Tensile property of melt mixing co-polypropylene with waste polymer at different composition ratios
Published 2018“…It can be reused via "sink-float" technique and mixed with another binder like co-polypropylene (co-PP) to enhance the mechani-cal properties of the material. …”
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Phase-mismatch dependence of the four-wave mixing effect in semiconductor optical amplifiers
Published 2020“…The results reveal a sinc-like behavior in the intensity of FWM conjugate as a function of wavelength separation between transverse electric (TE)/transverse magnetic (TM) pumps due to induced confinement factors difference. …”
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Power quality improvement using dynamic voltage restorer in electrical distribution system: an overview
Published 2020“…The DVR is one of the economic solutions to overcome the voltage disturbances like voltage sag/swell and harmonics. It is widely used to mitigate the voltage disturbances in the power distribution system, especially in the medium and low distribution networks. …”
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Electron microscopic study of Esophageal Epithelium in Non-erosive Reflux disease
Published 2011“…Specimens were taken 5 cm above the Z line during gastroduodenoscopy and then routinely processed for both SEM & TEM studies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
War for the peace in Pakistan
Published 2011“…Pakistan because of its geographical location became a front line state in the war against terror since the attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. …”
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Quality assurance in universities in the muslim world: obstacles and solutions
Published 2009“…Today, these creative abilities of man have manifested in different forms among them are: product design, handicraft, Auto-mobile assembly-line, Education, culture and moral. These endowed resources of man; which enables him to generate idea, synthesis product, acquire and disseminate useful information have attracted different nomenclature which varies over the years. …”
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Pain intervention for failed conservative chronic pain treatment: The light at the end of the tunnel
Published 2011“…Oral analgesics are considered as first-line therapy where stronger analgesics are used when pain control is not optimised. …”
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Role of pulse radiofrequency and radiofrequency in trigerminal neuralgia pain management: card up your sleeve
Published 2011“…Oral analgesics are considered as first-line treatment along with physiotherapy and psychological therapy. …”
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Open data and right to information in Malaysia: a comparative analysis
Published 2019“…In the era of digitalisation and open data, governments have moved from the tradition of keeping information secret to being transparent in line with the 4 th Industrial revolution. This paper seeks to record the development of freedom of information and data openness in Malaysia. …”
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The importance of self-realization in human and societal development according to Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938)
Published 2009“…Self, according to IqbÉl, is an active and creative force in which a person should strive towards the achievement of a rich personality as well as participate in the affairs of the universe to suit his highest position as the vicegerent of God on earth. This is in line with the Qur’anic perception of man as an ascending spirit who is capable of changing the entire course of history. …”
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Evaluating the use of e-portfolio as an alternative assessment tool for students majoring Arabic and Islamic studies: some experiences from International Islamic University Malaysi...
Published 2011“…In line with the development of technology these days, evaluating student’s knowledge and performance at higher learning institution is not only based on the summative approach. …”
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Calophyllum canum : antibacterial and anticancer plant
Published 2010“…The cytotoxic study on the extracts revealed that the n-hexane extract had the strongest antiproliferation activity, followed by the methanol extract. n-hexane strongly inhibited the growth of TE1 and MCF7 cell lines. IC50 for n-hexane and methanol extract activity on the A549 cell line was found to be 27.96 μg/mL and 78.9 μg/mL respectively.The compounds (CE0 - CE5) isolated from ethyl acetate extract of C. canum are active to inhibit cell proliferation of human cervix adenocarcinoma cells.…”
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The outcome of facial nerve decompression via transmastoid approach in facial palsy secondary to the temporal bone fracture
Published 2007“…RESULTS: In all cases HRCT and intra-operative findings showed the fracture lines involved peri-geniculate area. In some cases, the fractures proceed antero-medially towards the facial hiatus and this can be approached via the supra-labyrinthine drilling with removal of the incus. …”
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Over expression of Voltage Dependent Anion Channel 2 (VDAC2) in muscles of electrically stunned chickens
Published 2011“…Such treatment is economic and in line with animal welfare practice. However, the conditions applied for the stunning process may vary from a slaughterhouse to another slaughterhouse. …”
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On the Cauchy-Goursat theorem
Published 2010“…Avoiding topological and rigor mathematical requirements, we have sub-divided the region bounded by the simple closed curve by a large number of different simple closed curves between two fixed points on the boundary and have introduced: where path of integration is from p to q along ci and for I = 0, 1, 2, ..., n. Line integral along the boundary of the domain was evaluated via ( ∂f/ ∂z). …”
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False positive detection rate of R2-CAD in evaluation of breast lesions at Full-Field-Digital Mammogram (FFDM)
Published 2009“…As such, it should be used as an aid not the first line mammographic interpretation. …”
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Prediction of the tropospheric scintillation for earth to satellite link in tropical climate
Published 2011“…Many prediction models have been proposed to predict the tropospheric scintillation which is the fast fluctuations on line of site links on earth-space paths at different frequencies. …”
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The effect of weather on free space optics communication (FSO) under tropical weather conditions and a proposed setup for measurement
Published 2010“…However, weather attenuation has a big impact on the transmission line of FSO. There are a lot of studies and experiments have been done on FSO in the temperate climate region where the attenuation due to snow and fog are the two major problems in the deployment of FSO. …”
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Electron microscopic study of Esophageal Epithelium in non- erosive Reflux disease
Published 2011“…Specimens were taken 5 cm above the Z line during gastroduodenoscopy and then routinely processed for both SEM & TEM studies. …”
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Incorporating employability skills in the EOP course
Published 2010“…The Malaysian industry requires new graduates who understand the part they play in building their organisations, and have the practical skills to work effectively in their roles. In line with this, a survey conducted by the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM, 2007) among its members revealed that the top five difficulties in recruiting fresh graduates were; (1) lack of industrial training, (2) communication problems/weak command of English, (3) weak problem solving skills, (4) job hopping and (5) lack of self confidence. …”
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