Wireshark window authentication based packet captureing scheme to pervent DDoS related security issues in cloud network nodes
Published 2015“…As a result, the cloud node response is slow as usual and resource on cloud network becomes unavailable. Some Dos attacks are Ping of Death, Teardrop, Snork, Locking authentication, SYN flooding, Operating System Attacks etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Human rights defenders and journalists in Russia : how many deaths will it take?
Published 2010“…It also highlights the continued failure to bring the perpetrators of such crimes to justice, the prevailing culture of impunity which exists in the absence of effective investigations and the increasing pressures placed upon civil society within Russia.…”
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Article -
EMG signal classification techniques for the development of human computer interaction system
Published 2011“…At the level of the peripheral nervous system, the signals due to body motion can be detected and acquired by an ENG [3] and an EMG [4]. However, ENG signal based interfaces have limitations with respect to the SNR, dimensions, and drifts. …”
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Book Chapter -
Personal identity and persistence over time : the hybrid view with regard to hylomorphism
Published 2020“…Against both of these mainstream views, certain recent works have pointed to the possibility of a new account of personal identity that brings the rival accounts together in a hybrid notion of personal identity. …”
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Thesis -
"What I do, it's not little, it's really something": a political economy of migrant and minority ethnic care workers' experience in private older-age care in London, Paris and Madr...
Published 2016“…The overarching theoretical framework of the thesis is embedded in a transnational political economy of care (Williams, 2011a) and brings into the analysis the perspective of feminist moral philosophy (Tronto, 2013; Molinier, 2013). …”
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Thesis -
Reconfigurable patch antenna by RF MEMS switches
Published 2009“…The proposed antenna structure comprises a center patch antenna known as driven patch and two adjacent microstrip patches defined as wing patches. Cantilever MEMS bridges are introduced to provide to operate antenna either 21.73 GHz or 23.6 GHz depending on the position of the MEMS switches. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Reconfigurable patch antenna by RF mems switches
Published 2009“…The proposed antenna structure comprises a center patch antenna known as driven patch and two adjacent microstrip patches defined as wing patches. Cantilever MEMS bridges are introduced to provide to operate antenna either 21.73 GHz or 23.6 GHz depending on the position of the MEMS switches. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Global governance and the United Nations: the ‘clash of civilisations’ and the ‘rise’ of RNGOs
Published 2017“…Review article of the following books: The Global Right Wing and the Clash of World Politics / Bob Clifford. …”
Article -
Material properties and design aspects of folding bicycle frame
Published 2011“…The relationship between materials properties and design is not straight forward because the behavior of the material in the finished product could be different from that of the raw material. The swing hinge technique could be a better technique in the design for the folding bicycle frame.…”
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Article -
Nasopharyngectomy via endoscopic assisted Lefort I osteotomy approach for early stage in recurrence nasopharyngeal cancer
Published 2005“…The surgical approaches are divided into inferiorly by midline mandibulotomy or median labiomandibular glossotomy, laterally by facial translocation or transpterygoid approach and anteroposteriorly by maxillary swing or maxillectomy approach. To illustrate our surgical approach for nasopharyngectomy in two cases of recurrence nasopharyngeal cancer by means of endoscopic assisted Lefort I osteotomy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Robust state feedback control design via PSO-based constrained optimisation
Published 2011“…The proposed controller design is applied to anti-swing control for a gantry crane system. The experimental result is shown, and comparison with that of conventional linear quadratic regulator based controller and H∞ loop shaping controller are made. …”
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Article -
Guaranteed robust state feedback controller via constrained optimization using Differential Evolution
Published 2010“…The proposed method is applied into design of anti-swing control of an automatic gantry crane. The experimental result is shown and comparison with that of LQ (linear quadratic) optimal controller is made. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Turkey’s draft constitutional amendments: a critical perspective
Published 2017“…In this regard, this article explains two major points; the constitutional history of contemporary Turkey with its Ottoman background, and the AKP’s political journey that is a swing from hope to oppression. Yet, additionally, the article clarifies the minuteae of the amended constitution which are related to human rights and liberties. …”
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Article -
Uncertainty, interest, gambling and conventional insurance
Published 2013“…The involvement of unfair elements in insurance brings the unjust contracts between the insurance companies and the insured. …”
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Article -
Human rights in armed conflict and the jurisdiction of the ECtHR
Published 2008Get full text
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'The most creative tool in 50 years'? The ECtHR’s pilot judgment procedure
Published 2010Get full text
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