The midlife crisis
Published 2022“…Nor do we rely on simple life-satisfaction measures. The paper shows that there are approximately quadratic hill-shaped patterns in data on midlife suicide, sleeping problems, alcohol dependence, concentration difficulties, memory problems, intense job strain, disabling headaches, suicidal feelings, and extreme depression. …”
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Journal Article -
Weakly supervised learning on road area extraction via classification labels
Published 2023“…With the development of remote sensing technology, aerial map applications such as OpenStreetMap have been widely applied in normal life. The lack of pixel-level road area annotations still hinders their further usage. …”
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Thesis-Master by Research -
A comprehensive study on the success criteria and critical success factors for the management of construction projects in Singapore
Published 2023“…Project success in the construction industry is affected by variables that occur throughout a project’s life cycle. These critical success factors (CSFs) contribute to ensuring the success of a project, denoted by success criteria (SC). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Stylistic reproduction in the English version of Winter Pasture from the perspective of the stylistic markers theory
Published 2023“…Winter Pasture is a translated non-fiction book by Li Juan about the disappearing Kazakh nomadic life in Xinjiang. It manifests a unique narration style that poetically narrates Kazakh herders' lives, culture, and customs while delivering Li Juan's personal feelings and thoughts throughout the book. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
A middle infrared hyperspectral imaging based on diffraction grating and metalens
Published 2023“…Hyperspectral imaging is increasingly important in modern life, and it can be applied in many areas, such as molecular biology, remote sensing, and biomedical imaging. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Investigation of residual stress retention of titanium alloy after different levels of material removal
Published 2024“…It provides benefits such as increasing fatigue strength and fatigue life, it is also able to inhibit crack propagation and it is due to these benefits that they are widely utilized in industries such as the aerospace industry. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of a power-efficient low-cost cryptosystem for secured embedded systems
Published 2009“…By using a separate chip to perform cryptographic operations, this co-processor can be turned on only when needed, and turned off to save power otherwise, thus ensuring reasonable battery life. One of the most widely used and costly operation on finite fields is the multiplication operation. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Construction nation.
Published 2009“…Yet, this is something that has touched a raw nerve with Singaporeans from all walks of life. We were angry, when the countries around us, began to shut down the exports of sand which is vital to the industry; we are disturbed, when the increasing number of foreign workers, mainly used in the construction industry, begin to take up spaces that were normally empty. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Techno-economic simulation assessment on on-grid solar photovoltaic and wind power system in alpha world city environments
Published 2010“…In addition, a techno-economic simulation study has been pursued based on several economic feasibility indicators viz., net present value (NPV), annual life cycle savings (ALCS), and the benefit-cost (B-C) ratio. …”
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Thesis -
Prejudice against foreign students in university : does priming articles reduce implicit prejudice?
Published 2013“…Therefore, policymakers should first aim to address the notion that students from China pose a threat to the current Singaporean way of life in order to minimize prejudice. It could be done through promoting in-depth social interactions. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Self-evolving Takagi-Sugeno-Kangfuzzy neural network with self-evolving forgetting factor
Published 2013“…Using these components of Soft Computing in combination seem to deliver better results when solving real life problems, than if each component is used independently. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Numerical modeling of explosion of a reinforced concrete magazine : secondary trajectory of debris due to roll-and-bound motion
Published 2013“…This report covers Part II of the project which deals with damaged concrete cubes of the same shape, size and soil condition, where the objective of using damaged cubes is to simulate to real life situation especially when they are subjected to accidental explosion. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Hybrid energy harvesting from wind and vibration
Published 2016“…However, these wireless sensors relied heavily on limited life batteries which require regular replacements. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Smart and semi-automated precast elements logistics management and installation system : smart crane navigation system
Published 2016“…While this report provides new researches and ideas for the semi-automation of tower crane, additional studies have to be done to study its actual effectiveness and usefulness when implemented real-life.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Enterococcus faecalis modulation of NF-kB signaling in macrophages
Published 2016Get full text
Thesis -
Numerical simulation of oxygen delivery in presence of hemoglobin hydrogel based oxygen carriers
Published 2016“…Red blood cells have standard shelf life of only 42 days and unable to be checked and sterilized for infective agents like HIV. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Colloidal fouling and scaling in reverse osmosis process
Published 2017“…Water is crucial and essential for life. Despite having majority of the earth surface covered by water, accessing safe water source is an increasing challenge faced by human population. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effects of surface texture on wetting
Published 2017“…The extreme behaviour of wetting, also known as superhydrophilicity, is found to be useful in many real life applications and has been receiving considerable attention. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Building AC/DC microgrid design
Published 2017“…We need to use to it anytime and anywhere which is almost the basic necessaries in our daily life. However, most of the power source is non-renewable and have harmful by-products to the environment. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Index learning style data processing application
Published 2018“…The adopted Software Development Life Cycle of this project follows the agile software development methodology so that the requirements of the application can be more flexible. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)