Isolation of pigment-producing strain of Staphylococcus kloosii from the respiratory tree of Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) leucospilota (Brandt, 1835) from Malaysian waters
Published 2013“…The methanolic extracts of the intracellular pigments comprised at least three pigment compounds: an orange pigment compound (major compound), a yellow pigment compound (the least polar) and a pink pigment compound (the most polar). These findings are the first documentation of the pigment composition of S. kloosii as no such record could be found to date.…”
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Students’ colour perception and preference: an empirical analysis of its relationship
Published 2013“…The preference survey includes 11 colours (red, blue, green, pink, purple, brown, orange, yellow, white, black and gray) together with colour description in value and saturation level with five point Likert scales. …”
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Colour effect on physiology in stimulating environment
Published 2016“…Four determined colours, namely strong red, bluish-green, pink and white, were painted in their rooms and divided according to exposures. …”
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A New Design and Simulation of Smart Sensing for Emergency Vehicle
Published 2024“…The sensor can detect the sound of emergency vehicles and respond immediately to them by signalling smaller parallel visitors to change the screen from pink to green or vice versa. Therefore, this flow reduces the travel time required for emergencies.…”
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The Exploration of the Characteristics of Concrete Incorporating Ultrafine Coal Bottom Ash and Spent Garnet
Published 2024“…Two such materials, ultrafine coal bottom ash (uCBA) and spent garnet (SG), have shown potential as substitutes for cement and fine aggregate, respectively. This research examines the effectiveness of uCBA as a partial replacement for cement and SG as a partial replacement for fine aggregate in concrete, at varying levels of 3%, 6%, and 9% for uCBA and 10%, 20%, and 30% for SG. …”
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The Exploration of the Characteristics of Concrete Incorporating Ultrafine Coal Bottom Ash and Spent Garnet
Published 2024“…Two such materials, ultrafine coal bottom ash (uCBA) and spent garnet (SG), have shown potential as substitutes for cement and fine aggregate, respectively. This research examines the effectiveness of uCBA as a partial replacement for cement and SG as a partial replacement for fine aggregate in concrete, at varying levels of 3%, 6%, and 9% for uCBA and 10%, 20%, and 30% for SG. …”
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Ulil amri sebagai pemangkin tamadun Islam: analisis ayat 59 surah al-Nisa
Published 2013“…Maka kajian tentang kewajipan perintah ini dan siapakah ulil amri pada zaman kini merupakan kajian yang penting. Terdapat pelbagai tafsiran di kalangan ulama yang menjelaskan maksud ulil amri. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Kesedaran kognitif dalam aplikasi reka bentuk antara muka bagi pemantauan penyelenggaraan
Published 2019“…Lebih mudah, ia untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang berlaku di sekeliling anda. Ia dinamik, sukar dikekalkan, dan mudah hilang. …”
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Thesis -
Kadar bunga berganda
Published 2010“…Minggu lalu diterangkan serba sedikit mengenai konsep kad kredit yang diguna kebanyakan individu pada masa kini dengan alasan ia memberi kemudahan dalam menjalankan urusan jual-beli, sedangkan ianya perangkap hutang kepada individu yang menggunakannya.…”
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Wireshark window authentication based packet captureing scheme to pervent DDoS related security issues in cloud network nodes
Published 2015“…As a result, the cloud node response is slow as usual and resource on cloud network becomes unavailable. Some Dos attacks are Ping of Death, Teardrop, Snork, Locking authentication, SYN flooding, Operating System Attacks etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tokoh pemikiran Islam negara
Published 2010“…Isu pendidikan tinggi daripada perspektif islam,krisis pembangunan,islamisasi pemikiran dan pengetahuan manusia masa kini ialah antara fokus penulisan dan kajian Prof Tan Sri Dr Mohd Kamal Hassan.…”
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Martabatkan Bahasa Melayu jadi bahasa ilmu
Published 2009“…Ia terbukti mampu menjadi bahasa lingua-franca pada masa silam dan berkeupayaan menjadi bahasa ilmu, sains dan teknologi pada masa kini.…”
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Kesilapan negara Arab
Published 2004“…Peristiwa tentera Amerika Syarikat (AS) memalukan rakyat Iraq di penjara dan penghinaan tentera Israel terhadap mayat rakyat Palestin menunjukkan bahawa umat Islam begitu direndahkan maruah dan martabatnya masa kini. Peristiwa begini sepatutnya dijadikan renungan oleh keseluruhan umat Islam di dunia agar menginsafi setiap kesilapan dan kelemahan diri mereka selama ini.…”
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Perkukuhkan konsep hidup berjiran
Published 2007“…Masyarakat di negara ini perlu sedar bahawa keselamatan kanak-kanak masa kini terancam. Dan, perkara berkaitan keselamatan tidak boleh diserahkan kepada pihak berkuasa sahaja. …”
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Pembangunan yang fitrah
Published 2008“…Salah satu masalah umat Islam kini ialah ketidakjelasan dan kecelaruan dalam memahami isu-isu pokok yang berhubung dengan asas-asas pemikiran Islam. …”
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Book -
The criteria and potential adaptive reuse of pre-war shophouses
Published 2018“…From the analysis, five (5) potential new uses which are new shophouses, pharmacy hotel, rental house anda restaurant were identified as a very suitable. …”
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Thesis -
Kehidupan manusia perlu ada sistem dan nilai
Published 2009“…Binaan ilmu (kurikulum) yang menepati konsep I mengambil pertimbangan integrasi Ilmu Mengurus Diri (Fardhu Ain) dan Ilmu Mengurus Sistem (Fardhu Kifayah). …”
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Hubungan di antara efikasi kendiri dan tingkah laku kerja inovatif dalam kalangan pekerja pembuatan
Published 2020“…Malaysia kini bergerak melangkaui dan melepasi teras peralihan kepada ekonomi yang diterajui oleh teknologi. …”
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