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Machine learning models on demodulation of FBG sensors
Published 2022“…Spectral overlapping in the wavelength domain can occur in a multiplexed FBG network. The main difficulty that will be explored in this project is demodulating a single FBG wave from a made by mixing spectrum. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design of high speed advanced encryption standard (AES) encryption circuit
Published 2022“…In order to meet the demand of encoding a huge amount of data, this thesis introduced a high-speed 128-bit AES encryption circuit. The main contribution of this thesis is to state two kinds of AES circuit design. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Characterization of standard biological parts.
Published 2009“…It is crucial to characterize these parts using a standard methodology so that they can be utilized to construct more complex biological systems. The main objective of this project is to propose a novel comprehensive methodology for characterization. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Visualizing functions and complex numbers for the study of signals and systems
Published 2023“…The introduction details the objective and motivations for this project. The main body then introduces relevant mathematical concepts highlighting important takeaways followed by the methods used to design and program the app. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Cross-cultural intersemiotic translation of commercials —analysis of Dolce & Gabbana's controversial advertisement
Published 2023“…Cross-cultural advertisement is one of the main ways to achieve the globalization goal. This study examines the failure of cross-cultural advertisement which insulted and lost its target market from an intersemiotic translation perspective. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Comparison of fingerprint and face recognition algorithms for online authentication
Published 2024“…Password based authentication methods are considered to be the weakest link in the cyberworld. It is also the main reason for major data breaches round the world. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Creating the story of 'I Think I’m Going to Die'
Published 2024“…It dives into the prejudice that women face throughout history via the main character’s journey to different realms in search of a diagnosis. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Implementation of AFS approach for web data analysis
Published 2009“…In particular, how AFS simulates a simple real world problem is elaborated. The main work of this project concerns the transformation of AFS functions from MatLab code into Java. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Is sarcasm detection capability beneficial for sentiment analysis?
Published 2024“…This project’s main goal is to weigh the pros and cons of integrating sarcasm detection into sentiment analysis within Natural Language Processing (NLP). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Report on industrial attachment with Texas Instruments Inc
Published 2009“…This report illustrates the details of implementation of the three main projects that were undertaken as well as all relevant experiences that were gained. …”
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Impact of impulsivity, perceived social support, and coping on Chinese adolescents' engagement in risky behaviours.
Published 2010“…However, perceived social support did not significantly moderate the relationship between impulsivity and use of coping strategies. Main effect of perceived social support on higher proportion of adaptive coping strategies used were found. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A UHF omni-directional RFID tag antenna
Published 2010“…This report presents the details of the projects, including the design considerations, the design processes by simulation, the optimization by impedance measurement, the antenna configuration and result comparisons, as well as the conclusion. The main objective of this project is to design an ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID tag antenna with omni-directional radiation patters in the azimuth plane. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Error analysis and suppresion in visual signal processing
Published 2010“…Due to various sources of errors, different suppression techniques are required to meet specific application requirements. The main objective of error analysis is to investigate the principle of error generation, and then incorporate suitable suppression techniques into the design of individual processing steps as well as whole processing chain. …”
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Thesis -
Growth strategies for liner companies in the time of economic recession
Published 2010“…Due to the lack of available studies and literature as this topic has not been extensively discussed; our project tends to lean heavier towards primary sources of information, namely company interviews and mass industry survey. The main finding of this research was that, strategies for liner industries are not applied as stated from textbooks, and that each company’s demographic profile plays a major part on differences in strategies used and taken. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Rheological characteristics of gelation
Published 2010“…The purpose of this project is to investigate three main properties of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose hydrogels, which are: surface tension, shear and extensional rheological behaviour. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study of the preservation awareness programme in NLB
Published 2011“…This research was conducted to study the current preservation awareness programme in the community libraries in Singapore, and also sought to look at examples in overseas libraries, and propose recommendations to improve current programme in community libraries. The main objectives of the research were: 1. To assess the nature, scope and effectiveness of the current preservation awareness programme for school children in all community libraries. 2. …”
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Thesis -
Discovering social relationships across categories of online forums with reply-to capabilities
Published 2011“…The project goes into great depth in explaining the interface and source codes of Slashdot. The main aim was to find out if categorical user interest could be achieved by analyzing user commenting patterns across the various categories. 12 categories provided by Slashdot were tested.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Residue number system for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform
Published 2011“…This project involves designing the first two-dimensional lifting-based DWT architecture in Residue Number System (RNS). The main purpose of designing this processing unit in RNS is due to its inherent properties such as modularity, parallelism and carry-free computation which enable faster computation speed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)