Land development in the light of the objectives of Shariah (Maqasid)
Published 2015“…The main objectives of the Shariah is to provide a basis to govern all aspects of Muslim life. …”
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Exploring the state of economic well-being among urban Malay civil servants: a qualitative study
Published 2015“…Sixteen key informants from four different categories of administrative staff of the University’s main campus in Shah Alam, Selangor were engaged in the researchers’ in-depth interviews. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Hand Gesture Interpretation in Sign Language
Published 2011“…Classifying human hand gestures in the context of a Sign Language has been historically dominated by Artificial Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Model with varying degrees of success. The main objective of this paper is to introduce Gaussian Process Dynamical Model as an alternative machine learning method for hand gesture interpretation in Sign Language. …”
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FPGA-based digital controller for dc-dc converter
Published 2014“…The converter topologies chosen in this project is Non-Inverting Buck-Boost converter. The main difference from DSP-based solution is that FPGA allows simultaneous execution of all control procedures. …”
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An e-learning system in Malaysia based on green computing and energy level
Published 2017“…Power and energy are a primary concern in the design and implementing green computing. Green is of the main step to make the computing world friendly with the environment. …”
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Experimental investigation of ventilation efficiency in a dentistry surgical room
Published 2016“…As a response to the need to provide an acceptable thermal comfort and air quality in indoor environments, various ventilation performance indicators were developed over the years. These metrics are mainly geared towards air distribution, heat and pollutant removals. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparison of microwave path lengths between temperate and tropical region based on effects of rain
Published 2012“…This problem is quite di±cult to be solved, mainly due to the complexity of rain structure. This clearly suggests that reduction factor is the major yardstick for comparing rain attenuation prediction models. …”
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Home buyers behavioural intention model of green residential in Indonesia
Published 2023Get full text
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Decision making framework for green hospital building development
Published 2023Get full text
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Sustainable tourism planning by local authorities : an investigation of the London Boroughs
Published 2013“…Sustainable development has become the main objective of the policy agenda for many governments and a key principle that underpins the planning process in the UK. …”
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Aerodynamic analysis of groove based vortex trap configuration on the retreating helicopter blade
Published 2019“…The code aids in the analysis of the aerodynamic characteristics of the helicopter main rotor blade. To validate the code, the angle of attack distribution along the main rotor blade in forward flight condition is compared to published data of Prouty‟s. …”
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Electron microscopic study of Esophageal Epithelium in Non-erosive Reflux disease
Published 2011“…Specimens were taken 5 cm above the Z line during gastroduodenoscopy and then routinely processed for both SEM & TEM studies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Quality assurance in universities in the muslim world: obstacles and solutions
Published 2009“…Today, these creative abilities of man have manifested in different forms among them are: product design, handicraft, Auto-mobile assembly-line, Education, culture and moral. These endowed resources of man; which enables him to generate idea, synthesis product, acquire and disseminate useful information have attracted different nomenclature which varies over the years. …”
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Pain intervention for failed conservative chronic pain treatment: The light at the end of the tunnel
Published 2011“…Oral analgesics are considered as first-line therapy where stronger analgesics are used when pain control is not optimised. …”
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Role of pulse radiofrequency and radiofrequency in trigerminal neuralgia pain management: card up your sleeve
Published 2011“…Oral analgesics are considered as first-line treatment along with physiotherapy and psychological therapy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Open data and right to information in Malaysia: a comparative analysis
Published 2019“…In the era of digitalisation and open data, governments have moved from the tradition of keeping information secret to being transparent in line with the 4 th Industrial revolution. This paper seeks to record the development of freedom of information and data openness in Malaysia. …”
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Evaluating the use of e-portfolio as an alternative assessment tool for students majoring Arabic and Islamic studies: some experiences from International Islamic University Malaysi...
Published 2011“…In line with the development of technology these days, evaluating student’s knowledge and performance at higher learning institution is not only based on the summative approach. …”
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Calophyllum canum : antibacterial and anticancer plant
Published 2010“…The cytotoxic study on the extracts revealed that the n-hexane extract had the strongest antiproliferation activity, followed by the methanol extract. n-hexane strongly inhibited the growth of TE1 and MCF7 cell lines. IC50 for n-hexane and methanol extract activity on the A549 cell line was found to be 27.96 μg/mL and 78.9 μg/mL respectively.The compounds (CE0 - CE5) isolated from ethyl acetate extract of C. canum are active to inhibit cell proliferation of human cervix adenocarcinoma cells.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The outcome of facial nerve decompression via transmastoid approach in facial palsy secondary to the temporal bone fracture
Published 2007“…RESULTS: In all cases HRCT and intra-operative findings showed the fracture lines involved peri-geniculate area. In some cases, the fractures proceed antero-medially towards the facial hiatus and this can be approached via the supra-labyrinthine drilling with removal of the incus. …”
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