Madame Reilly, fortune teller
Published 1985“…Behind her, a handwritten advertisement reading 'Come and find happiness and joy speaking to Madame Reilly'. …”
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Moringa oleifera seeds as natural coagulant for water treatment
Published 2009“…Therefore, it is of great importance to find a natural alternative for water coagulant to treat the turbidity. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The adventures of Ibn Battuta
Published 1993“…You will find that Ibn Batutta spent a lot of time describing the scholars that he met. …”
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Investigating the best practice of teachers in conflict management, MARA Education Institutions, Malaysia
Published 2013“…Finally, the finding indicates that the best practice of conflict management among MARA teachers was ‘conflict can be solved if there is understanding between parties and find the solution together’ mean 4.40 and SD 0.618. …”
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A taxonomic re-appraisal of the Passeriformes (Aves) based on the morphology of the plantar surface of the foot
Published 1988“…Compatibility analysis (by a LeQuesne test computer program) was used to find cliques of compatible characters for families, and other groups of Passeriformes. …”
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Thesis -
A performance of 2 dimensional ultrasonic vibration assisted milling in cutting force reduction, on aluminium AL6061
Published 2016“…This paper were investigate a performance of 2 Dimensional Ultrasonic Vibration assisted Milling (UVAM) toward Aluminium Al 6061. The focus is to find the performance of reduction of cutting force compared to the conventional machining in the industries shop floor. …”
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Madame Reilly, fortune teller
Published 1985“…Behind her, a handwritten advertisement reading 'Come and find happiness and joy speaking to Madame Reilly'. …”
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Predicting Sukuk Default Probability and Its Relationship with Systematic and Unsystematic Risks: Case Study of Sukuk in Indonesia
Published 2013“…It discusses the analysis of default probability of sukuk in Indonesia bond market, and, to find the relationship of default probability of sukuk with the systematic and unsystematic risks. …”
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Novel framework for hidden data in the image page within executable file using computation between advanced encryption standard and distortion techniques
Published 2009“…It became necessary to find an appropriate protection due to the significance, accuracy and sensitivity of the information. …”
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Bioactivity analysis of lemongrass (Cymbopogan citratus) essential oil
Published 2012“…Investigation is required to find the alternative approaches to treat these chronic diseases, such as plant based medicine. …”
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Bioactivity Analysis of Lemongrass (Cymbopogan Citratus) Essential Oil
Published 2011“…Investigation is required to find the alternative approaches to treat these chronic diseases, such as plant based medicine. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Monetary policy and banking sector : lessons from Turkey
Published 2012“…We find evidence that monetary policy influenced bank lending in Turkey in the period 1991 - 2007 both directly through the money lending channel and indirectly through the bank lending channel. …”
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Understanding digital inequality: a theoretical kaleidoscope
Published 2023“…Given this reality, we, all educators, came together to find ways to understand and address some of these inequalities. …”
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Comparative study on data searching in linked list & B-tree and B+tree techniques
Published 2015“…There are many methods of searching large amount of data to find one particular piece of information. Such as finding the name of a person in a mobile phone record. …”
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Microwave milk pasteurization system using coaxial slot radiator
Published 2024Get full text
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Treatment of natural rubber wastewater using oil palm empty fruit bunch, kaolin and zeolite as composite adsorbent
Published 2018“…The fixed-bed adsorption performances were evaluated by varying the influent flow rate (2, 2.5 and 3 mL/min) while the adsorption kinetics was analysed using Thomas, Yoon-Nelson and Adam-Bohart kinetic models. …”
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Keberkesanan penggunaan CD-atlas elektronik dalam meningkatkan prestasi dan minat pelajar dalam mata pelajaran geografi
Published 2011“…Ujian pra, ujian pasca dan soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian.Dapatan kajian dianalisis dengan ujian-t dan statistik deskriptif.Kajian mendapati bahawa penggunaan CD-Atlas Elektronik dapat menarik minat pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Geografi.Statistik skor min menunjukkan minat pelajar berada pada tahap tinggi. …”
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Proceeding Paper