Nevertheless, she resisted: the body as a site of resistance in "The Autopsy of Jane Doe"
Published 2018“…Yet portraying misogyny and violence - especially sexual violence - on screen without replicating the messages that perpetuate these complex issues (such as that women’s bodies are objects for male pleasure, or that female sexual agency is deviant), is a tricky line for filmmakers to tread. Women’s bodies are often used as a site for horror, with bloody wounds interspersed with bare skin and sexualised scenarios and the complications of combining terror and titillation are still debated today. …”
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Bandwidth enhancement of dielectric resonator reflectarray antenna
Published 2014“…These results were validated using the transmission-line method.…”
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Book review: The urban enigma: time, autonomy and postcolonial transformation in Latin America by Simone Vegliò
Published 2023“…The book discusses the projects’ ambitions in line with the vision of modernity at their time while contrasting their aims with the demands of social inclusion, justice, and the continuation of colonial ideas.…”
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Are rating agencies' assignment opaque? Evidence from international banks
Published 2010“…Although support vector machines can identify significant determinants we argue that ordered choice models are more reliable for this. Our findings suggest that ratings reflect a bank’s financial position, the timing of rating assignment and a bank’s country of origin. …”
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Finite sample sensitivity of the critical value of an F-test for cointegration in a single equation ADL model
Published 2010“…Using simulation methods we find that these critical values are sensitive to the degree of autocorrelation and lag length in the DGP in finite samples. …”
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Banking efficiency and Economic growth in the MENA region
Published 2011“…We apply a causality analysis between cost efficiency and financial deepening using the Generalized Methods of Moments and our findings show a significant and positive causality and reverse relationship between financial deepening and banking productivity. …”
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Integration in European retail banking: evidence from savings and lending rates to the household sector
Published 2011“…This method analyses the degree as well as the speed of convergence, identifies the presence of club formation, and measures the behaviour of each country’s transition path relative to the panel average. We find evidence supporting integration in the deposit and short-term mortgage markets but not in the consumer credit market and longer term mortgages. …”
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Using Passive Strategies to prevent overheating and promote resilient buildings
Published 2016“…This paper assesses the likelihood of a model dwelling in London overheating in line with climatic predictions for the year 2030, 2050 and 2080. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Multi-Way and Poly-Phase Wideband Differential Phase Shifter Based on Metamaterial Technology
Published 2019“…This paper presents multi-way and poly-phase differential phase shifter (DPS) based on metamaterial technology to realize delay lines of equal length. The proposed phase shifter provides the required phase shift relative to the reference line over a wide bandwidth. …”
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A study on the sustainable financial inclusion in selected SAARC countries: a gender-based perspective
Published 2021“…The policy implications are further suggested in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).…”
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Fraudulent mediums and miracle-mongers: illusion, concealment and revelation in the works of Crivelli, Greenberg and Houdini
Published 2024“…This article aims to raise questions and comparisons between illusions found in pictorial language, magical apparatus and parafictions, illustrating the fine line between illusion and material, and concealment and revelation.…”
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Price Competition, Efficiency and Riskiness in Investment Banking
Published 2011“…Our paper examines the intertemporal relationships between price competition, cost efficiency and riskiness for a sample of investment banks inten large developed countries over 2000-2008.We show that price competition is rather limited in investment banking worldwide thus implying the existence of colluding oligopolies.We also find that although investment banks’ stability was granted by relatively low competitive pressures, banks appeared prone to take more risk thus giving some support to the competition-stability view for the investment banking industry.…”
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Labour reallocation and total factor productivity growth in China
Published 2010“…The empirical evidence rejects VES and CES and supports the Cobb Douglas production function. We find that rural transformation has made a highly significant contribution to total factor productivity and output growth in China irrespective of the production function and capital series employed. …”
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Long memory and fractional integration in high frequency financial time series
Published 2010“…Fractional integration or I(d) models are estimated with a variety of specifications for the error term. In brief, we find evidence that a lower degree of integration is associated with lower data frequencies. …”
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EU banks rating assignments: is there heterogeneity between new and old member countries?
Published 2009“…We model EU countries' bank ratings using financial variables and allowing for intercept and slope heterogeneity. We find that country-specific factors (in the form of heterogeneous intercepts) are a crucial determinant of ratings. …”
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Price Discovery and Trade Fragmentation in a Multi-Market Environment: Evidence from the MTS System
Published 2011“…The implications of these empirical findings are discussed in the light of the debate about the possible restructuring of the regulatory framework for the Treasury bond market in Europe.…”
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Consumption, Wealth, Stock and Housing Returns: Evidence from Emerging Markets
Published 2011“…We use quarterly data for a panel of 31 emerging economies and find that, when agents expect future stock returns to be higher, they will temporarily allow consumption to rise. …”
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Ordered choice models of international banks' ratings with an indicator variable for country effects
Published 2008“…Using data on international banks’ ratings we find that banks with a greater capitalisation, larger assets, and a higher return on assets have higher bank ratings. …”
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Book review : Streetwalking: LGBTQ lives and protest in the Dominican Republic, by Ana-Maurine Lara
Published 2022“…In a similar vein, Streetwalking: LGBTQ Lives and Protest in the Dominican Republic gives priority to the narration of the LGBTQ victims of police repression and political violence—those lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, and queer individuals who hang out in parks and streets and find refuge in each other.…”
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