006“…In addition, several other ways of fostering long-term learning are discussed.…”
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