Usah panik, ambil langkah bijak cegah COVID-19
Published 2020“…Umumnya, jelas difahami bahawa Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) atau nama rasminya Coronavisus COVID-19 bukan lagi masalah pandemik iaitu penyakit yang hanya berlaku di wilayah Wuhan, China. Kini, COVID-19 adalah masalah epidemiologi yang telah ‘menyerang’ dan melepasi sempadan negara secara global seperti yang diumumkan oleh World Health Organization (WHO). …”
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MEMS and EFF technology based micro connector for future miniature devices
Published 2013“…Therefore, the stamped contact hertz stress becomes lower and less suitable for fine pitch connector. To overcome this pitch size problem a narrow pitch Board-to-Board (BtoB) interface connectors are in demand for the current commercial design. …”
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Optimizing Sustainable Concrete Strength With Laminated Waste Glass (Lwg): Insights From Waterto-Cement Ratios And Slump Values (0.35-0.5)
Published 2024“…This study investigates the use of laminated waste glass (LWG) as a fine aggregate in concrete, with a focus on optimizing strength and workability through variation in water-to-cement (w/c) ratios. …”
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Fiqh Sunnah Imam Syafie: pedoman dalam kehidupan (terjemahan At-tahzib fi adillati matn al-ghayah wa al-taqrib)
Published 2011“…Kitab Fiqh Al-Sunnah Imam Syafie ini adalah sebuah kitab fiqh yang sepatutnya dimiliki dan dibaca oleh setiap individu Muslim dalam mendalami pengetahuan Fardu 'Ain dan fardu Kifayah. Perbahasan dan kandungannya yang lengkap dan mantap merangkumi hampir kesemua aspek amalan dalam kehidupan seharian seperti solat, puasa, zakat, haji, fara'id, hukum-hukum jinayat dan muamalat serta banyak lagi....…”
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Book -
Drinking intoxicating liquor or alcohol: the shariah punishment and with reference to the case of Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno
Published 2009“…In Kartika's case, the accused pleaded guilty to the charge of consuming alcohol and was sentenced to six strokes of the cane and a fine of RM5, 000. She accepted the sentence and was adamant that the canning be carried out and that too, in public. …”
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MEMS and EFF Technology based micro connector for future miniature devices
Published 2013“…Therefore, the stamped contact hertz stress becomes lower and less suitable for fine pitch connector. To overcome this pitch size problem a narrow pitch Board-to-Board (BtoB) interface connectors are in demand for the current commercial design. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of a high hertz-stress contact for conventional batch production using a unique scribing technology
Published 2013“…Accordingly, more compact fine pitch contact is successfully fabricated and tested with 5μm High Hertz Stress without using the MEMS and EFF technology. …”
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Investigation on Mechanical Strengths and Carbon Foot Print of Modified Foamed Concrete
Published 2023“…Although incorporation of POFA in the foamed concrete containing RHA fine aggregate gained lower mechanical strengths compared to the use of FA, the minimum compressive strength is still can be attained. …”
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Investigation on Mechanical Strengths and Carbon Foot Print of Modified Foamed Concrete
Published 2023“…Although incorporation of POFA in the foamed concrete containing RHA fine aggregate gained lower mechanical strengths compared to the use of FA, the minimum compressive strength is still can be attained. …”
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Investigation on Mechanical Strengths and Carbon Foot Print of Modified Foamed Concrete
Published 2023“…Although incorporation of POFA in the foamed concrete containing RHA fine aggregate gained lower mechanical strengths compared to the use of FA, the minimum compressive strength is still can be attained. …”
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The grading effect of coarse sand on consolidated undrained strength behaviour of sand matrix soils
Published 2019“…Coarse sand (retain within 2.0 mm to 0.6 mm) was mixed with 0%, 10 %, 20%, 30%, and 40% of fine particles (kaolin) independently by weight to prepare reconstituted samples. …”
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The controversial role of ct angiogram in paediatric supracondylar humeral fracture with pulseless, perfused limb.
Published 2012“…She had an impalpable radial pulse but her hand looked pink with a capillary refilling time of less than 2 seconds. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The controversial role of ct angiogram in paediatric supracondylar humeral fracture with pulseless, perfused limb
Published 2012“…She had an impalpable radial pulse but her hand looked pink with a capillary refilling time of less than 2 seconds. …”
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Effects of gradation on engineering properties of compacted laterite soil liner
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Usah layan, jangan endah kerenah anak jadikan tangisan 'senjata' tuntut sesuatu
Published 2012“…Lebih membimbangkan, dia juga sukar makan dan kini mengalami sembelit sehingga berdarah selain kerap menangis apabila membuang air besar. …”
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Alim ulama tidak hina orang jahil agama
Published 2001“…(Abbas Abdullah Fida, The Comprehensive Islamic Book, Mecca:al-Haramein Trade Centre, 1983, m/s 171-172). Kini, struktur sosial masyarakat umat Islam berubah mengikut sistem kemasyrakatan paling janggal mengikut ajaran Islam. …”
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Punca mat rempit 'mengganas'
Published 2009“…Kes muda mudi melibatkan diri dalam perlumbaan motosikal secara haram tanpa menghiraukan undang-undang lalu lintas serta mengganggu pengguna jalan raya perlu dilihat dalam perspektif psikologi remaja masa kini. Penulis telah melakukan kajian terhadap kumpulan ini dua tahun yang lalu. …”
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Development of a High Hertz-Stress Contact for conventional batch production using a unique scribing technology
Published 2013“…Accordingly, more compact fine pitch contact is successfully fabricated and tested with 5μm High Hertz Stress without using the MEMS and EFF technology. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Nanoparticle preparation of Mefenamic acid by electrospray drying
Published 2014“…Electrospray drying is a process that uses electrostatic force to disperse a conductive liquid stream into fine charged droplets through the coulomb fission of charges in the liquid and finally dry into fine particles. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
قاموس الخليل العصري للدراسات الإسلامية والعربية: قاموس عربي- ملايوي للدارسين والمثقّفين (Kamus pengajian al-Khalil al-Islami kontemporari untuk pelajar dan profesional)...
Published 2015“…Metodologi penyusunan kamus edisi kemas kini ini masih mengikut metod mudah yang ditambah baik. …”
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