Developing strategies to retain organizational insurers using a clustering technique: evidence from the insurance industry
Published 2024“…Formulating strategies to maintain policyholders is one of the main challenges for most insurance companies in Iran. …”
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Experiences of geophagy during pregnancy among African migrant women in London: implications for public health interventions
Published 2024“…Vomiting, nausea, spitting, appetite challenges, and cravings were cited as the main reasons for clay ingestion during pregnancy. …”
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Turkey and the Balkans: bringing the Europeanisation/de-Europeanisation nexus into question
Published 2022“…This article is about the main framework and the rationale of the special issue, which deals with Turkey’s increasing ethno-religious, pragmatic and complicated involvement and activism in the Balkans since 2002, under the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi - AKP). …”
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Regulation of labour market intermediaries and the role of social partners in preventing trafficking of labour
Published 2016“…The main focus of the report is on trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation and does not cover trafficking for sexual exploitation. …”
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Monograph -
Community pharmacist led medication reviews in the UK: a scoping review of the medicines use review and the new medicine service literatures
Published 2019“…Consultations were reported to be short, typically 10–12 min, characterised by limited engagement with patients and their health problems. …”
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Rewilding cognition: complex dynamics in open experimental systems
Published 2021“…Marginally more participants announced the correct answer within a 5-min period in the high than in the low condition, although the difference was not significant. …”
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The training intensity distribution of marathon runners across performance levels
Published 2024“…Results: Training volume across all runners was 45.1±26.4 km·wk-1, but the fastest runners within the dataset (marathon time 120-150 min) accumulated >3 times more volume than slower runners. …”
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Kerangka budaya penyenggaraan aset tak alih pihak berkuasa tempatan
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Making sense of humour: some pragmatic and political aspects
Published 2002“…Once out in the world humour can engender a wide variety of responses, a factor of clear significance for the main analysis. This factor is given due regard in a discussion of competence, permission, and ambivalence. …”
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Thesis -
Introducing computer-assisted assessment : considerations for the new practitioner
Published 2005“…This essay aims to outline the main considerations for individual lecturers wishing to embark upon the use of CAA. …”
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Religion, morality, and democracy in Ghana
Published 2024“…Second, the CoP’s influence on Ghana’s two main political parties seeks to prioritise power and control over all Ghanaians regardless of their religious affiliation and of the country’s commitment to democratic norms and institutions.…”
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Home buyers behavioural intention model of green residential in Indonesia
Published 2023Get full text
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