The effect of incorporating lithium fluoride on the compressive strength and diametric tensile strength of glass ionomer cement
Published 2011“…The specimens were tested in a Universal Testing Machine (Instron 1122, Instron corp., High Wycombe, U.K.) at a crosshead speed of 1.0mm/min for CS and 0.5mm/min for the DTS test until failure occurred. …”
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Assessment of heavy metals in Malacca river water using electrokinetic technique
Published 2020“…The optimal removal was observed at a voltage of 90 V, with an electrode distance of 10cm and operational time of 30 min. The pH water was acidic which below than 7 after the electrokinetic process. …”
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Book Section -
Penghasilan manual rjngkas penggunaan alat Total Station Sokkia Set5f dan Perisian Sdr Mapping & Design untuk automasi ukur topografi
Published 2002“…Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 11.0. Hasil analisis skor min menunjukkan kesemua responden bersetuju bahawa manual dalam bentuk buku ini menarik Min ( M ) ^ ^ dan Sisihan Piawai (SD) = .535 tetapi kurang interaktif (M) = 2.29 dan (SD) = 0.488. …”
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Thesis -
Begum Hasina: Joy Bangla
Published 2010“…SHEIKH Hasina perdana menteri Bangladesh dan anak Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,pembentuk Bangladesh.Hasina mengerti bahawa sebagai ahli politik Bangladesh,bukanlah hal mudah seperti dia menjadi isteri ahli sains.Memang banyak lelaki yang jengkel terhadapnya termasuk lelaki yang lupa akan sejarah kehebatan wanita Bangladesh.Sejak lama,kehebatan Behula dan Lalmon sebagai pahlawan menjadi sebutan rakyat.Pada tahun 1905,Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain memerikan impiannya untuk mewujudkan Ladyland,"negara perempuan" di Bangladesh.Dalam satira itu,wanita menjadi penguasa negara.Bagi Hasina,dia bukannya mahu menjadi ahli politik.Sepatutnya Sheikh Kamal,saudara lelakinya,memikul tugas meneruskan kerja politik Sheikh Mujibur Rahman melalui Parti Liga Awami yang sejak mula didukung oleh rakyat…”
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Muslihat haramkan Ikhwanul Muslimim
Published 2013“…Kebanyakan ahlinya adalah graduan dalam bidang sains dan jurutera. Apabila Mohamed Mursi dilantik menjadi Presiden Mesir, beliau bukan sahaja berhadapan dengan penentangan daripada pihak Mubarak malah menghadapi permasalahan dengan pergerakan radikal Islam Mesir dalam menentukan dasar dan polisi negara.…”
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العربية لأعراض أكادمية: دراسة تحليلية لاحتياجات الدارسين
Published 2018Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Preservation and the restoration of mental health from the Qur'anic perspective
Published 2015Get full text
Book Chapter -
Cystic meningioma masquerading as a metastatic tumor: A case report
Published 2016Get full text
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االأسئلة الموجهة للنبي(ص) والإجابة عنها بوصفها نماذج لفتواه
Published 2016Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
A study on burden among caregivers of stroke patients
Published 2016“…This study was carried out to determine the level of burden among caregivers of Stroke patients attending Hospital University Sains Malaysia in Kelantan and to evaluate the possible risk factors associated with those with a burden.…”
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An integrated approach to the Quran: Relection on objectives of the Quran in Sanod Norso’s views
Published 2015Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of mutation effects on UGT1A1 activity toward 17beta-estradiol using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Published 2006“…Direct evidence for glucuronide formation was provided by E2G-specific ion peaks. The UGT1A1 activities of G71R (exon 1), F83L (exon 1), I322V (exon 2) and G493R (exon 5) mutants were 24, 30, 18 and 0.6% of the normal UGT1A1 activity, respectively. …”
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Article -
Role of pulse radiofrequency and radiofrequency in trigerminal neuralgia pain management: card up your sleeve
Published 2011“…The first step involves the identification of target nerve through prevention of neuronal transmission by blocking the membrane ion channels using local anaesthetics or steroids which act as anti-inflammatory agent. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Screening of fungi on solid state bioconversion of oil palm empty fruit bunch for production of cellulase
Published 2011“…Five potential strain of fungi (Trichoderma reesei RUT C-30 (ATCC 56765, USA; Trichoderma harzanarium (SCahmT 105); Trichoderma harzianum (Isolated by UPM); Penicillium 1 (isolated from sewage treatment plant);Peniczllium 2 (isolated from empty fruit bunch) were screened for production of cellulase using solid state bioconversIOn of oil palm empty fruit bunch. Hydrolytic activities of strains were tested on carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) agar. …”
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Book Chapter -
Zinc based semiconductors / polymer thin films junction for photovoltaic application
Published 2012“…On the other hand thin films of ion conducting solid polymer electrolyte were prepared by solution cast technique. …”
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